
                    Animation gives movement and life
                    to objects and   pictures.  Computer animation
                    is one of the most rapidly expanding areas of
                   creativity and technical development.

                    Animation should be meaningful and not
                    distracting.  Animation should enhance
                    the content of the web page.  It should not
                    disrupt the reader's concentration.

                    Animated images can add  flair and style to
                    attract readers to your page.  One rule  to
                    remember is to keep the file size modest.
                    Larger images can slow down the loading of
                    a page.

                    Remember if you use animation as content
                    to illustrate a concept, open animation in
                    a secondary window.  Reader can view
                    animation and then close the window.


                 GIF Animation                               How to Create Your Own Web Pages
                 Creating Animated  GIFs

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