EVERYDAY THOUGHTS #3 ------------------ March 26, 1998 ____ ___ __----__ _/\ _/^ __ ^\_ /~^_/ | )/^ ^-^ _/ _/^ _/^ ^\_ ^\ | ./ /~ /( _/\. _/^_/^--_ ^\_^\-__-~ _/( \ _/ ./ ./^_/| \_ ~\ \_^\_ /^ _( ~-_ _/ \./\ _/^_/ \_ ~\ \ ^\__^\../^_/^ )\ ~~~~ _\/ <__/ ~\__\| ^\.__./^ ~---____--~ ~\ In this issue: Re: Welcome! ................. cfriend@rohan.sdsu.edu intro + ........................ regevm@macs.biu.ac.il Heaven & Earth ................... nihao@mail2.nai.net a few of my poems ............. dda004@beta.LaTech.edu Intro ............................ vansciver@vabch.com introduction to me ............... HCCZ70D@prodigy.com ******************************************************* Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 From: Candi Friend Subject: Re: Welcome! Hi everyone :) Im sorta new to all this eda list stuff, but im so glad ive joined cuz its very interesting to see and hear what you all have to say. I guess ill just tell you all a little about myself...but dont worry i wont bore ya toooo much ;) my name is candi, im 18, im a freshman at san diego state university, i cant write poetry worth a darn (sorry), i love jewel and steve poltz (after seeing him this summer open for her and then going to his saint patricks day concert, i cant get enough), uhmm not much else to say for right now. if any of you are from the san diego area, would you be so kind as so email me and tell me about good acts playing around town? Thanks! Candi ******************************************************* Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 From: Michael Regev Subject: intro + Hi angels :) Thought I might introduce myself, so that everyone will be able to have a few nightmares tonight ;D j/k My name is Michael, but you can call me Tuff, because that's what I call myself on smoe. I'm 18, 6', and sorry girls, I've got a g-f. I live in Ramat Hasharon, Israel, and I'm studying Math and Computer Sci at Bar Ilan University (which is unusual, seeing as most Israelis join the army at 18). I have two parents, both married, and even to one another, an older brother, an older sister, and a younger sister. Oh, and a dog (Vincent is the dumbest dog I've ever had, but as my g-f puts it "he's SO cute!!!", which makes it alright). When I'm not doing math or creating programs, or talking with friends on the phone, I can usually be found watching TV, abusing a guitar (I can't really call that playing), eating, sleeping, reading, or pondering the meaning of life. I have very little free time these days, though. Well, to break this letter, I'm going to do the unthinkable. You guys are going to be exposed to a biologically hazardous material. I refuse to take any responsibility should your head implode or anything like that. I'm going to allow you access to a poem. --- March 22 / Michael Reggev The long day came to an end - they often do that, and I was waiting at the bus stop for my ride. The day felt even longer - they often feel that way, and I could think of nothing but my bed. I had to find some power - the week will be a long one, I remember someone saying that to me. I had no prior warning - Noone had prepared me, for what near future held in stock for me. Sitting in the car, no longer heading home, One and only one thing on my mind - How could this have happened, and why has noone told me my Rotem was run over by a car. Arriving at the hospital, my world was in a daze, a guiding hand directed me through halls and passages right to that door behind which was the bed which held my hurt love. The door opened silently before me of its own, and there before me was the pain of lovers everywhere. I'll tell you this from evidence of heart: there's nothing in the world as frightening as laying down your eyes, upon the bruised and scratched flesh of angels come to life, now attached to monitors, and objects holding lives, and knowing it's no nightmare but the honest truth of eyes. I felt quite dizzy, I confess, to see her face that way, so pale, so dry, so colourless, no glimpse of sanity of world protecting our days. What can I do to stop the madness before it takes my life? --- For those wondering, Rotem is now fine. She left hospital yesterday, and suffered from concussion, brusing and scratches only. Still, I wouldn't curse my worst enemies with a day like my last Sunday. Yes, I know it's not much of a poem, but it'll have to do. :) I will see you all on the list :) 42, Tuff - TIE ******************************************************* Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 From:"Queen of Jungle" Subject: Heaven & Earth What a strange place I've arrived at. The months, weeks, days--the countless moments that stretched out over an eternity but were over in a flash--prior to my trip were spent in a giddy anticipation of this time. This present. This current reality that seems so surreal. My being was swaddled in a breathless excitement for that which I believed was familiar but truly was unknown to me. I held this place, California, as a sort of utopia in the universe that is my mind, a heaven to be found on earth. The first time, the only other time, I had been to San Francisco, it manifested itself as Avalon to me. That the trek across the country, pressed in like a sardine on the plane, was akin to travelling through the mists to the mystical island. When I arrived, I had felt as if I had finally arrived 'home', that I had been reunited with the piece of my soul that I had always been missing; that I had endless been searching for. By transcending myself and floating up to heaven, I had finally become grounded, my aspirations and reality joining in a perfect, peaceful,harmonious union. Looking back on that first trip, that fleeting time spent in Bliss, I think perhaps I was blind. As I turneed my eyes to the bay sparkling with diamonds upon its waves, as I breathed the bohemian culture of my surroundings, I failed to see the homeless, wayward souls sitting on the sidewalk by my feet. By focusing on heaven, you miss the reality of earth, your senses oblivious to the screams of the mundane, the screams that plea to you: 'LOOK AT ME! I'M DOWN HERE! I'M **REAL**!' This is not to say that I am not enjoying my trip. Although reality comes tied with coarseness and dirt, it is wholly more fulfilling than an empty perception of perfection can ever be. How can on truly experience joy without sadness? Appreciate light without dark? Beauty is not a flawless thing but, rather, the raucous din of diversity that transforms into an eloquent symphony. Heaven is a myth created by those unable to see the majestry of life, unable to appreciate the defeats and triumphs of earth-bound existence. Perhaps it hurts them too much to live. Perhaps they're too afraid to feel. It's as if they've shut the lights off in their room and, huddled under a blanket on the furthest reaches of their bed, they lull themselves to sleep with the mantra: If I can't see It, It can't see me. Nina-tah Queen of Jungle nina's soul http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/9681 How to Make a PB&J Sandwich http://members.tripod.com/~NinaaniN/ ******************************************************* Thu, 26 Mar 1998 12:58:20 -0600 From: Damian Daigle Subject: a few of my poems hey everyone! this is my first post but i have read some really excellent poetry in the past digests. im proud to call this list home... well here's my few little poems. they are somewhat of brain burps but that's what i like to write... give me your opinions if you want. here they are..... limitless and powerful all in the palm of our hands only if we knew how to use it, though a mystery in itself. ......................... displaced and wandering through this realm of logic darkness persists in the presence of all light flipping and turning with ever thought filling my mind with these foreign thoughts running rampant in this distraught frame putting it in place, throwing out untruths .......................... ooook... well thanks for reading my thoughts. if you have any CONSTUCTIVE criticizm(sp?) or compliments then feel free to tell me! i welcome all opinions with open arms. well keep up the good work all you fellow thinkers. i'll see you around... you'll probably hear a lot from me because, last i've counted, i have close to a hundred poems. in other words, i write constantly... bye all!! damian ******************************************************* Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 From: "The Agnostic Angel" Subject: Intro Alright, i figured, why not introduce myself as well. I'm a 14 y/o male, from Smithfield (shudder), Virginia. I like to type, and since I moved two years ago, my friends have been regulars on the Net. I go to Nansemond—Suffolk Academy. I enjoy volleyball. I say things at random, such as, “Ratmonkey” just to bring some excitement into class. I'm good at Grammar. We have a big history test monday. I don't feel that I show I'm depressed, or that I am depressed inside, but my poems consist of depressing things. My grandfather left my grandmother for another woman, and I'm PO'd at him. I have loved grudge music ever since. I live with my grandmother, and she can become flustered easily, and sometimes I just want her to go and live with my ex-grandfather again. I love the city. This doesn't turn out to good, attending a school in one of the most hick-infested places in the US. I can become hyper at will. that's bout it, I guess. ******************************************************* Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 From: HCCZ70D@prodigy.com (SARAH MERRITT) Subject: introduction to me hello people on this new list! My name is Sarah and I'm a crossover from the Jewel list, which I joined over a year ago. The reason I joined this list is because I miss the EDA list from when I joined. The people were friendly, interesting, and the I read just about every post. Not to say that they aren't friendly, funny, or interesting now, but I certainly don't read every post. One does get sick of hearing about Jewel's height, weight, is she becoming a primadonna........blah, blah, blah. So I haven't unsubscribed, but I guess I'm slightly disillusioned. The list is just too big for that now, but it was nice, so maybe this list will have that. So I'll say a little bit about myself. I'm 16, live in the Hudson Valley in NY, I play guitar (I have a blue one), like to act, like visual arts (drawing, painting, sculpture,) writing (poems, songs, stories... words,) occasionally some interesting math...hmm...I'm waiting desperately for college and leaving the place where I grew up, which has grown unfulfilling. So...that's all for now. I saw a lot of people sent poetry to the list, and I will soon, but this post has already grown too long. I think this list will be fun...it seems like its filled with lots of introspective teenage girls who write poetry and play guitar... hmm...but that sounds a lot like me. Wow. Sarah ____ "don't forget to get perfect moments stuck in between your teeth." - Jewel ******************************************************* Everyday Thoughts -- http://surf.to/eda_thoughts to post -- send email to eda_thoughts@yahoo.com to unsubscribe, write eda_thoughts@yahoo.com with "remove" as the subject *******************************************************