EVERYDAY THOUGHTS #9 ------------------ April 9, 1998              ____          ___           __----__   _/\           _/^ __ ^\_    /~^_/ |       )/^        ^-^ _/        _/^ _/^  ^\_ ^\ | ./  /~      /(            _/\.      _/^_/^--_     ^\_^\-__-~      _/( \         _/  ./    ./^_/|  \_ ~\      \_^\_      /^ _(  ~-_    _/ \./\ _/^_/   \_  ~\ \      ^\__^\../^_/^ )\    ~~~~    _\/ <__/       ~\__\|         ^\.__./^      ~---____--~ ~\ In this issue: Re: Everyday Thoughts #8 .......... DGlowAngel@aol.com "Remember When" ................. wxt950@freenet.mb.ca hey guys, ............................ NiKoS12@aol.com Lost angel .......................... ICURMINE@aol.com my 3 am ramblings ............... wxt950@freenet.mb.ca lost soul ............................ gosiam@juno.com first thoughts ................ kissing_u_@hotmail.com Re: Just rambling thoughts ........... larajean@gmx.de ************************************************** From: DGlowAngel Subject: Re: Everyday Thoughts #8 Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 I noticed something while reading some of your poems (wonderful, by the way, simply wonderful!  The talent is beautiful.).  Some of them are... well, sort of depressing.  So, I decided that I would post a very happy poem, since my last one was sort of a downer.  This was actually one of my songs, but I decided to post it as a poem ;) UNTITLED sometimes the sunshine can shine in the rain and as i walked in the rain and fell into you and i was mesmerized by the sight of your face and i thought to myself... "This is my angel my mystery man... caught in the rain... like the ending of a bad movie" but i should have known that was only the beginning that love at first sight is forever real your blue eyes seem to go on forever and if i look in them long enough i will be lost forever, blissful and at peace Well, that's it.  Hope you like it! (Short but sweet. Just like my mystery man ;) DayGlow Angel, a..k.a Crystal ************************************************** From: Carole Bellamy Subject: "Remember When" Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 Bonjour, First off, I want to tell Christi that I know what she means. I understand completely. Sometimes I think guys just aren't worth my time. One moment, I'm head over heels, and the next, I want to be alone. To give up on my Romeoman. Secondly, here is a poem for my...i thought she was....best friend. It's  amazing how fast people change. She moved away about 3 1/2 years ago, and now I feel like I don't know her at all. It's really very sad. I'm in her wedding in June, but it just doesn't feel right. We're so far apart now. Not only in distance, in every way. Here it goes: REMEMBER WHEN by Shannon Bellamy Do you remember the good times? All those days filled with laughter? Do you remember being inseperable? And doing everything together? Do you remember giggling? About anything and everything? Do you remember when you were my best friend? And you said I was yours? It seems as though you've forgotten those times. Pushed me aside like a book of memories. Do you remember? I will never forget. Thanks! Shannon the bleeding hearted angel xoxxo ************************************************** From: NiKoS 12 Subject: hey guys, Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 I love your poems and stuff so much, the only thing keeping me from posting is the fact that  I am scared someone will steal my poems-even though they aren't that good-and make money off them...tell me what you think Nikos12@aol.com ************************************************** From: ICURMINE Subject: Lost angel Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 Hello.... I just need to get some stuff off my chest, and have no where else to turn. So if you dont wanna read this its ok! I have been in love with my best friend for over a year now, my biggest problem is that she doesnt feel the same way.... Oh well, people get over that stuff right? I dunno, she is very supportive and usually the best friend you could ever want.... I have been working on dealing with my feelings, and thought maybe I was on my way to "recovery" when my world got rocked yesterday: she is dating someone else! I dont know why it blew my mind, I mean I know the guy and he is nice and all... but it just threw me for a loop. I dont know what to say or feel, I ended up staying awake all night last night cuz I couldnt sleep, but that cant go on forever. It feels like my whole world got turned upside down, and inside out!      Any way, if you feel like responding, go ahead... otherwise thanks for letting me get this out. Tim ************************************************** From: Carole Bellamy Subject: my 3 am ramblings... Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 Hello everyone. It's me, Shannon. In the last..oh... year or two...I've had the worst case of insomnia. Well, tonight, I decided to have a Jewelathon. I lay in bed, with my headphones on, all my angelfood lined up, and ready to go. I have a new found *love* for Ms Kilcher. I haven't REALLY listened to her in quite a while. Don't get me wrong, I just have  been to busy with other things to really listen. Usually her voice is a faint whisper in the back of my mind, being thrown around by the typhoon in my brain. But tonight, I completely blocked everything out. All I heard was her. I have all of her lyric written out, so I was singing along to every song. The people in the suite next to mine probably just hate me now. But, I was so touched all over again. I feel better. I had a  good cry...tears that were much needed. I swear I played Carnivore like  10X! That song really speaks to me. Every last word....ugh! I would advise you all to do as I did, when there are no other distractions. Don't drift away from Jewel's music just because her album won't be out for a while. *I'm not accusing anyone, I just know that I wasn't holding her words as close to my heart as I should have for quite some time. . I really *love*  Jewel. Not like "ooh, i love jewel she's so cool" kinda *love*. I mean  "no one has ever affected me in such a positive way " kinda *love*. i have never been lucky enough to meet her , except of course in my dreams. I hope one day, God grants me that dream. i don't really know why I'm  posting this....i think maybe it's my sleep deprevation...just please...do me a favour...go connect with Jewel's lyrics all over again. Let your soul absorb her beauty. Please? With the biggest, roundest, reddist, juiciest cherry on top....AND whip cream? Hmmmm... I think I'm going to add a poem to the end of this note. It matches my life right now. :-) SLEEPLESS The colourless walls grow deeper, With every thought and constant stare The air grows heavy and settles on the shoulders of the shadows. The rythym of the hypnotizing "tick" reassures the passage of time. As the summer draft dances across the motionless body, The darkened memories gloom in her mind. The night air tingles her tongue, and follows her breath to her lungs. Grief possesses this vision of youth. Unable to erase the handful of pain...she lays there...still... Sleepless. Take care my sweet angels...I *love* you all.... Shannon the bleeding hearted angel xoxxo ************************************************** From: gosiam@juno.com Subject: lost soul... Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 hi every-body.. i just wanna say that i LOVE this list!! :) it's so fun... anyway, do any of you plan on doing replies? ( like where you reply to stuff that people say in the digest, or their poems, and you know stuff like that..) i kinda want to but, well, i kinda get tired of it, anyway, here's one of my poems, it's short and kinda sad, so if your happy save this one for later..                   --lost soul-- -------------------------------------------------------- far beyond the world, there is a place,  a place of silence and weeping it's where you go when your in despair the place where you could drown in your own tears of sorrow your soul is lost along with you it's no one else but you, besides who else would care? the silence and weeping is all part of it you say you will never come back ever and yet you do every time ------------------------------------------------------- i got one more quick question, is anyone on this list polish? cause i got this awesome love poem in polish... ok, well, bye~ **margaret** ************************************************** From: "Jennifer Greeley" Subject: first thoughts Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 Hey all, i haven't been able to say a proper hello since i joined this group so here i am now, the first possible moment that i can sit down at my computer for more than 5 minutes. Most of you know me from the jewel list of course, i don't say much, but i throw something in every now and then.  I am a poet, and as i mentioned on the list, i'm trying to get a page together of all the writers on the list.  It didn't work out too well, so now that we havea list other than the jewel list, and i see many of you to be writers, i will ask you  guys to be a helpful bunch and to let me put some of your poetry on my page (with full credit and everything going to the original writer).. please!!! :) Okay other than that.. Intro :  I'm 18, female, kind of crazy at times, especially in the past few weeks, and the next few to come, because of heavy work loads and independent studies at school.. i love jewel (of course, who doesn't?) and others like Fiona Apple, Paula Cole, etc.. i try to do lots of stuff in my life, but it just hasn't been possible. When i do have time, i do all those damn teenage stuff like malls, movies  (titanic all the way), and stuff like that.  But when i don't have time, i'm in my room writing. anyways, time is calling (as always),  so i'll write again.  Feel free to write me at this account ( kissing_u_@hotmail.com or at whisper@netcom.ca ) -- Jenny ** A kiss is something you cannot give without taking, and cannot take without giving. - Anonymous ** ************************************************** From: Lara Subject: Re: Just rambling thoughts Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 I agree completely Jamie that love just sort of happens and that it is hard to understand it. I think it is sort of scary how strong of an affect it can have on people. Things have been weird for me as of late. My ex and I broke up at the end of February and about two weeks later I started dating someone else. I made sure before I did anything with him (going on a date) that I liked him and was not just using him to get over my ex. Well, things have been going well and we have been dating for about three weeks now I guess. The only problem is that I have not been able to give him all of me emotionally. I do not know why exactally but my emotions have still been a little out of whack from the break-up before. Last night we had a sort of discussion and he ended up feeling guilty about some things and he left all in a weird mood. I know now that he really does care because I could see it in his eyes. I called him today and he was at work but he seemed weird. I really hope things are not all messed up. Please send me thoughts of things turning out ok because I really am happy now. Last night after he left I cried for the first time in a month -- and it meant the world to me to have back my ability to "feel" things. Oh and Janine... I enjoyed your poems so you definitely should post again :) Lara http://members.tripod.com/~laruth *******************************************************                     N O T I C E ! ! ! Do not forget to sign up for the list through OneList as soon as possible. The list will switch to going through there as soon as the majority of list members have signed up. If you do not have internet access, email me and I will help you out. Information as to how to sign up is on the webpage URL listed below. You will still post your messages to eda_thoughts@yahoo.com thanks guys! *******************************************************   Everyday Thoughts -- http://surf.to/eda_thoughts    to post -- send email to eda_thoughts@yahoo.com   to unsubscribe, write eda_thoughts@yahoo.com with                 "remove" as the subject   *******************************************************