Pastor 'Chick' Says 'NO!' to Apostasy...

I am a Creation 7th Day Adventist Church pastor who is seeking "first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." I have seen the church, the world, and this country (USA) go to ruins in a matter of three decades.

If the true people of God do not stand up and be counted, our children will neither have a chance for life on earth now nor will they have an opportunity for the eternal world. Please boldly take your position on the side of God and His immutable law of love-- the Ten Commandments. Put Chirst first in your family and in your personal life. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Reach for life before it is forever too late.

And please pray for me. Email me at edencsda@computer-services.comand I shall pray for you too. Thank you and may God bless you as you obey His voice!


Pastor 'Chick': Creation 7th Day Adventist

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