Part 3: The Big Push "There is no retreat. There is no margin for error. We must breach the second wave of defensive measures around Mount Selene. Every unit will be assigned a specially trained trooper whose sole task is to destroy the omega blaster nearest his position. The trooper will be carrying a high yield energy cannon. Its shoulder mounted and highly cumbersome, but can do an incredible amount of damage with one shot. If any unit breaches the Neo defensive line, immediately radio in your position and the remaining units in the area will converge on the breach and exploit it." The commander stood rigid in the briefing room, his voice on edge. "Make no mistake, there will be no call for retreat this time. This is the big push that will carry us through their line. Good luck to you all." * * * "New troops, Sarge." Jessie looked up from the map she was examining. It showed the lay of the land on which the push would occur. "Send them over." Five new jumptroopers traipsed their way through the Venutian mud over to Powers. Fugi introduced them. "This is West, Huber, Greer, Takamori, and Pahlavan. Pahlavan's the guy that will handle that new energy cannon thingie the fleet is setting us up with." Powers looked them over, pausing only a moment on Greer, who happened to be the only woman. "Okay people, my name is Sergeant Powers and you get the displeasure of my company as we attempt to run down some omega blasters today. Huber and Greer will go with Pfizer. Pahlavan, West, and Takamori will comprise another group. Pahlavan will be in charge. We head out in fifteen minutes, get ready." Powers went back to her map, dismissing her new troops with a wave of her hand. They gradually dispersed into two small groups and talked amongst themselves as they readied for battle. "Poor bastards, most of you aren't coming back and you don't even realize it." whispered Powers. "Maybe you'll be one of them, Sarge." whispered Fugi "Maybe I will be too." "No Fugi, I learned a long time ago that I'd never be that lucky." Fugi stared back her, a little shocked. "How do you consider not coming back lucky?" "If I die, then the fighting would be over for me. I wouldn't have to lead another bunch of kids to their own funeral, only to survive so I can do it again." "You've been doing this too long, Sarge." commented Fugi. "We all have." Sergeant Powers stared off into the distance. The mountain side seemed peaceful, Jessie enjoyed it while she could. * * * "All units! Charge!" Jessie bounded out of the trench with Fugi on her tail. Pfizer's group was on her left and Pahlavan's was on her right. It was a damp day on Venus and they moved as quickly as they could through the mud. The charred remnants of the omega cannon Powers had brought down supplied some cover, but only for a moment. Another blaster along the Neo defense line targeted it and blew it apart. "Pahlavan! Get that damn thing!" ordered Powers. She and Fugi headed toward his position and cleared a path through the wreckage for him. The heavy equipment he wore slowed him considerably and the mud wasn't helping. "Fugi, hold position!" Powers and he stopped near a piece of wreckage and got down on their stomachs. "Let's buy Pahlavan some time. Scope." The targeting scope raised on her rifle and she took aim. Fugi did the same. Across the way, on the edge of no man's land, a Neo fell into her sights. She fired and killed him. Fugi connected with a target of his own, found another, and repeated the process - as did Powers. "Status, Pahlavan." A labored voice came over the comm line. "Almost *huff* in range *huff*." "Hurry up." ordered Powers. "Pfizer, get your group down until Pahlavan takes out a few of those heavy blasters!" Looking to her left, she could see Pfizer's group flattening themselves against the mountain side. Pahlavan slowly passed Powers' position and set himself up a few dozen feet in front of her. He aimed the bulky cannon at the omega blaster half a click to his right and fired. The blast decimated the weapon. "Yeah!" screamed Pahlavan. "Don't get cocky, just hit another target!" ordered Powers. Pahlavan quickly lined up another shot, this one a heavy blaster. It too was destroyed. Pahlavan targeted another and repeated the process. "How about that, Sarge. Fleet actually came up with something that works!" said Fugi. "Uh-oh." said Pahlavan. "What is it?" asked Powers. "The fusion generator is destabilizing." "Huber, Greer, get out of there now. Pahlavan, abandon your weapon!" "No wait, I can correct it." said Pahlavan. "Now Goddammit!" yelled Powers as she got to her feet. The unit Pahlavan was carrying was already sparking. "Get out of there now!" ordered Powers. Greer bolted away from Pahlavan. Huber hesitated. "Oh...No!" yelled Pahlavan. His pack exploded, taking him with it. Huber was knocked off his feet by the blast. Jessie hit the ground again so as to avoid any debris thrown at her. "Pahlavan, report! Greer! Huber!" "Greer here." Powers heard a moan over the comm line and saw a figure get to his knees and make his way over to Greer. "Huber here, I don't think Pahlavan made it." "Blasted fleet tech!" muttered Powers. "Greer and Huber are with me and Fugi. Charge the line!" Jessie got to her feet and activated her jets. The rest of her unit did the same as they bounced their way to the Neo's defensive line. The moment it was in range, Jessie began to fire grenades at it. "This is Mengele, we have breached the line! Repeat, we have breached the line!" Powers switched on her comm, "This is Powers, we are about to breach!" A heavy blaster turned toward their position and fired. The space once occupied by Takamori became fireball. A simple barb wire fence marked the end of no mans land. A single grenade from Power's rifle blew it wide open. "This is Powers, we have breached the line! Repeat, we have breached the line!" Her unit tightened up around her as they made their way through the opening without the use of their jets. Numerous Neosapians abandoned their posts and drew their sidearms. They began to fire as Powers' unit clustered behind a destroyed heavy blaster. "What now?" asked Fugi. "We head straight through our friends there and meet up with Mengele's unit. But first, something to soften them up." Powers extended her rocket launcher, brought it out from behind cover, and fired. The Neos attempted to scatter but couldn't run far enough as the missile struck. Neo bodies flew in all directions. "Yeah! Die Neo scum!" yelled West. He charged out from behind cover to get any survivors. "Wait kid!" yelled Pfizer. But it was too late. A few feet in front of the heavy blaster wreckage he was gunned down by enemy fire. He tried to drag himself back to his unit, but a second volley of enemy fire stopped him cold. Fugi popped out from behind cover and snapped off two shots for two kills. He crouched next to Powers. "Well, that's two less, anyway." "What do we do now?" asked Greer. As if in response, a grenade landed amongst them. "Scatter!" screamed Powers. She and Fugi jumped over the wreckage and landed flat on their bellies on the other side. Pfizer and Huber jumped to the right and into enemy fire. Greer hit her jets and bounced to the left and back over the defensive line. The grenade detonated. Powers and Fugi began to crawl back around to the other side of the heavy blaster wreckage. Pfizer got to his feet only to be hit with enough laser blasts to bring him down again. Huber ran for the heavy blaster. Across the line, Greer was carefully making her way back to Powers. Her foot snagged something. Greer looked down and pulled it free. That's when she realized she just snapped a trip wire. "Oh nuts." The blast drew both Powers' and Fugi's attention. "So much for Greer." he said with a shake of the head. "Pfizer's down too." stated Powers. Huber ran toward their position. "Move your butt, Huber!" A blast struck his left shoulder. Huber stopped as he dropped his rifle. His hand reached for the wound as blood trickled out from between his fingers. He stared at Powers as the two blasts which would take his life away struck him in the chest, bringing him down. "Just the two of us, Sarge." "If you believe in a higher power, praying to it would be a good idea." said Jessie. "Considering there might not be another time to say this - if we live through this, will you go out with me?" asked Fugi. Powers began reloading her grenade launcher. "You know better than that, Fugi." "I know, but I'm in the dating pool." Powers fired off a few shots then got behind cover again. "Dating pool?" questioned Powers. Fugi snapped off a few shots of his own then continued. "Yeah, every man puts in 5 credits. Whoever can get you to go out with him wins the pot." "How much?" asked Powers. "1000." "1000? How long has this been going on?" The duo took their shots together then settled behind cover again. "About a year." "I never got wind of it." "Would make it kind of pointless if you did, no?" "Gimme half and you got a deal." stated Powers. "Deal." said Fugi. He extended his hand and they shook on it. "Now comes the hard part, surviving long enough to collect." "Right." agreed Fugi. The blaster fire suddenly grew more heavy. Powers drew tense. "Here they come." Suddenly the shooting stopped. "Sierra Three unit, report!" said a familiar voice. Powers peaked her head out from behind cover and saw Crow Mengele wave back at her. "It's over Sergeant, you can come out." * * * "Rough day out there, Sergeant?" asked Captain Jose. "Yes sir, Fugi and I were the only survivors." "I'm sorry to hear that." replied Jose. "Sir, I wish to file charges of incompetence against fleet." Jose raise an eyebrow. "Why?" "The equipment they gave us proved faulty, costing a man's life." stated Powers flatly. "I understand, Sergeant, and I sympathize. Request denied." "Sir?" questioned Powers. "The design has already been scrapped, filing charges would be moot. Thankfully, Pahlavan was the only casualty due to malfunction." Power's face reddened. "But sir...!" she protested. "Do you honestly believe I don't know how you feel!?" snapped Jose. "I lost six men today, two of them while trying to haul one of those blasted contraptions up the mountain! I hate what fleet did to us today, but there's nothing we can do about it except suck it up and hope they don't try it again." Jose stood up and turned his back to her as he gazed out his tent window toward the mountain. "They shouldn't be able to pull stuff like this." said Powers. "We're the Jumpcorps, Sergeant. There's a reason we're nicknamed the meatgrinder; congratulations, you just found out why." To be continued...