Part 8: Eulogy "As Captain of this ship, I have many duties. But none so difficult as the one I must perform today. When a member of the crew dies, a part of this ship dies with them. With all that has happened during our conflict with the Neosapians, this ship has become our home, and its crew our family. Without the people to operate her, the Normandy is merely hunk of metal floating in space. We make this ship what it is. Its purpose is our dream. Our dream is of freedom and peace. And when one of us dies, a part of that dream ceases to exist. The overall image it represents becomes just a little hazy, a little indistinct. That is why when one of us passes on, we must honor their sacrifice and remember what they stood for. Because if we don't - if we forgot those who came before - then we've forgotten what it is we are fighting for. To those that knew him, one word described Lt. Elan Morin Tedronai with such accuracy that to think of one, soon leads to thoughts of the other. That word is loyalty. Whether it be loyalty to his cause or his friends, Elan never faltered in either. Duty, honor, sacrifice. These are words used to describe a soldier. In life, Elan exemplified the first two. In death, he has shown his dedication to the third. It is widely accepted that nearly all matter in the universe was once part of a star. As we commit Lt. Elan Morin Tedronai to the void, do not think of it as his departure from us. Think instead, that he is beginning the long journey home. And to him I say: Goodbye, good luck, and good journey."