Seizure, part 4-b Rick gathered his twenty odd troops outside the main security rooms. Two Neos guarded the doors. Once they were gone there would be a small office before the Security staging area. Off of that was the Security Chief's office and the main and solitary cell blocks. They plan was simple run in and shoot everything with blue skin. Rick lead his men around the corner with a quick shout, gunning down the two guards before they could bring their weapons to bear. He ran up to the door jabbing the open button, but got no response. He motioned for his men to get in position, which they did. He tried his override code and was surprised to see the Neos had not removed it. He pulled and readied a grenade and pushed the open button. The Door slid open without any fanfare. No shots were fired from within the room and Rick and his men held back on throwing the grenades they had ready. Rick counted down from five, hoping the Neos would make the first move. When he reached zero two of his men threw their grenades around the corner. Right after the grenades went off he and one of his men threw their grenades. They waited for the smoke to start to clear before they moved in. Through the haze they couldn't tell if anything was left alive. One Neo was dead behind the main desk. Two others were in the middle of the room, dead. They moved slowly across the room to the door to the main staging area. Rick sent two of his men up to open the door while the others spread out, getting out of the line of fire when the door opened. Without warning the inner door opened and three Neos stormed into the room. Rick and his men were caught completely off guard by this counter attack. The two heading to the door were cut down before they realized what was happening and three more fell before they managed to return fire. Rick and three others ran for cover behind the main desk while the others desperately returned fire. Two more Neos came through the door, but they were caught by the fire from some of the inexperienced troops who were panicking. Watching them fall calmed down the less experienced troops. Finally undercover Rick and the others who joined him managed to cut down the first three Neos. Casualties had been high, 6 dead and 3 injured, but only one injury was severe and none of those he lost were security officers or had other combat experience. With order restored Rick regrouped his men, being careful to make sure they all stayed out of the line of fire through the door. When they finally were in position he ordered two flash grenades thrown in. The grenades would have little effect against the Neos, but they would create a moment of confusion that would allow Rick and his men through the door. The grenades let out their momentary flash of light, throwing the Neos into confusion. Rick and his crew raced through the doors, firing at everything that moved. After a moment of confusion the Neos began returning fire. The fight was brief, but bloody. In the end the twenty Neo's who had held the Security Office were all dead, as were thirteen of the men Rick brought with him. Four more were injured. Rick was left uninjured. "Sir, what should we do with the bodies?" "Throw them in one of the solitary cells, put our dead in one and the Neos in another." "Yes, sir." Rick began trying to get access to the security computers. He was interrupted by a shout from the solitary block. "Sir! I think you want to see this." Rick walked into the cell block not knowing what to expect. He didn't see anything, including the Corporal who had called to him. He saw that one of the cells was open and walked in. Corporal Charles was in there, as well as a prisoner. He didn't recognize the officer and guessed that he had come aboard the Normandy from one of the asteroids. "Sir, what happened here?" "I don't know. I came to in here. A little while ago I heard shots being fired in the hall and rolled under the cot. I think it saved my life." "Check out the other cells," Rick said hurriedly to the Corporal. He turned back to the officer. "Are you in fighting condition?" "Yes, I think so. How are you coming in trying to retake the ship?" "I haven't heard in from our command center yet. I'll let you know when I do." Rick saw the Corporal had returned. "Report, Corporal." "Each cell has a prisoner, sir. One dead, the other two are uninjured." "Who's dead?" "Private Dirk Dagger, sir." "One of the jumptroops, I didn't know him well. Saw him in the mess once or twice." "I knew him, sir. Crazy sort of fellow." "Alright, time to get back to work." Rick pulled out his radio, "Hagen, give me a status report." "Yes, sir. We have control of the Sick Bay. Cookie is gathering the rest of the medical personnel. He liberated a sizable number of people and they have established a defensive perimeter. The Engine Room is under our control as well. Repairs are underway. I'll have a full damage report soon." "Come down here A.S.A.P. I need you to take over down here. We're going to relocate our command center here." "Copy that. I'm on my way. Hagen out." "Alright people, I want that computer operational by the time Hagen gets here."