Selinsgrove, PA
United States
Lindsay Lohan is the best actress ever. There are not alot of people who know about her. If you love soaps you'v probaly seen her she was in days of our lives shes not in any more.She says that she doesn't want fame to change her that makes her sound so nice. Heres a little quetion I want you to think about if you were her what would you do?are no other pages about her. If you want to get ahold of me email me at elh28@eudoramail.com. Please Lindsay if you visit this page email me I'll help you with anything and if you don'tjust remember I'm the biggest fan ever. If you have a Lindsay Lohan page send it to me. Do to hectike stuff you need to go to view guestbok and then go to the bottom and hit sign guestbook if you want to please sign it if you do you'll be sopporting her. .-----------------------------contest-------------------------------------------
The WINNER for the best page is Ryan kclown is his nickname you will find his page in my list of links probaly so Ryan if you see this email me.The new contest is who can tell me the most about Lindsay.
If you see this page and you don't have a Lindsay Lohan page MAKE ONE when you send me the url you will be a true Lindsay Lohan fan so if you have a page send me the url and Tell a friend that likes her to make a page. If you don't have a page make one and send me the url and remember your not a true Lindsay Lohan fan tillyou send me the url and we want to make Lindsay happy.
---------------------------------------other page---------------------------------------------
Theres a contest on another Lindsay Lohan page where you can win a parent trap Diary/Journal so I don't have to give you the url I'm going to let you send me a message saying you want to join then I'll send him one with your name ok.
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