Murder in Port Van Buren Pictures

After Cecil ditches him, Buxton decides to talk to Gus about his women problems.......Gus really couldn't care less, even if she did take his dog.

Charlie O'Riley, one of Port Van Buren's resident drunks, is quite fascinated with Gus's candle. Gus is not so fascinated with Charlie.

Prof. R.B. Hayes is poised for action.

Charlie O'Riley explains to Cecil that Charlotte Dabloon, had 'da bloons!

One of the favorite past times of Port Van Buren is thumb wrestling. Here Prof. R.B. Hayes takes on the strange old man in Dunkin' Donuts. The Professor soon learns that the old man is not easily defeated.

Gus recognizes Cecil and Buxton and invites them to go bowling, even if he did think they were faries. Cecil explains that they like chics, however........

.......Gus becomes bored with them and tells them to "Have a nice night."

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