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* ICQ# 22499125
January 2000
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emails in support of the Yankton
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000
Please act now! The Grandmas & Grandfathers are standing in subzero
temperatures trying to protect their ancestors.
Whatever you can do, they appreciate greatly.
For the Ancestors,
Here are some quick resources for all those people who want to support the
Ihanktonwan Lakota (Yankton Sioux) in their fight to protect their ancestors
against the US Army. Some more places for more information,support &
donations to be sent:
Tessa Lehto
Fort Randall Casino
PO Box 756
Wagner, South Dakota 57380
For making calls/writing emails in support of the Yankton Sioux:
Col. Mark E. Tillotson #402, 221-3900
Joe N. Ballard, Chief of Engineers #202-761-0001
Contact National Media Outlets and ask them why they are not covering this
issue! Go to their comment area. For example,
January 07, 2000
Letter Writing for Big
Remember to be polite. Use your anger about injustice to motivate you to
write a compelling letter. If you need to write about more than one
subject, then write more than one letter. Ask a friend to read it over
and check for spelling, grammar, typo's and your tone. Please send us a
copy of your letter and their replies, thanks !
Eric Holder, Assistant Attorney General
(202) 514-2101
(202) 514-0467 Fax
United States Department of Justice
PO Box 44378
Washington DC 20026
cc: Attorney General Janet Reno, US DOJ
cc: US Attorney's Office, District of Arizona
Ask Asst. Attorney General Eric Holder to direct the Department of
Justice and US Attorneys for the District of Arizona to not seek
eviction orders from the US District Court in Phoenix to forcibly remove
traditional Dine'h (Navajo) from Hopi Partition Lands in Arizona. He may
help while Attorney General Janet Reno and the Dept of Justice are under
Express your concern that this be handled non-violently with sensitivity
to the traditional Elders and different culture of the Dine'h people.
Remind him of the terrible outcome of their raid on the Branch Dividians
at Waco, Texas. Since the DOJ is being investigated for it's role in the
Waco fire, and the FBI were found responsible for a shooting death at
Ruby Ridge in Idaho, the DOJ should halt any threatening actions against
US citizens whose beliefs counter US policies that directly affect their
children, such as traditional Dine'h resisting forced relocation from
the HPL (regardless of their AA lease status). Ask for true justice for
American Indians, starting with the Dine'h on Hopi Partition Lands.
Regardless of any "perceived" land dispute between traditional Dine'h
(Navajo) residents or the Navajo and the Hopi Tribal Councils, forced
relocation continues to violate Dine'h religious and human rights.
Forbidding construction or repair of housing for 33 years under the
"Bennett Freeze Act" to force Dine'h to move is a cruel and
inappropriate measure to solve problems the US has created. Forcing
Dine'h to sign leases to settle legal claims the Hopi Tribe has with the
United States is neither permanent nor fair. The United States must be
more "accommodating" and learn to stop bullying American Indians or it
will only continue to exasperate the ongoing situation. Forced evictions
can only bring tragedy and national disgrace. Instead, the DOJ should
protect the human and religious rights of traditional Dine'h on the HPL.
Please cc: your letters to Holder to the below DOJ officials:
Attorney General Janet Reno, US DOJ, same address as above for Eric
United States Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona
(602) 514-7500
US Courthouse, 230 N. First Ave. Rm. 4000 Phoenix, AZ
(202) 514-7693 Fax
President William Clinton, United States of America (202) 456-1111
The White House
then "0" for
a person 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
456-2461 Fax Washington DC 20500
Ask Clinton to issue an Executive Order forbidding any forced evictions
of Dine'h from the HPL in Arizona. Remind him that the next "deadline"
is February 1, 2000 and that the Department of Justice could forcibly
evict after then. Urge him to show his commitment to human rights here
at home. This is his opportunity to leave a legacy of his presidency by
righting the wrongs against American Indians, starting with the
traditional Dine'h.
Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of Interior
(202) 208-7351
1849 C St. NW exsec@ios.doi.gov
(202) 208-6956 Fax
Washington DC 20240
Fraud, Waste & Abuse: (800) 424-5081 Toll Free
Ask him to instruct the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation to
not certify the relocation housing on the radioactive "New Lands."
Remind him he was Governor of Arizona when the United Nuclear dam broke
in 1979 spilling 1,100 tons of milled uranium ore sludge and 94 million
gallons of heavy metal effluent into the Rio Puerco in New Mexico,
contaminating the ground water and river bed for hundreds of miles
downstream into Arizona. As a clean water champion, he should safeguard
the Dine'h from alpha radiation and radon gas lingering in wells and the
Rio Puerco riverbed on or nearby the "New Lands" relocation housing
Ask that he direct the Secretary of Indian Affairs and BIA to create a
voluntary livestock management plan with Dine'h residents living on the
HPL and the Hopi Tribal Council, and to cease forced impoundments.
They've had rain this summer and may have snow soon.
Remind him, as Secretary of Interior, that his "trust responsibility" to
American Indians includes preventing tragic forced evictions of Dine'h
who refuse to sign leases or relocate.
PO BOX 11715 EUGENE, OR 97440
(541) 683-2789 bigmnt@efn.org
Call for Support letters
for Marsha Monestersky to Hopi Court
Dear Big Mountain Supporters,
On Christmas Day I received my second Exclusion Order, called an Amended
Order of Proposed Exclusion from the Hopi Tribe.
If you are interested in doing a letter of support for me to the Hopi Court
to help me stay here, please send your letter via fast mail and address it to:
To: The Hon. Eldridge Coochise
Hearing Officer
Hopi Tribe
8565 W. Granada Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85037
Re: The Hopi Tribe Petitioner vs. Marsha Monestersky, Respondent in the Hopi
Tribe Exclusion Process, Hopi Indian Reservation, Kykotsmovi, AZ
Support Statement for Marsha Monestersky
PLEASE PRIORITY MAIL YOUR LETTER TO: Joe Washington, Esq., 3109 N. Schevene,
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
WITH A PRIORITY MAIL COPY TO: Marsha Monestersky, P.O. Box 1968, Kaibeto, AZ
My trial in Hopi Court is scheduled for January 18-20, 2000.
Wishing you a blessed Holiday season.
Thank you for your support,
Marsha Monestersky
Cellular phone: (520) 674-4479
E-mail: dinetah29@aol.com
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