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December 1999
GM food...
comments needed now
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999
Send Your Comments on Safety-Testing & Labeling
of GE Foods to the FDA Before Jan. 13
Pesticide Action Network Updates Service
Action Alert: GE Food Safety
December 17, 1999
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. government agency
responsible for food safety, has recently held a series of public
meetings on its policy regarding genetically engineered (GE) food.
The last of the three hearings was held December 13, 1999, in
Oakland, California. Outside more than a thousand people
participated in a rally demanding pre-market safety testing and
labeling. The demonstration was organized by a coalition of national
and local non-governmental organizations including Pesticide Action
Network North America (PANNA).
FDA will also accept written comments on the policy until January
13, 1999.
PANNA urges everyone to write FDA demanding that the Agency:
1. institute thorough pre-market testing and labeling of all GE
2. withdraw all GE foods from the market until they are subject to
thorough safety assessments; and
3. place a moratorium on all approvals of new GE food products until
required safety and labeling programs are in place.
Every day, millions of infants, children and adults in the U.S. are
consuming genetically engineered food without knowing it. Tests of
everyday groceries by the Consumers Union show that genetically
engineered foods are already on supermarket shelves--in baby
formulas, tortilla chips, drink mixes, taco shells, "veggie"
burgers, muffin mix--and even in fast-food.
FDA's policy for oversight of genetically engineered crops,
presented in 1991, indicated that FDA would treat GE plants no
differently than traditionally bred plants, except in rare
circumstances. In other words, no pre-market notification nor
pre-market safety testing would be required. Even though the Agency
received almost 4,000 comments on the policy, most calling for
safety testing and/or labeling, FDA essentially ignored the comments
and has proceeded with a voluntary program that has yet to require a
single safety test. While FDA urges corporations to thoroughly test
GE foods, it has allowed the corporations themselves to determine
whether these foods are safe.
Under the policy, FDA does not require that companies consult with
the Agency before marketing GE foods. The voluntary consultation
consists of discussions between FDA and the corporation concerning
safety and nutritional assessments prepared by the corporation. At
the end of the process, FDA prepares a brief memorandum summarizing
the interaction and declaring the consultation complete. The
memorandum typically indicates that the company, not FDA, has found
that the GE crop does not differ significantly from non-engineered varieties.
Consultations between FDA and corporations are conducted entirely
behind closed doors. The FDA gives no public notice that it is
engaged in consultations, provides no information to the public and
gives no opportunity for the public to participate in the process
allowing GE foods on the market.
After consultations are completed, FDA announces its decisions by
merely posting the information on its Web site. Even then, the
company safety assessments, the basis for FDA's decisions, are
available to the public only through Freedom of Information Act
requests. Companies may withhold significant portions of the data
from the public under claims that they are confidential business
ACTION -- Write FDA and tell them that current policies do not meet
the public's need for information and do not adequately protect the
public from potential health risks. Urge FDA:
* to institute a mandatory regulatory program, in place of its
current system of voluntary consultations, to assess the safety of
genetically engineered foods and to insure that no such products
posing a significant health risk are put on the market. FDA should
develop detailed protocols for assessing risks including
allergenicity, toxicity, and nutritional changes; require long-term
feeding studies using the whole engineered food; and thoroughly
review company testing. All data submitted for FDA assessments
should be part of an open and transparent public process that allows
opportunities for citizens to comment on pending approvals.
* to require any GE product which passes FDA's safety review and is
marketed to carry a label stating that "This product contains a
genetically engineered material, or was produced with a genetically
engineered material and contains genes from XX sources." Labels
should be mandatory for all genetically engineered products, whether
or not current testing techniques can detect foreign DNA. The label
should be straightforward and informational and not include
value-laden words like "improved with" or "enhanced by" genetic
* to require imported genetically engineered food, which currently
receives no safety review, to undergo the same review as domestic
* to withdraw all GE foods from the market until they are subject to
thorough safety assessments; and
* to place a moratorium on all approvals of new GE food products
until required safety and labeling programs are in place.
Comments may be sent directly to FDA by visiting their Web site at
then click on "Comment on Federal Register Notice."
Or write to:
Commissioner Jane Henney
FDA Dockets Management Branch
Attn: Docket No. 99n-4282
5630 Fishers Lane, Rm 1061
Rockville, MD 20852
Sources: "A Regulatory Patchwork--with big holes," by Michael
Hansen, Consumer Policy Institute, 1999. "FDA Implements Informal
Food Safety Reviews," December 1994, The Gene Exchange. "Seeds of
Change," Consumer Reports, September 1999.
Contact: PANNA
December 18, 1999
On television last night, they announced that the Costners signed the final
papers to start building the [Dunbar] resort in Deadwood - I am trying to
locate the article, but thought I'd pass it on to you if you don't know
already. Also, one of the banks is from Canada.
Last Wednesday, the KOLA International Campaign Office sent all
the letters and petitions that you and your family & friends signed
these past five months to The Dunbar offices in Lead, SD.
Several thousands of people have already written to the Costner
brothers to express their opposition to The Dunbar gambling &
recreational resort in the heart of the sacred He Sapa, the Black
For more information, please visit:
Please feel free to use the feedback form on the bottom of that
page as a petition/open letter to Kevin & Daniel Costner; or
use the online at:
We also have a paper petition for those who want to distribute
this among relatives, friends, co-workers, students, etc. ...
in Friendship & in Struggle,
Elsie Herten
Phyllis Bald Eagle
face charges...Help wanted
Dec. 18, 1999
The people arrested in Seattle face charges. Help by writing protest
Dear all:
I imagine you have all heard about what happened here a few weeks ago:
massive protests that shut down the WTO and stopped the so-called
"millenial round". This is great news for all of us who are hoping to
make this world a liveable place, and we should celebrate this event as
the victory that it is.
Nonetheless, this victory did not come without its costs. About 580
protesters, myself included, were arrested and sent to jail in an attempt
by the authorities to squelch our actions and our expression of dissent
against corporate and capitalist domination. Though all but four have
been released, many of us are still facing serious charges that could land
us right back in prison. The Seattle City Attorney, Mark Sidrane -- who
is a real asshole -- is refusing to drop the charges against us. Our
strategy is to all ask for an individual jury trial and to refuse all
plea-bargains that do not affect us all equally. In this way we are
hoping to overwhelm the justice system.
However, it is becoming clear that this legal strategy will work only if
accompanied by a political strategy. Only if a great deal of pressure is
applied on local politicians will they give in to our demands.
I am writing to all of you to ask for your participation in applying that
needed pressure by e-mailing the city attorney Mark Sidran (at
marksidran@ci.seattle.wa.us) and the
Mayor, Paul Schell
(mayors.office@ci.seattle.wa.us), to
demand that all charges be dropped
against all WTO protesters immediately. It is obvious that what we are
being charged with, under all the legal jargon, are political crimes.
Even those who have been charged with felonies (property destruction,
mostly) are being framed: they were all arrested on a day when there was
neither property destruction nor violence on the part of the protesters.
Given the critical nature of this situation I am also asking that you pass
this message on to as many people and organisations as you think will be
sympathetic to our cause and ask them to put pressure by whatever means at
their disposal on the city of Seattle.
That said, I hope you are all doing well and in a fighting spirit. On
behalf of the Seattle 580,
Nic Veroli.
December 18, 1999
Mexican students from UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
university have been on strike for seven months now against a vicious
IMF-sponsored attack against public education launched by president Ernesto
Zedillo. Last Saturday December 11, more than 600 activists from the
Consejo General de Huelga (a students's fighting unity forum) rallied in
front of the American embassy in Mexico city. The speakers demanded the
release of Mumia Abu Jamal, a black journalist on death row in the US, and
expressed their solidarity with workers, students and ecologists'
demonstrations protesting against the World Trade Organisation in
Seattle. Shortly before five P.M., a contingent of armed granaderos
(paratroopers of Mexico city) guarding the embassy charged against the
students towards the end of the rally. Protesters were persecuted and
battered out of the Metro (the underground) and other places where they had
run for shelter. Some 98 activists have been arrested -27 of them
underage- and six students were taken to hospital. Some reporters were
viciously attacked by the police as well. A US embassy official has sued
protesters for damaging the building. Meanwhile, the Mexican government
has not shown any willingness to release the imprisoned students, and it
has declared that these actions shall be punished with the full penalty of
law. These have been moved to the reclusorio (the state penitentiary) on
Monday 13. In response to these events, the Consejo General de Huelga
(General Council of Strike) has blamed both the "democratic" government
that now runs Mexico city (presided by the Partido de la Revolución
Democrática-PRD) and the federal -national- administration for the
repression. Furthermore, it has voted to suspend the bargaining process
with University authorities that is currently on the run, until the
prisoners are released; it also called for a plan of struggle which will
kick off next Monday December 13 with a demonstration starting from the
Monument of Revolution to the Lower House of Parliament. Meanwhile,
students from Preparatoria 2 are due to go on hunger strike demanding the
release of their brothers and sisters, and a road blockade will be staged
next Tuesday. This shall culminate on Thursday December 16 in a big
demonstration starting from the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to the US
But Mexican students are not alone!
In the face of this repressive drive by the Mexican government against
those fighting against the destruction of public education, every social
and democratic organisation, trade and students union, political party and
human rights group from around the world must take a clear stance. The
broadest solidarity is needed to release all the jailed activists and to
demand that all charges be dropped. Street protests must be organised to
demand that they are set free right now. Send solidarity to the e-mail
adresses of the Mexican government and the COnsejo General de Huelga
Please send solidarity to the following addresses ---
Consejo General de Huelga: cgh@unam.8m.com
Comité contra la represión del CGH: solidaridadunam@yahoo.com
Mexican Government: segob@rtn.net.mx
Los estudiantes mexicanos de la UNAM mantienen desde hace mas de siete
meses una heroica huelga contra el ataque a la educación publica lanzado
por el gobierno de Ernesto Zedillo y mandatado por el FMI. El sabado 11 de
diciembre, mas de 600 activistas del Consejo General de Huelga realizaron
una movilización frente a la embajada norteamericana en México. Los
oradores se pronunciaron por la amnistia de Mumia Abu Jamal, periodista
negro condenado a muerte por la justicia de los EEUU, y saludaron las
manifestaciones de trabajadores, estudiantes y ecologistas realizadas
durante la reunión de la Organización Mundial de Comercio, en Seattle,
Estados Unidos. Minutos antes de las cinco de la tarde, los granaderos
armados del gobierno de la ciudad de México -policia antimotines- que
custodiaban la Embajada, cargaron sobre los estudiantes que se retiraban de
la marcha. Los manifestantes fueron perseguidos, sacados a golpes del
Metro y los lugares donde se habian guarecido. El saldo fue de 98
activistas detenidos -entre ellos 27 menores de edad-, y seis estudiantes
hospitalizados. Tambien fueron violentamente agredidos por las fuerzas
policiales varios reporteros. El representante legal de la embajada
norteamericana ha presentado una querella por daños, y el gobierno no ha
dado señales de liberar a los detenidos, sobre los que amenaza volcar todo
el peso de la ley. Los activistas presos han sido trasladados al
reclusorio -penitenciaria del estado- el dia lunes 13 de diciembre Por su
parte, el Consejo General de Huelga responsabilizo al gobierno
"democratico" de la ciudad de Mexico (en manos del Partido de la Revolución
Democrática) y al gobierno federal -nacional- de los hechos. Ademas,
resolvio suspender el proceso de dialogo con las autoridades universitarias
hasta la liberación de los detenidos e implementar un plan de lucha que
inicia con en una movilizacion el lunes 13 de diciembre del Monumento a la
Revolucion a la Camara de Diputados. Al mismo tiempo, alumnos de la
Preparatoria 2 iniciaran una huelga de hambre por la liberacion de sus
compañeros, y el dia martes se realizara un bloqueo de avenidas, para
culminar el jueves 16 en una megamarcha de la Secretaria de Relaciones
exteriores a la Embajada de Estados Unidos.
¡Los estudiantes mexicanos no estan solos!
Ante este ataque del gobierno mexicano sobre los estudiantes huelguistas
que luchan contra la destruccion de la educacion publica, es necesario el
pronunciamiento inmediato de las organizaciones democraticas y sociales,
sindicatos, centros estudiantiles, partidos politicos y organismos de
derechos humanos de todo el mundo. Es necesaria la mas amplia solidaridad
para lograr la libertad inmediata y el desprocesamiento de todos los
activistas detenidos, impulsando movilizaciones callejeras exigiendo su
liberacion, enviando pronunciamientos a las direcciones electronicas del
gobierno y del Consejo General de Huelga.
Enviar pronunciamientos a las siguientes direcciones:
Consejo General de Huelga: cgh@unam.8m.com
Comisión contra la represión del CGH: solidaridadunam@yahoo.com
Secretaria de gobernación del Gobierno mexicano: segob@rtn.net.mx
December 16, 1999
Emergency! Pretrial hearing of
Please forward
On Tuesday, December 21, at 12:30PM, at the downtown
courthouse in Ann Arbor, Robin Alvarez will have a picket of her pre-trial hearing.
The 20-month long political witchhunt against
antiracists for shutting down the May 9, 1998 Ku Klux
Klan rally in Ann Arbor is at its end. Of the original 23, the one charge that
remains on track for trial next month is the speech charge against Robin. This charge is
a high felony called "Inciting to Riot".
As many of you know, Robin is a 46-year-old antiracist
Ann Arbor resident who has been charged with a 10-year felony for
SPEECH ALONE. The police are NOT claiming that Robin
touched anyone or damaged any property – only that she used her
voice. At the precise time when the prosecution says
Robin was chanting, and only dozens of yards away under massive government
protection, the Ku Klux Klan was inciting the crowd to
commit acts of racist and anti-Semitic terror and
violence. For speech Robin; NOT THE KKK , faces a 10-year felony.
Robin is a thoughtful, unassuming and thoroughly
friendly mother of two boys.
Trials are a gamble ; even in the best of circumstances. (Tommy Doxey's
conviction was confirmation of this.) If Robin is convicted, the sentencing
guidelines will require that she spend some YEARS IN JAIL. This would be a
tragedy for the city of Ann Arbor; it would be an unspeakable injustice.
Please help us get the charges dropped before the trial. YOU CAN HELP!
Show your support on Tuesday. Come to the hearing.
Attend the 12:30PM picket at Huron and Main just prior
to her hearing.
Thank you.
If you cannot come to the hearing, please write
Washtenaw County Prosecutor Brian Mackie as tell him
to drop the charge against Robin.
Brian Mackie Washtenaw County Prosecuting Attorney
101 East Huron
PO Box 8645
Ann Arbor, MI 48107
December 15, 1999
GM-FOOD: Open Letter from
World Scientists to
All Governments
This was posted to a Dutch activist-list with the statement that there were
NO Dutch scientists signing yet.......
I feel somewhat ashamed and hope they will, soon.
Our list of world scientists who signed onto our Open Letter to All
Governments has swelled to 231, from 31 countries. We are planning to get
more signatures and submit the letter to the government delegations to the
Biosafety Conference in Montreal jan.25, 2000. The letter was submitted to
heads of delegation at the WTO, at the time there were 144 scientists from
27 countries.
The summary of the letter is reproduced below together with the full list of
scientists. Please visit our ISIS website for full letter and sign on
Institute of Science in Society Website: www.i-sis.dircon.co.uk
14 December, 1999
Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments
We, the undersigned scientists, call for the immediate suspension of all
environmental releases of GM crops and products; for patents on life-forms
and living processes to be revoked and banned; and for a comprehensive
public enquiry into the future of agriculture and food security for all.
Patents on life-forms and living processes threaten food security, sanction
biopiracy of indigenous knowledge and genetic resources, violate basic human
rights and dignity, compromise healthcare, impede medical and scientific
research and are against the welfare of animals.
Life-forms such as organisms, seeds, cell lines and genes are discoveries
and hence not patentable. Current GM techniques which exploit living
processes are unreliable, uncontrollable and unpredictable, and do not
qualify as inventions. Furthermore, those techniques are inherently
hazardous, as are many GM organisms and products.
The latest largescale surveys of GM crops showed they offered no benefits.
On the contrary, they yield significantly less and require more herbicides.
GM crops intensify corporate monopoly on food which is driving family
farmers to destitution, and preventing the essential shift to sustainable
agriculture that can guarantee food security and health around the world
The hazards of GM crops and products to biodiversity and human and animal
health are now becoming apparent, and some even acknowledged by sources
within the UK and US Governments. In particular, the horizontal spread of
antibiotic resistance marker genes from GM crops will compromise the
treatment of life-threatening infectious diseases which have come back
worldwide. New findings show that the horizontal spread of transgenic DNA
can occur, not only by ingestion but via breathing in pollen and dust. The
cauliflower mosaic viral promoter, widely used in GM crops, may enhance
horizontal gene transfer and has the potential to generate new viruses that
cause diseases.
We urge all Governments to take account of the scientific evidence in
accordance with the precautionary principle, to negotiate a strong and
effective International Biosafety Protocol under the CBD, and to ensure that
biosafety legislations at the national and international levels take
precedence over trade and financial agreements at the WTO. Research into
sustainable agricultural methods that do not require GM crops should be
widely supported. Many sustainable agricultural systems have already
resulted in increased yields and diminished environmental impacts around the
* * *
Signed (231 scientists from 31 countries):
1. Prof. Adolfo E. Boy, Horticulture and Sustainable
Agri. Univ.Moron,
Chair of Inst. of Sustainble Agriculture, Argentina
2. Dr. Maria G. Neunteufel, Economist, Vienna,
3. DI Gertrude Kaffenbock. Ph.D. candidate,
Agricultural Economist, St.
Polton, Austria
4. Dr. Peter j. McMachon, Plant Physiologist,
Genethics, Australia
Conservation Foundation, Australia
5. Dr. Graeme E. Browne, General Practitioner,
Melbourne, PSRAST, Australia
6. Dr. Horst W. Doelle, Prof. Micobiology, Univ.
Queensland retired,
Chair of International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering,
Director, MIRCEN-Biotechnology, Brisbance and Pacific Regional Network.
7. Angela Fehringer, Anthropology Student, Sydney,
8. Margaret Jackson, BSc.Genetics, National Genetics
Awareness Alliance, Australia
9. Dr. Ted Steele, Molecular Immunologist, U.
Wollengong, Australia
10. Stephen Glanville PDC, ECOS Design, Australia
11. Dr Farhad Mazhar, Ecologist, New Agricultural Movement,
12. Renata Menasche, Agronomist, Federal Un. of Rio Grand
du Sul, Brazil
13. Paulo Roberto Martins, Research Institute of
Technology, Brazil
14. Dr Thomas R. Preston, Un. of Tropical Agriculture,
15. Prof. David Suzuki, Geneticist, U.B.C., Canada
16. Prof. Joe Cummins, Geneticist, University of Western
Ontario, Canada
17. Dr Warren Bell, MD, Canad. Assoc. of Physicians for the
Environ., Canada
18. Prof. Abby Lippman, Epidemologist & Geneticist,
McGill Un. Canada
19. Prof. Ronald Labonte, Population Health Research
Director, Ontario, Canada
20. Prof. Ed Daniel, Health Sciences Centre, McMaster
Univ., Ontario, Canada
21. Prof. Emeritus Edwin E. Daniel, FRSC, Health Science,
McMaster Univ.
Ontario, Canada
22. Dr. Ingrid C. Northwood, Biochemist, Simon Fraser
Univ., Canada
23. Laura Mitchell, Earth Scientist, APEGBG, Canada
24. Steve Robak, Canadian Department of National Defence,
25. Dr. John C. Worketin, Retired computer scientist,
Ontario, Canada
26. Aaron Jette, Anthrolopogy student, McGill Univ.,
Montreal, Canada
27. Prof. Alain Cuerrier, Taxonomy/Botany, Quebec, Univ. of
Montreal, Canada
28. Anna D. Noikov, B.A.B.Ed., Wholistic Practitioner,
Edmonton, Canada
29. Dr. Carolyn A. Simmerman, ND.DC, Docotr., Whole Health
Edmonton, Canada
30. Denis Cauchon, M.Sc. Ph.D. candidate, Toxicology, Ecole
HEC, Montreal, Canada
31. Dr. Gavin A. Kemp, ret. Researcher, Vegetable Crop
Breeding, Lethbridge, Canada
32. Dr. James A. Nero, D.C., General Practitioner,
medicine, Coquitlam, Canada
33. John B. Van Loon, M.Sc., Storage Entomologist, retired,
Grain Commission, Winnipeg, PSRAST, Canada
34. Prof. Ralph C. Martin, Plant Science, Nova Scotia
Agricultural College, Truro, Canada
35. Prof. R.M. Wolfson, Physicist, Maharishi Vedic College,
Ottawa, Canada
36. Virginia F. Flamarique, AMD, Consultant Agrologist,
Edmonton, Canada
37. Yoon C. Chen, B.Sc., DPM Podiatrist, Foot Clinic,
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
38. Prof. Marijan Jost, Plant Geneticist, Agricultural
College, Krizevci, Croatia
39. Prof. Drasko Seman, Ecologist, Univ. Zagreb Medical
School, Croatia,
Croatian Man and Biosphere Committee, UNESCO South Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Project, UNESCO Comm. Ed. & Communication, INCN, European Committee on
Environmental Ed., IUCN, Croatia
40. Prof Anton Svajger, Un Zagreb Medical School, Croatia
41. Vesna Samobor, M.Sc. Agricultural College, Krizevci,
42. Damir Magdic, M.Sc. Food Scientist, Osijek Un,
43. Damjan Bogdanovic, PhD candidate, Un Zagreb, Croatia
44. Dr. Zora Matrovic, MD, MS, Vice-President, Croatia
Natural Law Party, Croatia
45. Dr. Gennadi Kobzar, Senior Scientist, Biomedicine,
Institute of
Chemistry, Tallinn Technical Univ. PSRAST, Estonia.
46. Dr. Tewolde Egziabher, Agronomist, Min. of the
Spokesperson for African Region, Ethiopia
47. Dr. Herve Le Meur, Biomathematician, Univ. Paris,
48. Dr. George Capouthier, Biologist, Univ. Paris, France
49. Dr. Jean-Michel Panoff, Univ. of Caen, Caen, France
50. Dr. Vic Norris, IFR Systems Integres, Univ. Rouen,
51. Dr. Jean-Pierre Berlan, Directeur de Recherches
52. Thieerry Raffin, Sociologue, President de 'Inf'OGM,
53. Alain Fardif, Certificat of therapist, Paris, France
54. Dr. Jean Estrangin, MK, General Practice, Grenoble,
55. Dr. Luc G. Bulot, Researcher, ESA CNRS 6019- Centre de
Sedimentologie- Paleontologie, Marseille, PSRAST, France
56. Sylvain Allombert, M.Sc., Ph.D. Student, Ecology,
Centre National de
la Recherche Scientificque, Monpellier, PSRAST, France
57. Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini, Laboratoire de Biochimie
& Moleculaire,
Univ. Caen, France
58. Dr. Christine von Weisaeker, Ecoropa, Germany
59. Dr. Reinald Doebel, Institute of Sociology, Rural and
Soc., Westfaelische Wilhelms Univ., Germany
60. Dr. Rebecca C. Wade, Molecular Biology, Heidelberg,
61. Dr Christiane Boecker, MCommH, Community Health, Haiti
62. Kevin Li, B.Sc., Hong Kong, Hong Kong
63. Prof. Ervin Laszlo, President, The Club of Budapest,
64. Dr. Vandana Shiva, Research Institute for Science and
Ecology, India
65. Dr. Muhua Achary, Environmentalist, St. Joseph's
College, Bangalore, India
66. Dr. Thomas S. Cox, Research Geneticist, U.S. Dept. of
Manhattan, KS (retired) - present address Hyderabad, India.
67. Devinder Sharma, Geneticist, Plant Breeder and Writer,
Forum for
Biotechnology and Food Security, New Delhi, India
68. C. Nanjunda Murthy, M.Sc. Plant Scientist, Karnataka,
69. Dr. N. Raghauram, Plant Molecular Biology, Univ.
Mumbai, India
70. Dr. Bruno D'Udine, Behaviour Ecologist,
University of Udine, Italy
71. Dr Giorgio Cingolani, Agricultural Economist, Italy
72. Prof. Leopoldo Silvestroni, Endocrinologist, Univ. of
Rome, Italy
73. Prof. Adriano Decarli, Cancer Epidermiology, INST,
Univ. Milan, Italy
74. Prof. Atuhiro Sibatani, Molecular Biologist, Osaka,
75. Dr Shiron Sugita, Plant Geneticist, Nagoya U. Japan
76. Dr Noeoru Tagishita, Plant Geneticist, Jap. Assoc.
Agro-Nature, Tokyo, Japan
77. Dr. Shingo Shibata, Biosafety and Environmental
Sociologist, Japan
78. Dr Machiko Yasukohchi, PLAN - International Japan
Public Relations
79. Jaroen Compeerapap, Environmental Law and Development
Center, The Netherlands
80. Dr Robert Mann, Ecologist, Auckland, New Zealand
81. Dr Peter R Wills, Theoretical Biology, Uni. Auckland,
New Zealand
82. Dr. Robert Anderson, PSRG, New Zealand
83. Dr. Shona L. Lamoureaux, Plant Ecology, Christchurch,
New Zealand
84. Sigrid D. Houlette, B.Sc. Solid Waste Manager,
Engineering, Local Government, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
85. Prof. Terje Traavik, Virologist, University of Tromso,
86. Dr Ingrid Olesen, Senior Research Scientist, Institute
Aquaculture Res. Ltd, Norway
87. Dr. Lars Rasmussen, MD, General Practitioner, Univ.
Oslo, Mesnali, Norway
88. Prof. Oscar B. Zamora, Agronomist, U. Philippines, Los
Banos, Philippines
89. Dr. Pamela G. Fernadez, Agronomist, U. Philippines, Los
Banos, Philippines
90. Dr. Romeo F. Quijano, Pesticide Action Network,
Pharmacologist/Toxiologist, Philippines
91. Charles T. Olsen, D.C., Chiropractic Clinic, Davao
Clinic, PSRAST, Philippines
92. Dr. Margarida Silva, Molecular Biologist, Portuguese
Catholic Univ., Portugal
93. Dr. Franciso J.C. M. Teixeira, Researcher, Geophysics,
and Mining Institute, Lisbon, Portugal
94. Glenn Ashton, Director, Ekogaia Foundation, and Green
Party, South Africa
95. Dr Gregorio Alvar, Biotechnologist,. Computense
U. Madrid, Spain
96. Dr. Javier Blasco, Aragonese Ctr Rural European
Information, Spain
97. Prof. Ernest Garcia, Ph. D., Sociology, Univ. Valencia,
Sociologia I Antropologia Social, Valencia, Spain
98. Prof. F. Pura Duart Soler, Sociology, Univ. Valencia,
99. Prof. Every N. Gummesson, Management, Stockholm Univ.
PSRAST, Sweden
100. Dr. Katarina Leppanen, History of Ideas, Gothenburg
Uni, Sweden,
101. Dr. Jaan Suurkula, Physician, Physician and Scientists for
Responsible Assessment of Science and Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
102. Said O. Holmin, Lic. Technology, Rector, Computer Science,
of Creative Computer Science, Stockholm, Sweden
103. Florianne Koechlin, Biologist, World Wildlife Fund,
104. Verena Soldati, Biotechnologist, Basler Appell, Switzerland.
105. Dr. Daniel Amman, Cell Biologist, Tech. Switzerland
106. Dr. Ruth Goseth, Dermatologist, ISDE, Switzerland
107. Yves Schatzle, Agronomist and Economist, Switzerland
108. Yvan Maillard, dipl. Sc. Nat. ETH, Environementalist,
Fribourg, PSRAST, Switzerland
109. Prof. Omboom Luanratana, Pharmacologist, Univ. of Mahedol,
Bangkok, Thailand
110. Dr. David Bellamy, Biologist and Broadcaster, London, UK
111. Prof. Arpad Pusztai, Biochemist, Formerly from Rowett
Institute, UK
112. Dr. Susan Bardocz, Geneticist, Aberdeen, UK
113. Dr. Colin L.A. Leakey, Plant Geneticist, Cambridge, UK
114. Dr. Harash Narang, Pathologist, BSE expert, UK
115. Prof. Richard Lacey, Microbiologist, Leeds, UK
116. Dr. Michael Antoniou, Molecular Geneticist, Guy's Hospital,
117. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Geneticist and Biophysicist, Open
University, UK
118. Dr J. M. Kerr, Bioethics, Winchester College: Oxford
119. Gerard C. Bodeker, Ed. D., Senior Clinical Lecturer in
Health, Univ. Oxford Medical School, UK
120. Fatima Pelica, Biochemist, PhD Candidate, JII, UK
121. Manoel Bascoi, Geneticist, PhD Candidate, JII, UK
122. Dr. Jerry Ravetz, Philosopher of Science, London, UK
123. Dr Tom Wakeford, Biologist, U. of East London, UK
124. Peter Preston Jones, MSc, Environomental Campaigner,
125. Prof. Brian Goodwin, Biologist, Schumacher College, UK
126. Patrick Holden, Director, Soil Association, UK
127. Dr. Eva Novotny, Astrophysicist, Univ. Cambridge (retired),
128. Prof. Ian Stewart, Biomathematics, U. Warwick, UK
129. Dr. Vyvyan Howard, Toxipathologist, U. Liverpool, UK
130. Edward Goldsmith, Editor, The Ecologist, London, UK
131. Zac Goldsmith, Editor, The Ecologist, London, UK
132. Lynda Birke , Biologist, Liverpool Uni. Veterinary School,
133. Prof. Peter Saunders, Biomathematician, U. London, UK
134. Prof. Tim Ingold, Anthropologist, U. Manchester, UK
135. Dr. Robert C. Poller, Organic Chemist, U. London, UK
136. Gordon Daly P.hD student, Gene Therapist, Kennedy Inst.
London, UK
137. Stuart Daly P.hD student, Transgenic group, Charing Cross
Hosp. UK
138. Dr. John E. Hammond, Engineer, Highfeild, UK
139. Dr. Philip Kilner, Cardiologist, Royal Brompton &
Harefield, UK
140. Dani Kaye M.Sc. Scientists for Global Responsibility London,
141. David Kaye M.Sc. Scientists for Global Responsibility,
London, UK
142. Angela Ryan, Molecular biologist, Open Univ. UK
143. Prof. David Packham, Material Scientist, U. Bath, UK
144. Dr. David J Heaf, Biochemist, Wales, UK
145. Dr. Alan Currier, Taxonomist, IRBV, UK
146. Dr. Gesa Staats de Yanes, Veterinarian Toxicologists, U.
Liverpool, UK
147. Barbara Wood-Kaczmar, M.Sc., Science writer, UK
148. Dr. Gene S. Thomas, Agriculturist, UK
149. Dr. David A.H. Birley, General Medical Practitioner,
Swindon, UK
150. Dr. Brian Hursey, ex FAO Senior Officer for Vector
Borne Diseases,
Neath , UK.
151. Dr. Michel Pimbert, Agricultural Ecologist, International
for Environment and Develoment, London,UK
152. Joseph A. Gari, Ph. D. candidate, Ecological Geographer,
Univ. Oxford, UK
153. Dr. M.E. Caparis, Nea Ecologia, Marine Biology, London
Univ., UK
154. Dr. Alassandro Gimona, Research Scientist, Ecology, MLURI,
Aberdeen, UK
155. Darl N. Middleton, Ph. D. Candidate, Environ. Science, Drpt.
Engineering, Univ. Manchester, UK
156. Dr. Jean A.D. Saunders, BDS, LDS RCS, Dental Surgeon
(retired) Faringdon, UK
157. Dr. Karen Wren, University teacher, Geography, St. Andrews
St. Andrews, Fife, UK
158. Dr. Keith H. Halfacree, Univ. Lecturer, Geography, Univ. of
Wales Swansea, UK
159. Lale Gurel, Bec., Manager, Nature - Macmillan Publishers,
London, UK
160. Dr. Margaret J. Tyson, Glossop, PSRAST, UK
161. Dr. Michael L. Abrahams, (retired) Aeronautics, Bristol,
162. Sophie H. Bown, B.Sc. Ph.D. Candidate, Zoology, Manchester
Univ., UK
163. Prof. Martha Crouch, Biologist, Indiana University, USA
164. Prof. Ruth Hubbard, Biologist, Harvard University, USA
165. Prof. Phil Bereano, Council for Responsible Genetics, U.
Washington USA
166. Prof. Martha Herbert , Pediatric Neurologist, Mass. Gen.
Hosp. USA
167. Prof. Jonathan King, Molecular Biology, MIT, Cambridge,
Council for
Responsible Genetics, USA
168. Prof. Liebe F. Cavalieri, Mathematical Ecology, Evolution
Behaviour, Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, USA
169. Prof. David Ehrenfeld, MD, Biology/Ecology, Cook College,
Univ., New Jersey, USA
170. Prof. Philip B. Rudnick, Emeritus, Chemistry, West Chester
Pennsylvania, PSRAST, USA
171. Prof. Philip J. Regal, Dept. Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
Minnesota, St. Paul, USA.
172. Prof. Stuart A. Newman, Developmental Biology, New York
College, Valhalla, New York USA
173. Prof. David Schwartzman, Geochemist, Howard Uni. Washington
174. Prof. John Garderineer, Biologist, U. Michigan USA
175. Dr. Samuel Epstein, School of Public Health, Univ. Illinois,
Chicago, USA
176. Dr John Fagan, Genetics ID, Washington, USA
177. Dr. Britt Bailey, Senior Researcher, CETOS, Ca, USA
178. Dr. Marc Lappe, Geneticist and Director CETOS, Ca, USA
179. Dr Michael W Fox, Veterinarian & Bioethicist, Washington
180. Dr Walter Bortz, Physician, Palo Alto, USA
181. Anne-Marie Mayer, Ph. D. candidate, Nutrition, Cornell
Univ., USA
182. Dr. Catherine Badley, Biologist, University of
Michigan USA
183. Dr. Gerald Smith, Zoologist, U. Michigan, USA
184. Vuejuin McKersen M.Sc, Natural Resource Manager U. Michigan,
185. Dr. John Soluri, Historian of Science, Carnegie Mellon U USA
186. Juiet S Erazo PhD student U. of Michigan USA
187. Dr. Juette Peufecto, Biologist, U of Michigan USA
188. U.V. Kutzli Ph.D. Candidate, U of Michigan USA
189. Kristin Cobelius M.Sc. Student, U. Michigan USA
190. Lena S Nicolai PhD Student University of Michigan USA
191. Marial Peelle, Biol./Anthropologist Undergrad. Swarthmors
College USA
192. Dr. Ty Fitzmorris, Ecologist, Hampshire College USA
193. Dr. Caros R Ramirez, Biologist, St Lawrance University USA
194. Rosa Vazquez Student in Biology, Ohio State University USA
195. Rev. Dorothy A. Harper, Biotethics, Washington, USA
196. Dr. Louis H. Krut, MK, CHB.:MD, St. Louis Univ. Medical
School, Missouri, USA
197. Sean Lyman Student Gettysbury College USA
198. Ryan White Student St Lawrence University USA
199. Dr Jack Kloppenburg, Un. Wisconsin, Rural Sociologist, USA
200. Dr. Nancy A Schult, Entomologist, U of Wisconsin-Madison USA
201. Dr. Brian Schultz, Ecologist, Hampshire College USA
202. Dr. Douglas H Boucher, Ecologist, Hood College USA
203. Dr. Timothy Mann, Geographer, Hampshire College
204. Chris Picone M.Sc. Soil Microbiologist, U. Michigan USA
205. Dr. Peter M. Rosset, Ins. for Food and Development Policy,
206. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, Microbiologist & Ecologist, U.C.
Berkeley, USA
207. Dr. Ingrid C. Northwood, Biochemist, Simon Fraser
University, USA
208. Prof. Ed Daniel, Health Sciences Centre, McMaster
University, Ca, USA
209. Dr Linda Jean Sheperd, Biochemist, Gaia Blessings, USA
210. Dr Herve Grenier, Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change,
211. U.V. Kutzli Ph.D. Candidate, U of Michigan USA
212. Alex Jack, Planetary Medicine, Jushi Institute, Becket,
Mass, USA
213. Philip H Howard, Ph.D candidate, Rural Sociology, Uni. of
Missouri, USA
214. Dr. Arthur Rybeck Jr D.D.S. Dentistry and Organic Farmer,
Wheeling, USA
215. Dr. Arlene M. Kellman, D.O., Physician, Tucson, USA
216. Dr. Barbara K. Given, Faculty Researcher, George Mason Univ.
Fairfax, USA
217. Dr. Carolyn F.A. Dean, MD ND, Consultant, Integrative
Holeopathic Pharmakeia, NY, USA Board of Women for a Safe Future
218. Cynthia A. Frye, FS/MS Student, Biology, Univ. Texas Medical
Branch, USA
219. Dr. Gary P. Kaplan, Assoc. Prof. Neurology, North Shore
Univ. Hosp.,
NYU School of Medicine, Mass, USA
220. Dr. Gayle robin Hamilton, Assoc. Prof. Centre for the
Advancement of
Public Health, Fairfax, VA, USA
221. Heidei A. Kratsch, R.D./Graduate Student, Plant Physiology,
Wisconsin, Oshkosh USA
222. Dr. Jay L. Glaser, MK, Medical Director, Maharishi Ayurveda
Center, Lancaster, USA
223. Dr. John Zamarra, M.D., Cardiology, Fullerton, USA
224. Lynn V. McIndoo, Student, Environmental Resources
Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, USA
225. Paul C. Helgeson, BSME Senior Engineer, Middleton, WI, USA
226. Dr. Ronald E. Openshaw, Adjunct Faculty, Geology, Physics,
University of Management, Fairfield, USA
227. Dr. Stephen L. Mikesell, Anthropology and Political Ecology,
Wisconsin, Madison, USA
228. Dr, Suzanne m. Wuerthele, Toxicologist, Toxicology& Risk
federal regulatory agency, Denver, USA
229. Thomas J. Saunders, Student, Environmental Science, Humboldt
Univ., Arcata, USA
230. Dr. Usha Mukhtyar, M.D. Consultant, Gynecology &
Obstetrics, Bronx,
New York USA
231. Vijaykumar V.C. Chalasani, MS, Consultant East Brunswick USA
December 01, 1999
Weekly Vigil's in D.C.
will Christmas for Peltier!!!
Starting tonight (December 1st) we are having a vigil every wednesday night
untill Christmas. We will meet at 6:30, with the vigil starting around 7:00
and lasting till 8:00pm. There is a large crowd this time of year around the
whitehouse because of the national christmas tree in Elipse Park, our
presence each week could prove to bring alot of attention to Leonard's case.
Next week at 5pm, Clinton will light the national tree, this is a big photo
op for him and a good chance for us to demonstrate on Leonard's behalf and
bring attention to his case. We are encouraging people to arrive to the
vigil, early so we can make our presence known, get the word out about
Leonard Peltier, and let Clinton know we are there.
for info:
November 1999
November 28, 1999
Three Strikes Reform NEEDS YOU!
"California's three-strikes law is
the most severe in the
nation, defining a third felony as virtually any crime beyond
misdemeanor, including such nonviolent offenses as drug possession,
petty theft, writing bad checks and burglary. These offenses must be
prosecuted, but it doesn't follow that conviction should automatically
trigger life imprisonment without possibility of parole. Most of the
states with three-strikes laws require that all three strikes be serious
or violent crimes to merit a life sentence."
LOS ANGELES TIMES editorial, August 24,
Sam H. Clauder II, Proponent
12922 Harbor Boulevard
Garden Grove, California, USA 92840
(714) 543-6400, Fax (714) 542-2224
Dear Friend,
It's only a beginning, but...
Thousands of distinguished Californians,
from all walks of life,
are coming to the realization that the application of the current
three-strikes law is draconian, fiscally irresponsible and simply
unjust. They want to change the law, and, by joining with CITIZENS
AGAINST VIOLENT CRIME, you can lead the way.
Let me explain.
When passed in 1994, the so-called
'three-strikes' law called
for a mandatory sentence of 25-years-to-life for anyone convicted of a
third felony. What distinguished California's three-strikes law from
the versions in other states was that, in California's version, almost
any violation of the law can become a third strike.
California is the ONLY state in the
nation with a three-strikes
residual effect of this law has been a dramatic increase in prison
population and a 100% increase in the budget for the Department of Corrections.
Allow me to put some of this in
Dozens of other state legislatures,
including notoriously
zealous 'law and order' states such as Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, and
Oklahoma, have passed some form of a three-strikes law, but NONE OF THEM
And no one would consider the
legislatures of these states as a
haven for coddling criminals, or claim that they are being 'soft' on
crime. But they have all agreed that including non-violent crimes in
three-strikes legislation is both inappropriate, and costly.
I'm asking you to help me, and CITIZENS
bring balance back to our justice system by sending us a check for $35,
$50, $100, $250, or whatever you can reasonably afford.
your contribution to
qualify an initiative for the next state-wide ballot in November, 2000.
The initiative is called THE THREE STRIKES ACT OF 2000, and it has
already been written and filed.
Now, we need your help in building a
state-wide organization to
help qualify the initiative for the ballot, and to get this information
out to the general public.
We realize that, for many people, any
discussion of issues
surrounding crime and punishment is difficult, and emotionally charged.
For us it is a simple truth -- "the punishment must fit the crime."
advocating the abandonment
of the three-strikes law. We simply want to see sensible balance brought to it.
We want a three-strikes law that reflects
our concern for
dealing with career criminals, but does it in a way that brings balance
back to the application of the law.
that, for someone to
receive a mandatory sentence of 25-years-to-life, they should be a very
serious threat to society.
We also believe that there are thousands
of cases where the
legal system, and its sense of justice, have been perverted and
distorted by the application of this law.
Locking up someone for the rest of their
life because they stole
a loaf of bread, possessed a small amount of drugs, or passed a bad
check, is not justice -- IT IS MINDLESS VENGEANCE!
THE THREE STRIKES ACT OF 2000 is designed
to amend California's
three-strikes law so it only applies to violent or serious crimes. It
also prohibits more than one strike being applied to any criminal act.
This will unclog the legal system of
thousands of trials for
petty crimes that can't be plea-bargained because the current law allows
them to be prosecuted as three-strikes felonies.
for the re-sentencing of
cases that were 'strike-able' offenses under the old law, but not so
under the new law. As many as 3,500 third-strikers and 25,000
second-strikers could qualify for re-sentencing.
This will relieve the over-crowding of
our prisons and save the
state as much as one billion dollars a year in court and prison costs.
THE THREE STRIKES ACT OF 2000 allows the
three-strikes law to be
amended further if a majority of the Legislature agrees, and then the
Legislature places the amendment on the ballot and a majority of the voters agree.
The current law can only be amended by a
vote of the people, or
if 2/3 of the Legislature and the Governor agree, and it's literally
impossible for the Legislature to EVER agree that much.
So, the only feasible way to amend the
law is by a vote of the
people and that's why we're asking you to send $35, $50, $100, $250, or
whatever you can afford, to help us put the initiative on the ballot.
A variety of polls have underscored the
fact that the vast
majority of Californians, when they voted for the three-strikes law in
1994, believed that they were only targeting violent criminals.
A Rand Corporation study released earlier
this year determined
that the three-strikes law has had no effect on the crime rate, while it
continues to swell the cost of running the state's correctional facilities.
The polls also show that Californians are
shocked to find out
that the three-strikes law is being used to put people away for petty
crimes, like the recent case of a homeless man who was sentenced to
25-years-to-life in state prison for stealing a slice of pizza.
The most recent poll, released this month
by the University of
California, Riverside, shows that a majority of Californians oppose the
current three-strikes law, and THEY WOULD VOTE FOR OUR INITIATIVE TODAY
In order to bring this law back into
balance, it will have to be
done through the initiative process. To place a state-wide initiative
before the voters, many things will need to happen, and your help is
crucial if we are going to succeed.
The most important element to insure our
success is money. For
a campaign of this size to have a chance of succeeding we will have to
spend money to qualify the initiative for the ballot. After that, we
will have the daunting task of educating the public on the inherent
flaws in the current three-strikes law.
CRIME needs your help
right now! Please join with us to bring balance, common sense and justice back to
the courthouses of California.
SEND YOUR CHECK TODAY for $35, $50, $100,
$250, or whatever you
can reasonably afford, to CITIZENS AGAINST VIOLENT CRIME, 12922 Harbor
Boulevard, Garden Grove, California, 92840.
Or call (714) 543-6400, or e-mail CAVC.Sam@att.net, to find out
about other ways you can help support THE THREE STRIKES ACT OF 2000.
Please don't hesitate because time is of
the essence!
Thank you so very much, in advance, for
your support!
Sam H. Clauder II, Proponent
The Three Strikes Act of 2000
Sun, 28 Nov 1999
To: All Supporters of Lori Berenson
This is day 1,460 of Lori's wrongful incarceration -- four full years!
In the early evening of Thursday, November 30, 1995, Lori Berenson was pulled
off a public bus in downtown Lima by Peruvian DINCOTE anti-terrorism police.
Working as an accredited journalist, she had just left a session of the
Peruvian Congress where she was researching articles on women's rights,
poverty in Peru, and decentralization. She was found "guilty" of treason against
Fatherland of Peru by a secret and "faceless" military tribunal in which she
had no due process and could not defend herself. From the moment of her arrest
Lori has maintained her innocence to the preposterous charges against her.
As the parents of Lori Berenson we are truly grateful for your past support
and we once again ask for your help in ending this four-year nightmare. We call
for a nationwide "Phonathon," "Faxathon," and "E-Mailathon"
to the White House
Monday and Tuesday. President Clinton, who has publicly stated that "America
takes care of its own," cannot be allowed to forget about Lori and he must be
prompted to use the authority of his office to secure Lori's release.
Many thanks!
Rhoda and Mark B.
Please call the White House hotline, 202-456-1111 and, when instructed,
press 0 for a hotline operator. Express your concern (or outrage).
Tell President Clinton that November 30th marks four years of Lori Berenson's
illegal imprisonment in Peru. Remind him that Lori has never had justice and,
given that Peru has withdrawn from the Inter-American Human Rights Court of
the Organization of American States, Lori's case is left in legal limbo, with no
international recourse for justice. Also remind him that Lori has suffered
physically from the four years of her harsh incarceration, the last of which
has been spent essentially in isolation. Urge him to use his powers to press
the Peruvian government for Lori's immediate release.
Please download the following letter, or write your own expressing your
concern (or outrage), and FAX to the White House at 202-456-2461.
If you find it easier, this letter also appears on Lori's website at
http://www.freelori.org/ and you may be able to
download the letter faster
(Attention: Helen, Agency Liaison Room 6)
November 30, 1999
The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton
President of the Unite States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Clinton:
November 30th marks four years of Lori Berenson's illegal imprisonment in Peru.
The United Nations High Commission on Human Rights has ruled that Lori has
been arbitrarily deprived of her liberty and Peru's withdrawal from the
Inter-American Human Rights Court of the Organization of American States, in
disregard for its international obligations, leaves Lori's case in legal limbo,
with no international recourse for justice.
I urge you to use all your powers in accordance with Act of Congress 22 USC
Section 1732 to press the Peruvian government for Lori's immediate release.
Lori has suffered physically from four years of harsh incarceration, the last
of which has been spent essentially in isolation.
You may be able to send an e-mail letter that will be delivered to the White
House as a FAX -- and we've been told that it's free! Please send as an e-mail
the above letter to President Clinton, or write your own expressing your
concern (or outrage). The e-mail address in the "To field" must be typed
exactly as what is printed on the next line.
In the "Subject field" please type "Bring Lori Berenson Home From
Peru" and
send the letter as you would a regular e-mail. If this works, we understand it
is converted, free of charge, to a fax in the White House. You will get an
e-mail notifying you when it has been received. Rhoda and Mark Berenson
Information about Lori can be found on the Web at the following new site:
Ghost Dance Petition
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999
Re-posting from another list Respectfully...............