TV Production Syllabus

M-W, 12 noon-1:50 pm

Tu-Th, 12:15-2:05 pm

Your Host:
Mr. B (Steve Beverly)

Office Phone: 5380 | Home: (901) 783-5295

E-mail: or

Important Instructor Websites

Course Objectives

Let's not waste time on this. You should find this a course, whether your concentration is in broadcasting or a related communications area, which sharpens your skills, teamwork, and creativity in the field of communication. If you go into public relations, you may one day have to supervise production of a promotional video for a corporation or agency. If you plan to go into television, you will learn basic skills for on-camera and behind-the-scenes performance. If you are in theatre, hopefully this course will enhance your performing or production talents. You will be involved in course work which will result in actual on- air television programming, including our newsmagazine Jackson Tonight!, our game show I've Heard That Song!, and Union basketball. So, the opportunities for genuine hands-on experience is what this course affords.

Materials Needed

  • Read your textbook, Video Basics, Zettl, when chapters are assigned. College students don't like to do that today. But how can I say it any more specifically? You can't do well on exams or keep up with concepts if you don't read daily as assigned. Either read it or weep.

  • Access to a computer with internet access---either your own, or one in the computer lab or library. You will be expected to have downloaded and read assigned occasional online material. You will click in at and click the link TV Production. I will post material there regularly, as well as your grades on exams (under confidential nicknames).

    Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT come to class and complain, "Mr. B, I couldn't get through to the website." Servers do go down, but usually the fault is the part of the student who will try one or two times for five minutes and then never again before coming to class. Be persistent at different intervals if you cannot make a web connection the first or second time after an assignment is made.

    Your readings will be assigned as daily episodes. You will be expected to download them by number assigned on a specific day to be prepared for the next class session. Get used to this. This will be the wave of the future in the classroom.


  • Tests: Midterm, 100 points. Final exam, 200. Test dates and tentative daily planned class assignments are posted on your class calendar pages for M-W and Tu-Th.

    No, I don't make up tests for absences on the day a test is given or a project is due, unless it is a university-approved absence and documentation is given. No matter how much I like you and your family.

  • Projects: Two in-studio projects during class days, worth 100 points each; one field production team project worth 200 points---100 for a rough cut and 100 for a finished product; and 100 points for overall work on in-class production of Jackson Tonight! and in four required out-of-class projects:

    • I've Heard That Song!: Both classes will combine for the Saturday, Oct. 2; Monday, Oct. 4; and Thurs., Nov. 18 tapings. Both classes will be required to attend a two-hour rehearsal on Thursday night, Sept. 30, from 7-9 p.m. This is a mandatory project, as are all of these listed. We will do one day of in-class taping of I've Heard That Song! in November, as well.

    • Union University Basketball: Both classes will combine for the Monday, Nov. 22 doubleheader vs. Lambuth. We will likely be switching camera operators between games but each class will be required to work at least one of the two games.

  • Grades: You'll get some. The numbers: 94-100 (A), 86-93 (B), 75-85 (C), 65-74 (D), Below 65 (lovely parting gifts of Turtle Wax and Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco Treat).. Don't even come to my office and tell me, "I need an 'A,' Mr. B." I need $100,000 but Dr. Dockery isn't going to give it to me because I go up to him and tell him I need it. You'll get and "A" if you make one. My charitable giving and community service ends in my gradebook. You will receive what you make---plain and simple!

  • Bonus: You will be responsible for helping fill the audience for I've Heard That Song!, on the Oct. 4 and Nov. 18 dates, for bonus points on the midterm and final exam. Those are always good bonus points and the easiest points you'll obtain in this class. To be explained later.

Attendance Policy

    Since most of you have had me previously, you know my primary attendance policy is BE HERE! I don't penalize for university-approved absences, but even in those events---I frown in this class VERY, VERY STRONGLY against absences on the days of assigned rehearsals and projects. Even one absent class member creates chaos in having enough crew people to do a project. I will be bringing in past students from time to time to assist with projects, but nothing is more irritating to another student than for you to fail to show on a day you are supposed to be on the crew for his/her project or rehearsal. Your excuse better be MAJOR for missing project days or rehearsals. Just don't make up one.

    I also expect you here ON TIME. One of three primary reasons for firing in the television industry is being late for work. We will learn that discipline. In this class, if you are tardy more than two times, you will lose one point per late appearance.

    One other item: I recognize we have some theatre people in these classes. I am very supportive of our drama program. But you are in an academic course which has some evening requirements because of the nature of our program. I have deliberately tried to work our scheduled programs around play dates, so we do not conflict. But I am going to expect you to fulfill required dates of our productions for your academic credit in this course.

Final Instructions

NOTE: If you call me and leave a message, please leave your return phone number. I am not going to have your number automatically at my disposal.

This syllabus is also available at this address online:

Let's quit talking about it and just do it! And remember....the best music is the Music of Your Life! Goodnight, everybody.....

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