Close your eyes and go to a place where anything can happen enter the world where fairy tales and unicorns are truth where reality is flying on the back of pegasus and fact lies in the face of a faery where magik and leprechauns are real & true and time is forever meaningless emeraldravyn~~

Emerald's Perches and Personal Links

THe Wiccan Room : A warm and open chat room
The Wiccan Rooms Homepage : a place to place faces to names and learn about some of the talents of people in the rooms
~~Celtic Cavern~~: An alternative warm wiccan chat area where all are welcome
Links : friend's pages and some of my favs
My Book of Shadows: My personal interpretations, rituals, definitions....etc
Poetry: My personal prose and some from my friends
My Guest Book : Please drop me a quick line and let me know what you think **smile**

Hello all .... with the holidays behind me I have begun working on this page of mine . For those of you who know me I know you'll be patient ... for those who don't I have a lot of things occupying my real time life so please bear with how slow the development of this may go **smiles** . I am wiccan and have been so for several years and I have decided to create this home page so that I can meet some others like me and to share what I learned over the last 11 yrs. I am not here to ridicule anyone. My beliefs are my own , and I believe that each individual must follow their own path. I judge no one for their beliefs and hope no one will judge me for mine . I created this page with the intent to share some of my experiences and personal interpretations ... not to claim any more knowledge than anyone else. I would like to help give knowledge of this beautiful earth religion so that people may gain a better understanding and thus dispell some of the myths surrounding it . I hope that when you visit my page you are filled with warmth and comfort . I would love to know what any of you think or any input you may have so please look and read and drop a line in my guestbook . Blessed Be to my visitors ... and enjoy. ~~~emeraldravyn~~~