Mystery Science Theater 3000-A-Rama!

"Watch out! Next time, I might actually HIT you!"

Hello all! Chaos Theory T. Echidna and Lady Keela Shanri would like to welcome you to my humble (read: sucky) page about one of the FUNNIEST (and certainly the most original) shows on television ever, Mystery Science Theater 3000! The above quip is from "The Beatniks", a Season Four episode, and it was the line that VERY FIRST got my attention when it comes to MST3K. It was what got me watching in the first place, so I thought it appropriate to use here.

So, what does this have to do with the content of the rest of this site? I'm glad you asked me that. Well, the real reason I'm doing this is simply because I FEEL LIKE IT! But if you want something to reassure you that this page does indeed belong on my sites, then the MSTings I am writing/plan to write will tie it into the subject matter. Oh, and also there were numerous B5 jokes on the show in the Mike years, so there's definitely a link there. Also, the Sci-Fi Channel has the rights to Babylon 5, so now it's shown on MST3K's old network! WHOO!

What all is on this page?
Well, this is a modest page as far as it goes. It's only a small piece of my Sonic site (and is linked to by my B5 one), not really an MST3K site in its own right at all. But over time, I hope to have the following stuff:
Info/opinions (MOSTLY opinions) about the show itself and the characters in it,
Some links to MST3K sites around the web that are just too outstanding/weird/funny to miss,
Text MSTings, preferably of Sonic and B5 stories, so as to fit the topics,
And much, much more! (Well...not really.)

So why should I even bother looking at this page?
Ya shouldn't. Except that you're already here, and, hey, why not? You have a few minutes to kill, I assume, or else you wouldn't be on the 'net. Also, the MSTings here are by me and cannot yet be found on any of the larger MSTings archive sites. There are only a few so far, but I had so much fun writing them, I'll probably do more!
So kick back, relax, enjoy a nice Killer Shrew, bake yourself up a big batch of waffles, and be careful not to sit on Nummymuffincocolbutter. And remember: Ya ain't gettin' out of here until you show me an invention! ;)

The First Annual MST3K Wacky Races--Transcript.

This was a VERY silly role-playing game/round-robin fanfic that lots of people, one of which was me, played on the Sci-Fi Channel's Mystery Science Theater 3000 Message Board. I cut-and-pasted all the replies together into larger documents for more convenient reading, converted it to HTML format, and here it is! I hope you enjoy.
NOTE: This fanfic is rated PG-13, so if you shouldn't read it, then don't. Also be forewarned that the chapters are sorta on the long side. But I can always cut it into smaller parts if enough people complain.

Introduction. Explains the rules for the race and who all is in what vehicle.
Race--Part One.
Race--Part Two.
Race--Part Three.
Race--Part Four.
Race--Part Five.
Race--Part Six.
Wrap-Up--the Winner's Circle and the infamous Post Race Party! WHOO!

"Public Access Weasel", a Sonic fanfic MSTed by Captain Chaotica.
Part 2

"Material Girl", the song by Madonna, MSTed by Captain Chaotica.

"E-Mail Marketing!". A "spam" e-mail, MSTed by Captain Chaotica.
Part 2

"Drug Prower", a Sonic fanfic, MSTed by Captain Chaotica.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Final Fantasy 6! MSTed by Captain Chaotica.

Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9.
Part 10.
Part 11.
Part 12.
Part 13.
Part 14.
Part 15.

(These will get their own page as the list grows longer, but for now, I only have a few written down:)

The Official MST3K Site at the Sci-Fi Channel.
The Satellite News--Website of the Mystery Science Theater Info Club (read: Fan Club).
Sloe Gin Circus--quite possibly the BEST site that exists for info about MST3K. They even have pictures from the KTMA episodes!

MORE TO COME...we hope...

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1091 tourists have been stupid enough to stop by and look inside the Satellite of Love since February 22, 2000. Of course, we didn't like any of 'em, so we SHOT 'EM INTO SPACE! BWAHAHAHAH!!