Peter's page


JUNE UPDATE: O.K., so this page has been around long enough now, but as you know evolution never stops.
Still to come: The Music Section and a better layout.
 It's still a long way away from being completed, but in the mean time, let's see how this goes...baba !

Visit the new Ferrari F1 site :


He may be just off the top for now, but he is still the best driver around. Visit Schumy's site :

Other Racing links to keep yourself up to date :

For a taste of Footy masochism extraordinaire, then go to  

Or, if you'd rather read some of the latest news ...

I am also a movie fanatic, and of course I couldn't leave out a links page for the greatest movie of all times ...


On a more serious note, take a look at my CV, and some interesting Photos, more Photos or even more Photos...

Pretty soon, I'll have a version of my first script, up for "lookies" - but, it has to be patented first; because I don't trust you dookies one bit !

So you want to drop me a line ? Okey Dokey, here's the thingy you have to hit: Yo, Peter dude !!!

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