


Hi. My name is Eydie. I'm so glad you have come to visit me! I see you made it through all the toys and the mess.  Oh, and sorry about the old picture, but it was the best one I could find.  That was taken in 1998.

Now, about me. I am a 32 year old working mom. I have 2 gorgeous little boys. They are 8 and 5 years old. They are my entire life. They brighten even the worst of days. 

I enjoy gardening, family time, reading, living in the country, and surfing the web. I also collect teddy bears by Boyd's and Kimbearly's and antique Mason Jars.  Some of my favorite things are roses, wildflowers, chocolate, pizza, light summer rain showers, staring up at the stars at night, walks in the woods and the smell of a young baby's head (does that make me weird?) Some of my dislikes are housework (especially dishes and folding laundry), snotty people, rude drivers and people who try to push their thoughts and/or beliefs onto me.

I am always helping with the children's programs that we have locally. I enjoy doing any type of volunteer work that will help children in any way. I strongly believe that they are our future and if we are not there to help and support them, what type of future will they have?

Our HouseWe live in Southern Ohio on a 13 acre farm, although the only thing we raise are weeds. *LOL* And we have plenty of them! Well, that's not quite true. I have a small garden, but to be honest, the weeds tend to creep into it too! I was raised in town, a "city girl" as my family says. I really love living in the country and cannot imagine moving back to town. It is great to walk out your front door and know that your kids have room to run and play, without worrying about disturbing the neighbors. And the wildlife is great! We have lots of deer, rabbits, raccoons, and squirrels. The down side to the wildlife became evident to me one day when I walked out the door, and found myself nose-to-nose with a skunk. At least it was his nose I was staring at! *grin*

If you or someone you know suffers from Hidradenitis Suppurativa, please contact me at eydiem@earthlink.net.  I have this condition, and would be interested in meeting others with it.  If you don't know what HS is, here's a bit about it:  Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a chronic, scarring disease of certain sweat glands. In individuals with the disorder, obstruction of apocrine glands results in the development of reddish, tender abscesses that may eventually rupture through the skin. Healing of affected areas is typically associated with progressive scarring.  My boys call them Mommy's "HUGE ZITS!"  I call them miserable.  :(  I have had numerous surgeries due to my HS, as if the scarring from the abcesses aren't enough to ruin a person's self-esteem, I now have very large scars due to the surgeries.  I hope they find a cure soon!

Well, I guess that is all I have to say. Boy, that's different! Everyone says it's impossible to shut me up. Be sure to check out my other pages, about my family. I suppose I will leave you wishing you a great day, and remember, a smile can brighten anyone's day! :-)

Gigi's Potpourri

A HUGE thank you and lots of hugs to Gigi for the wonderful graphics used on this page.  She was my "adopted" Secret Sis for the MOW Secret Sis Event.  She made this set just for me!




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