this is where we provide you with the latest (and past) placebo news AND rumors.

news : 5/12/99

brian vs. the fashion system : brian squared off with the fashion system at a recent singapore gig. the band was banned from wearing dresses onstage, brian was not pleased on the fact that the authorities weren't letting the band have their freedom of fashion. he commented by saying : "what we do doesn't actually stray into the world of drag, so in that case we're not actually breaking the law...what we represent is clothing freedom, basically, as opposed to putting on a wig and singing judy garland."

wanted : fan reviews : we want your fan reviews of placebo gigs....if you want to send one, send away to the email above and we'll put it in our news section.

new placebo fan club : a new online fan club is online for italian fans of placebo...the owner of the fan club runs an italian placebo zine. you might want to email him for a copy...check out this very nice new fan club at Yahoo! Clubs : Dreams of Yesterday.