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Another Country
by Stephen Savitsky

When I was a child I used to wander
In a world of magic all my own
Where the beasts had funny names
And their shapes were wild and strange
And all of them would answer when I spoke.

And in the darkness I would go there
As I lay in my bed alone;
I'd close my eyes and see
The place I longed to be
And gladly stay until the dawn.

I'd travel to another country
O, what a lovely place to be.
Where the creatures all were tame
And the echo knew my name,
When in my dreams it called to me.

But I forgot, when I grew older,
About the country in my mind.
The beasts with funny names,
And moonlit circle games,
With childhood toys were left behind.


But sometimes starlight would remind me
Of places where I used to go.
And every now and then,
When talking with a friend,
I'd ask if they'd been there also.

Do you recall another country?
I used to think that it could be
Where the creatures all were tame
And the echo knew my name,
When in my dreams it called to me.

But now I've recently discovered
The way back to places I recall;
The creatures I knew then
Are with me once again
And there is magic after all.

And I may sing to you by starlight
Or trace a shadow on your screen
Or take you by the hand
Across a moonlit land
To places only I have seen.

Come with me to another country;
O, what a lovely place to be,
Where the creatures all are tame
And the echo knows your name
When you come share the dream with me.

Site Design by Firefly Productions
from a poem by Stephen Savitzky

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