The tales begin
in the year of
the DRAGON ...
firefly's Dragon Your GuideThe Gnome will be your guide
and bring you safely home again.
The Wandering Wizard

When forests walked and fishes flew
And fig grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood,
Then surely they were born.

Five thousand years and more ago
The Dragons ruled.
And it is so written
In the books of lore
Of a time long gone before.

And as man's numbers grew in count,
His daring fearlessness did mount,
And he began to venture far
To kill the Dragon - and called it war.

The aeons passed.
Few Dragons in the world remained.

But deep within the mountain caves
Dragons chanted over graves
And took themselves the forms of men
And vowed to roam the earth again.

It is written, the Enchanters say,
The Dragon will return one day;
And if you have the power within
You'll be reborn as Dragon kin.

Click here Adopt a Dragon to meet and adopt a
Malathar Dragon

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