Review Fall UIM SS Series 56

Supports the overall yearly UIM Theme for 2015-2016

Growing Holy Healthy Generations
It has been said, that in our fast-moving society,
those who do not have
high blood pressure, are “simply not paying attention.”

Learn more about Fall Series 56:
Building Healthy Generations Body and Soul"

This UIM SS Series is vital because people are dying from a growing lack of spiritual and physical nourishment. Their bodies are attacked by problems and tragedies their souls are not strong enough to withstand. Generations who attend will be offered the spiritual food (God's Word) that builds healthy souls that desire to be healthy body and soul. However, these healthy souls are strong even when their bodies are weak or ill or dying because the Lord gives them His strength. As they pass on their health and strength from the Lord to present and future generations, lives and souls will be strengthened in faith to handle, prevent, and heal problems and tragedies on earth and saved eternally in heaven.

Based On: 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, and Matthew 5:6: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Our bodies truly are not our own. They are the Lord’s. He created and redeemed us and we keep our bodies holy and healthy out of gratitude or thankfulness for all He has done for us. We desire to please Him and obey Him. We hunger and thirst for righteousness because of Him, because of His great love for us. When we have Him, we have all that we need. We are satisfied and healthy and strong and able to endure all things through the strength of faith He gives us.

REMEMBER! You receive more than just SS lessons in UIM SS.

  • Instructions for teaching Preschoolers together with generations or separately.
  • An Adult Bible Study with Participant's Guide for each UIM SS Lesson.
  • A memory program that includes your entire congregation in UIM SS.
  • A Pastor's page helps pastors incorporate UIM SS into Worship.

    To request:

  • Participant's Guide and Family Group Helper's Guide
  • Adult Bible Study Leader's and Participant's Guides for this Lesson

    Supportive UIM Resources for each UIM SS Series are also available.


  • Do you waste
    Sunday School Materials
    during December
    Christmas Practices?

    Order UIM SS for January-February ONLY

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