Welcome to The Bald and Famous People Homepage! Greetings, with great sadness ... I regret to inform you that I have officially dumped this site. Since I have not updated it for 2 and a half years, I decided it was time to just shut it down. Even though, for no reason I can think of, I get a semi-remarkable amount of hits per day (yes, people actually visit this site) I have to shut this place down for the good of society and my peace of mind. For the longest time, I received bizarre emails -- often those asking me (apparently they thought I was Ted Turner) for money or for me to visit their school or police station (they thought I was Denis Franz). Anywhoo... To make it short, I'm ashamed that my webpage has joined of the "abandoned" -- websites that are not periodically updated and simply forgotten about (it makes me feel better just to delete all links that I might have had). So sorry dudes. Toodaloo. *Nyssa Sign My Guestbook Or send email me ***If you have Internet Explorer you will be able to hear some background music (it sounds a bit supermanish). It might drive you nutso because it repeats and repeats and repeats.... This page was last updated on 06/14/02 19:29:34 -0500. |