"Stop! Fan Hysteria" Campaign Supporters

The sites listed here support the "Stop! Fan Hysteria" campaign. If you would like to be placed on this list, then go here: Stop! Fan Hysteria

I've divided up this page according to site subject. You'll find your site listed under its appropriate category.
Also, if your site fits into more than one category, it'll appear in both.
If any of these sites no longer exist I wouldn't know about it (sorry!).
Finally, if you came here and don't see a category that your site can fit into....please submit your URL on the Stop! Fan Hysteria page so I can create a new one! Thanks!

Currently there are 192 sites that support "Stop! Fan Hysteria"

Last Updated: 5/20
Everyone: If you read this on the main campaign page, great! If not, here it is: I am going to Disney World in Orlando for a communication internship all summer. I most likely will not be able to update this list until the fall semester. Please be patient! Thanks! (I will get everyone's sight up eventually) :-)

98 Degrees more added: 5/20

Backstreet Boys more added: 5/20

Crewe Alexandra F.C.

Dallas Cowboys

Hanson more added: 5/20

Highlander Series more added: 4/10

Independent Musicians more added: 1/30

Liverpool FC more added: 2/4

Kindred Series

Miscaellanious more added: 5/20

Moffatts more added: 4/23

N Sync more added: 5/20

Official Celebrity Sites

Personal Homepages more added: 5/20

Kevin Smith -NEW-

Kevin Spacey

Kate Winslet



"Have you had a questionable experience with a fan club, or an abusive celebrity? Writer doing a book on corrupt fan clubs and abusive celebrities needs stories of YOUR experiences. Anonymity guaranteed. Email: genius28@pacbell.net."