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12/01/2001 - I have sucked at keeping this site updated...
for that I apologize.
but I plan on fixing this site up and adding more to it...
it's alot of work ahead of me, and i have other thigns i need
to be doing first.. so please be patient.. in the meantime
e-mail me through as the old e-mail adress is long dead....
if you tried to contact me through it well I am sorry I
haven't used it in a long while....

alot has happened since i last updated, For Love of the
Game is a good movie, just not the kind you expect from Raimi
the Gift was great....
Spiderman is shapping up as you should very well know
Rumor has it that Raimi, Tapert, and Campbell will be
going "back to their Indy Roots" for a project... which
I am MORE than extatic about if True...

send me e-mail if your a fan fo Raimi and want to help with
this website... I want to keep it going but don't always have
the time....
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