Chapter One: In the Darkness

Cloud Strife walked slowly down the streets of Midgar City, his hands shoved deep in his pockets and a huge sword across his back. He was dressed in a black suit, one of a special force designed by the Shinra, Inc. They were called Angels, and Cloud was one of them to much of his advantage. Beside him there was another Angel, a young woman dressed in the same uniform, her black hair tied up and green eyes shining with Mako energy in the darkness. She carried a simple sword known as Murasame, sheathed at her side. Her name was Lilith Saber.

People feared the Angels, and it was meant for them to. Shinra had put together this group to show the people of Midgar how serious they were about their plans, and the Angels showed this when they came to a quarrel of some sort. They fought like demons out of hell, and were frightening to some people when in battle. Because of this, people fell in line when an Angel was around.

Some still thought as the Angels as an excuse for a Turk, which was very untrue. Angels were more focused than Turks and favored more by Shinra, Inc. The Turks were simple excuses for an Angel, not the other way around. Because of this, Turks and Angels never did get along with each other.

"Cold tonight," Lilith remarked.

Cloud nodded simply. He was usually a quiet person, true to only his job and thoughts. Lilith wasn't one to speak much either, and the two worked well together on a mission. That was why Hunter Roberts, the leader of the Angels had them complete the most missions. Hunter was a intimidating person. He was well over six feet and a dark person. None of the other Angels wanted to anger him ever.

"It is," Cloud replied.

He brought his hand to his brow, pushing a lock of golden blonde hair from his face. His hair was bright golden blonde, and the style was what you would call spikey. Cloud often had Hunter telling him to get a haircut, but the young Angel was a rebel and never listened. Cloud was twenty one years of age, and a skilled fighter. If it weren't for that, Hunter would have casted him out of the Angels years ago.

"Where are we going exactly?," the youth asked Lilith.

Lilith was the one to be given orders, she being the one that focused on her mission and was true to it. She was the same age as Cloud, but trusted more than he. Her gaze fell to the tall Shinra Building to the north. Apparently from the few things Cloud was allowed to know, she had a confusing past with Shinra and SOLDIERs.

"A bar known as Seventh Heaven," she replied. "Shinra believes the terrorist group AVALANCHE is stationed here."

Cloud's hands fell to his side, where he embedded his fists in the pockets to his suit pants. At times he enjoyed his job, but this was too much. The Angels were not designed to hunt down terrorists. That was what the Turks for. Thinking curses, he followed Lilith into Sector 7. Cloud hated the slums. He himself lived on the Sector 6 plate, where everything was much better. Why did people remain to live here when there were much better living conditions there? Hunter had once told him it was because they didn't have much money, or that the silly fools loved their land.

"I see...," was all he said to Lilith as they entered.

Lilith unsheathed her Murasame from her side, ready to attack if necessary. Cloud followed her example, noticing Lilith's ebony black hair had streaks of a purple tint as he drew his own sword. Normally he didn't think much of apperances, but in the dim artificial lights he could see clearly Lilith's features.

In the light Cloud's weapon shone dimly. It's shining grey covering reflected the light of a lamp post and looked as though the sword was blazing. His Buster Sword was the height of himself, and a delicate weapon, not one to be wasted on simple fights. Cloud admired this weapon, even he kept a pistol known as Firestar in his inside jacket pocket.

"They have no idea we're coming," Lilith said quietly to him.

Cloud simply nodded in reply. He looked down to the Buster Sword, checking to make sure the Materia was still in place. Midgar had many thieves running around, and a few that enjoyed snatching Materia. Still, Cloud had noticed when he was dressed in his Angel unifrom people seemed to avoid him. It was an interesting sight to see people fear you simply because of your job. Being an Angel, your emmotions were always concealed and a person's thought on you never had any effect. That was what Hunter had taught Cloud.

"Do you have your Materia?," Lilith asked.

"Lilith," Cloud began in a hushed tone, "this is one terrorist group. I hardly think they will be able withstand a fight from us, and much less deal any damage. You're worrying."

Lilith looked over the young arrogant Angel with a cocked eyebrow. She had known Cloud since the boy was eighteen and first joined the Angels, a year after herself. He was always impatient and silly. She had learned to deal with the other sides to Cloud Strife, only to make herself think better of him.

Breathing in short breath, she continued her way to the bar known as Seventh Heaven. Stealing a short glance to the ever impatient Cloud, she was the first of the two Angels to step in. One or two heads shot up, and only one's stare remained. The other finally got on and stared at the Angel. Cloud followed Lilith in once he saw it was a good time. The stares averted to him now, and then to his Buster Sword.

"Where's the owner of the bar?," Lilith asked the nearest man that was not drunk yet.

The man struggled to speak to her; his fright was consuming him. Lilith sighed, and asked again, more harshly this time. The man again said nothing, and in return Cloud grapped him gruffly by the neck and shoved him hard against the wall of the bar. The table the man had been seated at scattered to the floor, and the pitcher of beer there shattered.

"Listen, prick," Cloud growled. "We're looking for the owner this bar. We need some information." He looked to Lilith, who had picked up his Buster Sword when he had dropped it to grap the terrified man. "Or things might get ugly," Cloud continued in a more low tone.

The man choked out a word or two, considering the fact Cloud was holding him gruffly by the neck. He choked on a few more words, trying to scramble away from the young Angel's tight grasp. Cloud hadn't trained long and hard to let some drunk get away from him, and his grip tightened further.

"Cloud," Lilith said.

She laid a hand on his arm, and Cloud dropped the man to the ground. He watched as the man scrambled to his feet and fled the bar, with a hint of satisfaction visibly on Cloud's face. He brought his hands to the collar of his suit and straightened it silently.

Lilith looked around to the people in the bar, but none seemed to intrest her. Her gaze fell to a little girl behind the counter, shivering in the corner. She was very pale and short choclate brown hair fell to her shoulders. The purple dress she wore was dirty and ragged, but she still seemed fine with her surroundings. That was, until Lilith and Cloud came in.

"It's a kid," Cloud remarked.

"Yes," Lilith replied.

Quietly she dropped down on her knee beside the little reaching out a gently hand and touching her shoulder. The little girl spun around to face Lilith, her eyes brimming with tears. Cloud rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the people in the bar. Someone tried to make a move to leave, but Cloud's hard glare fell to him and the man stopped in his tracks.

"Is the owner of the bar here?," Lilith asked the little girl. She noticed she was quite frightened and continued, "I'm Lilith. What's your name?"

The girl sniffed, and looked over to Cloud who stood a few feet from them, his Buster Sword resting against the wall, his hand on the hilt. She was frightened by him, but looked up to the dark haired stranger with a soothing voice.

"Marlene," she replied.

Perhaps we will learn something good today Liltih thought. She smiled sweetly at the little girl who's name was Marlene it seemed. Her eyes narrowed at Cloud as he sighed heavily at her.

"Where are your parents, kid?," Cloud asked.

Marlene winced at Cloud's sharp tone. She was a shy girl, and wasn't used to having strangers around at the bar at this time of night. She did remember her father telling her to stay away from men in suits once, but Lilith wasn't a man. She thought she could speak with her.

"Daddy and Tifa went to blow up the reactor," she told Lilith quietly. "Daddy told me there will be a big boom, and Shinra will learn their... mistakes he said."

Cloud sheathed the Buster Sword across his back swiftly, heading to the door again. Lilith smiled at Marlene, patted her head and followed Cloud. She slid the Murasame in the sheath at her side as she walked, feeling sorry for the little girl having to be alone in a bar at this time of night with strangers.

Cloud turned back to the people in the bar, some letting out sighs of relief. He took the Firestar from his inside pocket, aiming at nothing in paticular in the bar.

"Tell anyone we were here," he began in another low frightening tone. "And bang. You're all dead." He grinned at the faces of the people.

Lilith was already walking quickly back to train station, her mind spinning with thoughts. Cloud ran to keep up with her fast pace while putting his pistol back in the holster he had hidden under his suit jacket. He glanced at Lilith's face as she paid for their tickets, wondering what was wrong with her.

Inside the train he remained standing while Lilith sat, shoving a strand of black from her face. The engines roared to life shortly, and the train picked up speed through the slums. She looked to Cloud, noticing his Mako infected eyes. At times, it was a good thing to have Mako in your blood, it being able to help your senses and help you in battle. These days it was odd to find someone with Mako eyes.

"We have to inform President Shinra of this incident," Lilith told Cloud.

"Of what?," he asked. "Some kid says her dad's going to blow up a reactor? It's lunacy, Lilith!"

His voice was drowned by the sounds of something exploding. A reactor.

Go to Chapter Two