Best Of Both Worlds
By John Wendler
Adapted From Final Fantasy III and VII

Chapter Two

The long ride finally came to an end near Bone Village. Red XIII and the two assitents had finally gotten to Icicle Area. Red XIII readily stepped of the boat. He didn't get seasick, but most of the crew was terrifyed of him.

Red XIII looked around at the vast valley. Somewhere, here, was the thing he was looking for. He wasn't even sure what it was, but he had heard the cry of the Planet. It wasn't screaming in terror as it had six months ago, but it was concerned and worried about something. It had to do with the Tunnel To The Heavens. Someone had come to the Planet that filled her with a power not seen for a thousand years.

Red XIII had a special device with him. It was an ancient device of Buganhagen's. He looked at it, and a faint glow shined ahead.

" Alright." He said to his two assitents. " Let's get a move on."

Bolio looked out at the sky. This really was a nice place. The neighborhood was dirty, the people stupid, and the furnishings, but it sufficed. Plus, it had this wonderful view of the ocean.

This was his hideout and his men's: an old warehouse in Junon. There were quite a few resources in this little legion. He had one hundred former Shinra soldiers. He would have got more but for some reason, many had vanished to the northern continent. He had full arminents, seven choppers, and three geniune SOLDIERs that escaped the experiments of Hojo. That was just for starters. He owned eight Roboguards of Shinra. They had each cost a pretty penny, but they were all fixable and manageable, except for number five. His rear guns never worked. His pride and joy was a promising specimen found in Shinra's Top Secret Underground facilities. It had yet to be tested, but it promised good results. The gang that he bought it from refused to give it up, so he ' persuaded ' the leader. His most prized possesion was a large, experimental bomb from Shinra. He knew what to do with that too. He had to rip through five gangs to get it. He even was going to hire the Turks, but they had gone north to and had not been heard of.

Still, this all equalled him up to be a very powerful man. Yet he was resricted to this time, this place. An era where people think for themselves and solve their own problems daily. An era where heroes had vanished and people stepped on each others faces all the time. An era where unspeakible power could be held in the most pathetic of hands. That would change. It would be gone. Vanished. Be only a memory of Deja-Vu.

The assitant to Bolio appeared in the door. Bolio smiled, expecting good news as usual. " Yes, come in." He said.

" Good morning sir." The assitant said.

" Good morning. What have you got to tell me?" Bolio replied.

" Sir," He said as he pulled out a paper from a folder he held. " It would appear that the Sequesta Five of the book has come true."

Bolio's smile quickly turned into a frown. It had come true. He rubbed the book itself which was right next to him as if scanning the pages.

This book had been Bolio's key to power. He heard about Lunar energy as a boy and realized it held the key to his plans. The book described various processes that would lead to the event known as the Tunnel To The Heavens. The book was in a foriegn language, and described these events in an uninterprettible word, Sequesta. There were Seven Sequestas. Everyone knew about the first Sequesta. It had been a fairy tale for most Shinra youngters. Once every thousand years, the sea would boil. This would be Sequesta One and a sign of the Tunnel To The Heavens coming. Only a few people were lucky to catch this event. On that day, seven months ago, Bolio had been lucky to catch that event while walking on the seashore, pondering his next course in life to take. He knew that he would now wait for the other Sequestas to occur, then use the Lunar energy to his advantage.

The Second Sequesta was the Omen of Death. It pretold a terrible thing about to happen, then something bad would. Almost six months ago, the Sister Ray was moved to Midgar. When it was fired and Weapon attacked, every part of the Shinra Main Building he was in was destroyed except for the exact part he was in. He took that as an omen and left the city immediately. One week later, Midgar was destroyed.

The Third Sequesta was unknown to Bolio in the beginning. He looked for months for a way to find out where a book was that he could look at to find out what it was. He eventually arrived in Cosmo Canyon and asked the head there. He, like many people thought Bolio was evil and told him nothing. He sent spys in to figure out what Sequesta was next. They came back with a piece of ancient text that revealed a cave to go to. It was Sequesta Three, the language of the Anicents would appear on that wall. When he got there, he found he was several months too late.

Bolio decided to stop begging for information from a dog that ran a bunch of psychos. He had his men steal the book about the Tunnel To The Heavens. It told him of Sequesta Four, the entrance of the Tunnel appearing. He had his men search for a week in the choppers all over Great Glacier and Icicle Area. He finally found it in Great Glacier.

What Bolio was worried about was the next three Sequestas. They had teh possiblity to ruin his plans. Sequesta Five described the coming of the Traveler, a special person picked to go through the Tunnel to another time. The Sixth Sequesta described the Mark Of The Traveler. The Traveler would do something that would leave an impact on the generations to come. The last Sequesta was the Exodus of the Traveler. During this time, the old Traveler would go and a new one would enter the Tunnel.

All these Sequestas had the possiblilty of ruining Bolio or keeping him from the Tunnel. He wanted to make sure they failed. He wasn't too worried about the Fifth Sequesta. The legend said that sometimes the Traveler didn't even survive the journey.

The Traveler had this time, that was for sure.

" How do you know?" Bolio asked. " A strange woman appeared at Icicle Inn a week ago. She was dressed in loose, old clothing. She welded a sword and was not a registered SOLDIER. She paid for her stay in gold. Plus, she wanted to know where Mobliz was. After some research, I found out that the town had not exsisted for some 1000 years."

Bolio nodded. " Good work. Send the SOLDIERs to get rid of her."

The assistant nodded, then left. Bolio turned back to his wonderful view. This would be his, he wasn't going to let any Traveler stand in his way.

" I'm looking for a strange visitor you recieved a week ago." Red said as he peeked over the desk and spoke to the clerk.

" Are you sure you aren't related...?" An assitant muttered to himself.

" Upstairs." The clerk replied. Red nodded and headed for the staircase. " Oh, sir?" The clerk called to him. Red turned.

" Could you try to convince her to leave? She is disturbing guests."

Terra slept in the bed for long periods of time. She hadn't slept in a good bed for a while, and it was nice. Besides, it was the only way to avoid going crazy at the fact that no one had ever heard of Mobliz.

She was awakened by the sound of velvet paws creeping up the stairs. She recognized it as the sound of a big cat monster. She didn't move at all. She didn't want it to strike.

The cat creeped all the way up the stairs and toward Terra's bed. Terra started to sweat but didn't move. She remembered where her sword was, right on the side of the bed that the cat wasn't at. She prepared herself for a jump.

Just as the big cat reached the bed, she went into action. She threw off the covers onto the cat, confusing it. She siezed her sword and sprang out of bed. She jumped in the air and landed on the bed next to it, brandishing the Atma Weapon.

The big cat got free of the sheets. It was helped by two humans one either side of it. When the sheets were gone, Terra saw it was very fearsome. It was like a huge lion and dog. Its mane was red and its tail appeared to be on fire. It had tattoos and tribal designs all over it.

The beast appeared to look friendly. " It's ok! We're your friends. My name is Nanaki." He said very friendly like and soothing. " We understand you have been through an incredible ordeal. I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation." This last word appeared to hint at one of the assitants. " Just put the weapon down, and I'll tell you all about it."

Terra was amazed at the very idea it could talk. It sounded sincere, and Terra almost laid down her sword. She began to feel a little tired. Then she saw one of the assitants reach into a bag and take out a green pearl-like object. It was a trick by the beast. It was trying to put her under a spell like the assitants.

" Dem-" was as far as the assitant got. Terra jumped on him and took him to the ground. She realized the boy was trying to cast a spell, but she didn't realize why he had pulled out a pearl to do it. She peeled out her sword to stab, but then the beast tackled her. She threw it off, but it pushed back. It didn't appear to want to hurt her, only pin her down. The beast was very strong, and Terra couldn't wrestle it much longer. Then she noticed it had a weak leg. She kicked it. The beast belowed in pain and fell back. She got on it and threw her sword at its throat. It somehow managed to do an odd act of grabbing it with its front paws. It couldn't hold it though for long.

" Manipulate..." The beast said to the standing assitant. She, in turn, took out a yellow pearl from her bag. She pointed it at Terra. Terra immediately stood up to grab it out of her hands. Then she felt a grip on her mind. She grabbed her head. It brought back painful memories of the Slave Crown that had made her a puppet for a year. She tried to shake the grip off.

" Give it to me! I have better ability!" The beast said as he got up. The assitent obliged, and the grip grew stronger as it pushed into her head. She tried desperately to block out the voice coming to her head. She shut her eyes and struggled. She faced darkness. Then the voice broke through.

Terra... The voice said. It sounded both reassureing and commanding.

I won't listen to you!


Shut up! I won't be a puppet again!

Terra...lay the sword down.

No! It's a trick!

You must lay the sword down.


Lay it down now.




Terra felt her body obey the powerful voices commands slowly. She couldn't resist it. She wanted to, almost too badly. Her mind felt like it was literally ripping apart, trying desperately not to be a puppet again. She couldn't see herself starting to fidgit. Couldn't see blood coming out of her nose. All she could do was see and hear the voice.

Terra... you are too tense. Relax.

No...I'm becoming a...puppet...

You have to lay down. You must relax.

Never...I will die first...then become a pawn again...

Terra, lay down and sleep.


Terra strained brain purposely went crazy. It was tired of illusions, monsters, and manipulation. It wanted it too all end. It had to all end.

She decended into an even deeper level of darkness.

" What happened?" Red asked himself furiously. " See to her!" He told the two assitants.

The two assitants carryed the woman's limp body to the bed. Red looked in a book he had brought. The voice of the Planet gave him a vauge idea of what time period this person was from. It also called her the Traveler.

After flipping through a while, he found a page with the young woman's sketched picture on it, as well as a brief history. The woman's name was Terra Branford.

Red suddenly looked up in shock. Terra Branford. He had read about her in all sorts of legends. She was one of the last real weilders of magic. She saved the Planet from the insane Kefka. She was the greatest hero since Cecil Lunarian.

She was also a mental case when it came to manipulation. The Old Empire of the last millenia used her as a puppet using manipulation. By using this materia, she had driven her brain insane with old memories.

He ran up to her body. He immediately looked around her body. He ripped off her shirt.

" Um...Master Nanaki?" The female assitant asked. " What are you doing?"

" Just look for a deep claw scar, quick." Red replied. Terra was from the past. If she hadn't forfilled her destiny, and they had injured her or made her unstable, it would have a vast effect on the future. Terra had got a deep claw wound from the legendary Wyvern, when she tried to battle him at Ebot Rock. The event had occured after she saved the Planet from Kefka, and she only survived because Bahamut was there.

He found no scar. This Terra had yet to forfill her destiny. Red almost went crazy himself with anger. If she was perminately damaged, the future was doomed.

" Grab her!" He yelled at the assitants. " We must get out of here fast. We will have to find a place with no modern influences. Son of a... With all my years of... How could I... Oh let's go!"

The clerk barely had time to react as the two younger people carried the green haired one out with a limping lion-like creature behind.

Jeffery came over. " Now those were definately the worst guests we ever had. What do we do now?"

The clerk smiled. " Open the fine wine."

End Chapter Two