Best Of Both Worlds
by John Wendler copyright
adapted from Final Fantasy 3 and 7


Terra sat down for a moment and wiped her brow.

She took a few deep breaths before standing up and walking again. For the past six months, she had seen the world slowly die. All because of them. They had failed. She had failed. Kefka was still alive and sucking the planet dry. She was weak.

She remembered how bad she felt after falling down from Setzer's airship. She managed to revert into an esper and take herself the rest of the way down. But as soon as she landed, she saw the world had been ripped apart by Kefka. He thought this was all some joke, he must have. He was insane, and Terra had not the power to break free of his spell. She had not the power to put the statues back. She had not the power to end the insane general's life. Now it was a matter of time, a matter of waiting for the end to come to this world.

She did have one responsibility left, care for the children. She landed near Mobliz after the horrible attack, and after a long sleep awoke. She found the children there, still alive. As for their parents, they had made the final mistake of defying Kefka. It was the last mistake they ever made. They had their town fried by Kefka's " Light Of Judgement." She was the only adult they had.

She took care of the children. She fed them, got them ready day after day, and protected them. Her most dangerous task was defending them from Phunbaba, a terrible monster released by the Collapse. She felt her own will slipping away day by day.

But she didn't have time to worry about that now. The children needed food, and she had to get it for them. The main hunting ground was along the beach. It was where the last few creatures came to get so-called water. There were many monsters from the Veldt still there, though they disappated in number every day. Occsionally, a big monster would come by, and that's what Terra was waiting for.

She had been waiting, secluded by long, brown reeds for hours now. It was hot, and tempting to fall asleep in the intense sun. Great beads of sweat trickled down her forehead and nose. It was even more tempting to drink the near-poison water nearby. Terra managed to restrain herself from it and wait. Insects had been covering her with bites for quite a while as well. She finally decided to wait ten minutes more, then look elsewhere.

Almost on cue, a rhino-like creature stumbled out from dry grass. It had a lazy and stupid look on its face as it stumbled over to the water. Terra frowned at the creature. She had been hoping for a gazzelle-like creature. This one wouldn't succumb to a bow easily. It wouldn't succumb to a sword either. It would charge powerfully after it was hit by anything.

Almost anything.

Terra slowly crept through the reeds. They made a lot of noise for being dry, and the large creature was allerted to her presence. It looked right over her for a moment, then dismissed her as nothing. It bended down to drink again. Terra decided the time to act was now.

She focused all her attention on the creature. She area around her began to seem to grow dark. The esper in her grew strong. She felt words that she could never repeat race through her mind. They started spilling out of her mouth in a rush.

The creature noticed something was wrong, but it was already too late for it. Clouds turned the sky black. A white-hot bolt shattered the air and struck the creature squarely in the head. It didn't even have time to wail. It slumped over, instantly dead.

The sky returned to normal and Terra emerged from her hiding place. She went over to the large carcass of the creature. It wasn't as large as a real rhino, she could drag it back to Mobliz. But she was tired and hot. It had been a long day. It would take a long time to drag its carcass back.

She layed down and leaned back on a rock. She could take a short rest. Just a little nap...

Terra woke up to see stars. She was surprised. She quickly got up and looked around. There was no way she could have slept for hours. She felt the carcass of the creature. It was still warm. That meant nothing. It could easily mean that the creature had just been sitting in the sun all day. It was dark outside.

She looked into the sky and saw the moon. It didn't really look like the moon at all. It looked like a ring of moon. It was obviously an eclipse. She felt her body. It was very warm. She still had slept for quite a while. Her face was burnt.

She took up the carcass and started to wonder what excuse she could give to the children. She suddenly had to drop it again. She felt warm all over. Maybe she had been burnt more than she had thought. She was going to get some cream when she started to feel dizzy. I must have sunstroke, she thought. She wanted to use a spell on herself to cure it...

...But she couldn't. She felt herself growing hotter and dizzier by the second. She thought she was sick. The world started to swirl as she got hotter and dizzer. It became hard to breathe. The whole world spinned faster and faster, got hotter and hotter. Finally, Terra felt her world fade to black.

In a half sleep state, Nanaki, or Red XIII, finally felt himself awaken by an incredible force. It was a force he had never felt before in his life. It can't be starting now, Red thought, There's still a week to go.

Red XIII went into his grandfathers vast library. He searched the books for sights or sounds of the feeling he had gotten. It had been very powerful, it had to be something relevant.

He finally found and indictator in one book, but it couldn't be true.

It was the only thing that it could be though.

After 1000 years, magic had returned to the Planet.

" And we monitered the wake correctly sir." The attendent told his boss, who was draped in shadow. " You were right. The effect has occured."

" Good work." The dark figure answered. This was all he needed to say to dismiss the attendent. He left, and the man looked out his window.

Soon it will all be mine.