Jenova Resurrection


(3,000 years before FF7)
Lightning flashed down from the clear sky, incinerating trees and charring the ground where Luciath had stood just moments before. She rolled across the ground and came up, firing an arrow as she did so. She followed it up with another arrow. Mecha stopped laughing and dove out of the way. The first arrow missed, but the second embedded itself in the man's arm. The blood flowed deep purple across his fingers as he clamped his hand over the wound. His handsome face contorted in anger, the flashing eyes matching the color of the blood that stained his white sleeve.

Mecha roughly tore the arrow from his arm, grasping it in his bloodstained hand. He extended his other hand, closed in a fist, towards the woman facing him. "Bio!" he shouted, opening his hand. A flash of light burst from his palm and green energy rose in rings from the ground at his feet, responding to the call of the materia. Vile purple-green gelatinous orbs materialized around Luciath's body and she shuddered as the magic inflicted its illness.

 The poison slowly spread through Luciath's body as she slung her bow across her shoulder. Pulling a small vial out of her belt pouch, she tossed it into the air. The vial evaporated above her head and the antidote contained within fell through the air, halting the poison's advance. She narrowed her green eyes, pulling her sword from its scabbard and charging.

 Again, Mecha extended his hand. "Fire 3!" In response to this command, rings of green energy again rose from the ground and fiery spheres formed in the air. The spheres moved, collecting into an immense fire ball with Luciath once more at the magic's center, before disappearing with another snap of energy.

 Curiously unscathed but hurt, Luciath attacked. The black metal of her sword sang as it rushed through the air, slicing with impossible ease through Mecha's tunic, as if the tunic was made of mere fabric as oppose to the thick red leather. He gasped in pain as the sharp blade grazed his skin, opening a long shallow wound across his chest. He staggered back but she moved with him, raising her sword to deliver a fatal blow. Remembering the arrow in his hand, he plunged it through her stomach before she could attack.

 Luciath fell to her knees, fighting waves of dizziness that threatened to engulf her consciousness as a wash of blood forced its way out of her in a hot torrent. She was painfully aware of Mecha's presence as he towered over her, further driving the point of defeat into her mind in a way the arrow in her gut never could. She cursed his existence under her breath for every injury he'd ever caused her. Ever since he stole her from her home and tossed her back in time seventeen years ago, he had been there, a constant reminder of how close, yet how far away home was.

 He chuckled softly. "I'm afraid I've won this time, Luciath, my dear," he said, the triumph in his tone almost masked by his feigned sorrow.

 "Don't call me that." she said, her loathing filling her voice. She wanted desperately to run him through, to make him feel the wrenching pain she felt in her body, the feeling of the life draining slowly from her body, drop by drop, as her blood ran sickeningly across her skin and into the dirt. She wanted to take him with her to the world beyond. But most of all, she wanted to sear his soul. She wanted to strip him of everything he had ever known, but leave the memories to haunt him for the rest of his life. Just as he had done to her. Yet her limbs felt leaden, and she hardly had the energy to keep herself from passing out.

 He smiled, crouching down beside her. "My dear, dear, Luciath. How can you stop me?" he asked, gently pulling her long golden bangs away from her face so that he could see her expression. "You're absolutely stunning when you're angry." he commented, his entire manner more flirtatious than menacing. "But," he continued, rising to his feet, "I'm afraid it's time to get you out of my way."

Luciath closed her eyes, anticipating a painful end. "Good bye, Sephi," she thought. And then there was nothing. No additional pain. Just a flash of bright light.


 A smile danced across his face as he pulled the key from her prison. A frown almost immediately replaced it as he slowly turned the key over in his hands, mirroring the way he turned his thoughts over in his mind, almost reluctant to put an end to the game. "No," he said, determinedly closing his hand in a fist around the glittering key, "She has become a skilled enough player to pose a very real threat to my life." He let his hungry eyes wander once more over her face, her body. "Such a pity, she is as beautiful as her mother." With exaggerated care he knelt and kissed the glass of her lips. "Enjoy your sleep, dear Luciath. I doubt I shall ever encounter you again." His mouth smiled but his eyes did not. "All the better for you, I suppose. I've caused you enough pain."

 He stood, saluting her with his sword, and slowly turned away. He had one more piece to put into play. He lightly tossed the key into the air. In the sunlight, it glittered as gold as her hair, before falling into shadow as it landed in his hand once more. Mecha spread his arms wide, and in a flash of pink light he was gone. 

Author's Note

 So, how do you like it so far? This part is just meant to introduce a character that wasn't in the game and explain an occurrence that doesn't get explained later on. Any questions so far? Good. Read on, the real story starts with Chapter one ^_^

Author: Kami Jadeheart

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