The Rift Has Opened

Chapter 2

The ropeway engine screeched against the landing point, Gold Saucer station. Barret and Marlene got out of the crowded car. At the entrance Red waited patiently.

"Hello, Cid is inside we have to get in quickly!" Red said, hurrying them along. Red padded ahead while Barret and Marlene ran at full speed behind.

Red pounced into the ghost motel tube. he was obviously as much in the dark as Barret was. Barret grabbed hold of Marlene and dived in after Red.

"It's about time!" Cid exclaimed glancing at his watch as he saw Barret.

"The ropeway broke down half-way," Barret explained.

"Well anyway Reeve has something big to say," Yuffie said. They hurried off inside.

Reeve was in the lobby with Vincent and Cait Sith.

"How is Cait Sith moving without the help of a control?" Barret asked. Cait Sith walked up to him.

"I've just been fitted with a computer brain," Cait Sith said proudly.

"After our last adventure when Cait Sith was crushed in the Temple of the Ancients trying to get the black materia it put a thought in my head, I was taking to much time trying to control Cait Sith. So after we iced Sephiroth I set off to icicle inn to build a new Cait Sith that controled itself." Reeve said.

Cid went over to book a room while the rest of the team just talked about their lives. Yuffie had completed her ninja training and was now a materia hunter for the city of Wutai. Red was expanding Cosmo Canyon, trying to get it closer to Mideel to make Cosmo Canyon a lifestream city.

"Rooms booked," Cid yelled to the team, he was already upstairs. As they filed their rooms Mr. Hangman pressed a button on his intercom.

"Their ready," he cackled into the microphone.


Reno stepped into the small dark office. The Turks had received a call from a strange man with familliar voice. Rude and Elena were already in seats. They had become an orginisation with an intention of getting enough money to add some new sets of houses to Midgar.

The man sat in a dark corner of the room, all the Turks could make out was his blonde hair.

"You have to get to the Ancient Desert," the man said.

"Why?" Elena asked.

"Two people have disappeared and I suspect they are there," the man explained.

"Where is this place?" Reno said. He had just wanted to get some money in any way possible. But this job seemed like it was right, that he was destined to take the job.

The man explained that it was north of icicle inn. That they should meet up Avalanche who were headed up there anyway.

The Turks left the office. On the way out Rude was hit in the back with a pipe. Six men were standing with street weapons.

"Give me your gil," one man growled. He had dark black hair tied in a pony tail. He came towards Elena.

"You might find that it's not that easy to take our gil," Elena said kicking him in the chest and flinging him into a wall.

With that the fight was on. Although the Turks were outnumbered, they weren't outgunned as Rude pointed out firing his uzi at a man in a leather jacket.

Elena shot her fist into a womans jaw. Reno fired a turk light into a group of enemys. While Rude slammed his fist into anyone foolish enough to cross his path. The fight was over before it had started.

"They seemed more orginised than a street gang," Rude said. Elena picked up a small brown object.

"What the hell is this?" She asked, looking deep into it. Suddenly a ship appeared out of no where and fired cannons into them.

They picked themselves up. Everyone looked at Elena.

"Oh, thats what it was," she said.