The Rift Has Opened

Chapter 4

Cloud peeked around the corner of the wall. He had been running for hours. The problem was he did'nt have his sword and the soldiers moved in packs. Fists against guns had an obvious winner.

There was no gaurds around there. Lucky. Cloud slowly crept down the bleak metal hallway. He had been looking for Tifa for ages and he had no clue where to look. He had no idea where he was. The halls were not decorated. Everything was the same. In fact Cloud was sure he had been down here before.

Suddenly Cloud heard a loud crash from the room he was just passing. He slowly opened the door and glanced inside. Cloud looked on with horror as he saw Tifa single handedly beating six gaurds and Grind. But the gaurds had their guns.

Another gaurd fired at Tifa, it missed. Tifa took advantage by kicking at him in the shin. The gaurd punched blindly. Tifa grabbed his arm and flung him over her shoulder by it.

A gaurd lifted his hand and punched Tifa in the face. Another gaurd kicked Tifa and raised his gun. As he did Cloud kicked the gaurds back,forcing him to drop his gun. Then Tifa landed a kick into the gaurds personal area.

"Enough!" Grind shouted slamming his shoulder into Cloud. Grind then launched a fist at Tifa but she nimbly dodged out of the way. In one fluid motion Tifa punched wildly, somersaulted, kicked, thrown, called a dolphon to uppercut, and then crashed Grind into the Ground. Tifa then summoned all her strength into a punch and launched Grind through the wall.

Grind was near dead. Tifa picked Cloud up and ran out of the room.


Cid drew a cigarette from behind his goggles. He had been under a lot of stress taking the dust out of the Highwind, finding the crew and paying for the trip back to Rocket Town.

Cid had finaly got the Highwind flying again when Marlene almmost fell out. So then Cid had to put Marlene under Sheras care, poor kid, he thought. Beneath them the ocean was bare and blue. Until a orange flare passed the window porthole.

"Do you think that was an attack?" Reeve said. Cid shrugged, he hated being leader he was desparate to find Cloud so he could take charge of the team again. Cait Sith plodded over to the window and looked out. It was the Turks in a boat.

Cid gave the order to drop missiles when one of the crew members pointed out that Reno had lead his group aboard. Barret let loose with a blaze of cannon fire knocking Rude off the rope ladder.

"You dumb £$$ we're here to help," Reno shouted up to Barret. The Highwind lowered altitude and picked up Rude as Reno explained their mission. While he was explaining Vincent eyed Reno strangely. Reno shuddered.

"So ya wanna help us, after you attacked us countless times," Cid said sarcastacly. He was hoping they could help, who knows what could be on the island. But he wanted to see how the Turks would react.

Reno was onto him. "No you big ape of course we don't!" Reno knew how to apply sarcasm too.

"Alright you can come!" Cid shouted. He was pretty annoyed now. He hadn't expected more sarcasm, although he had expected Reno to live up to his character of an annoying little punk.

The Highwind suddenly rocked and jerked. A Dragon was blasting them with fire.

"Damn," Red said. Reeve looked out the window as the dragon flew past.

"Fire!" Cid ordered. The crew saluted and fired the cannons. But the dragon flew around them. "Fire!" Cid commanded again. The crew fired again, it missed the dragon.

"I have an idea," Vincent said calmly throught the panic.

"Enlighten us then," Red whispered loudly. He was calm too.

Vincent straightened out his sleeve "shoot me with all you've got, It'll turn me into the Chaos beast so I can fly outside and attack it directly, I'll be fine just cast cure when I'm in my beast form, I'll try and keep control," Vincent rasped.

"I don't like it but," Cid said "hit him!" Then Barret, Red, Yuffie, Cid and Cait Sith began pounding on Vincent with their weapons.

"Well?" Yuffie asked, she hated to waste boomerangs on her friend.

"It's coming," Vincent grunted through the pain. Then Vincent was replaced with a hulking blue demon whose eyes where fixed on Reeve.

Reeve backed off. "Uh could someone stop him or it?" He whispered. Cid jumped in front of Vincent and said "remember keep control."

Vincent roared and dived out of the trapdoor. Although Avalnche and the Turks could'nt see much of what was going on, the noise was awful. Then they saw the dragon falling to the ground as Vincent returned to his proper form. He began to join the dragon.

"Oh boy," Yuffie muttered, she hadn't expected any deaths till later.

"That's it if he's going to die without me killing him, Elena get the rope," Reno said.

"Aye aye sir," Elena mocked putting a rope in Reno's hands. Then Reno jumped out of the airship and grabbed Vincent.

"Okay lift me up before I develop a fear of heights!" Reno shouted. Then the rope went up high into the clouds.

"Does that prove I want to help?" Reno asked later.

"A bit, just a tiny bit," Cid said.