The Rift Has Opened

Chapter 6

Vincent sat in the tree's staring out at the huge structure which apparently had Cloud and Tifa deep in its bowels. He had been posted up there until Shots gave the signal. However when Shots gave the signal Vincent would have to travel realy fast to catch up or the whole mission would be in jeopardy. There was a slight moving in the titanic steel structure as the lookouts held their guns steadily over the walls.

Suddenly a crossbow bolt silently embeded itself in the tree. It was the signal. Vincent sprung into action. He dived out of the tree, he noticed the steep cliff face in front of him all too late. as he fell Vincent swung his arms in the air trying to grab something that would steady him out.

Suddenly his clawed left arm sunk deep into the rock of the cliff as Vincent smacked into the side of the rock and fell down to earth. Right on top of Barret.

Barret quickly collapsed to the ground in suprise. Vincent and Barret both quickly untangled themselves and pulled themselves up.

"Never thought you'd be that fast," Barret joked "come on if we mess up the mission will be over faster than we thought." Vincent nodded and followed the rest of the group inside.

Suddenly Red stopped and growled, "what was that?" he questioned. "What?" Yuffie said.

Red carried on going "nothing it probably does'nt matter," he declared.

"Quit yer yappin' and move yer @$$e'$ inside before I kick em'!" Cid commanded, red quickly hurried inside Yuffie following from behind.

Shots pulled a lever on the wall and the dark hallway was quickly brightened with electric light.

"Let's move on," he ordered "if we wanna get your friends and give Top Hat a nasty suprise we gotta move before the lookouts realize somethin' entered."

Barret was lucky that Reeve had volunteered to take Marlene to the safety of the highwind. However he was still edgy that something happened to the ship.

Skreep led them forward into a room that was like a sewer it had filthy walls and was realy damp. Instead of steel floors, mud covered the ground while the ceiling was covered in cobwebs.

"Keep your eyes open," she stated "you never know when some gaurds will come this way."

Cid was last to move out. He thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye but it was nothing. Now he could see a dark shadow looming outside. Cid just moved, if he stayed for longer Top Hat would have saw him and attacked.

The group silently went over to the next room which was almost the same except this room had a steel door in front of them. Shots slowly pushed it open and stepped inside. He then beckoned the others in.

"What the hell is this?" Reno questioned. His voice echoing loudly off the filthy walls. Cait Sith silenced him.

The room was covered with blood, while on the floor where some dead gaurds, each one had a deadly injury. They all had had their heads torn off.


Tifa carried one of the dead gaurds toward the dimly lit coridoor. Cloud had the gaurds head. He never knew Tifa could hit hard enough to knock someones head off.

This was their third escape attempt and it was getting more complex by the minute. They had planned to go back to the cell to grab the rest of the decapitated gaurds, their plan was to use the bodies to pile up and climb up to the top of the fort and lower themselves down. It was the easiest way since the front exit was under heavy supervision.

"How did you get their heads off?" Cloud asked breaking the silence.

"Remember when I used Final Heaven on Sephiroth?"


"Well I basically did the same to these gaurds except I had this." She tossed the materia she had. It was an all materia.

"But I don't get it," Cloud said.

"Look I just stuck it on the end of my fist and fired I don't know what happened it just killed them all." Tifa explained.

Suddenly someone in a bright white overcoat carrying a crossbow came around the corner.

"Damnit! we've been caught again!" Cloud cursed. Then he saw the rest of Avalanche coming in from behind.

"Hi spikey-@$$," Barret said. Tifa went up to them.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Helpin' ya thats what," Cait sith explained.

"Well lets get goin'," Elena ordered.

"Wait what are they doing here!" Cloud said indicating the Turks.

"Relax the turks are just helping us," Cid expained, then he told Cloud and Tifa everything that had happened.

"You went through a lot of trouble," Tifa stated.

"Now lets go get Top Hat!" Shots commanded.