The Rift Has Opened

Prologue 2

Pilon was shoved into the boothe. He clenched his teeth and forced himself to continue. The injection hit his brain with tranquilizer and he was weak. This was supposed to be the most deadly part of the experiment, according to Tseng. A blue gas filled the metal boothe. Pilon almost choked. His bicepts increased in mass. The space between his head and the floor grew enourmously. In fact his legs grew. A pounding headache struck him as hard as an anvil. Pilon felt he was going to explode. He screamed in pain. But then the pain began to subside. Pilon looked down on himself. He was huge! Tseng entered.

"Very good Mr. Pilon," Tseng said. With his hat, overcoat and mask he was a terryfing thing to look at. "But there is one more thing to do, guards take him out."

Pilon stepped back in cowering fear as the two guards, clad in Shinra uniform, stepped forward and fired. Pilon lifted his arms up to shield the blast. But he got hit.

He lifted his arms away slowly. Pilon was unhurt.

"From now on your name is Grind," Tseng announced.

"Yes Mr. Tseng," Pilon replied.

"To call me Tseng again is to die, my name is Top Hat!"

Prologue 3

Barth hiked on top of Coral mountains Coldir plodded behind him. Barth raced ahead the jar in one hand the gil in the other to pay for the toll road.

"Wait for me!" Coldir yelled. But Barth was already far away. But Coldir could just make out the blade tipped hat slamming into Barths neck. Coldir, completley horryfied screamed, but a huge hand as big as Coldir's head covered his mouth. Another over his neck.

Grind shook Coldir for a while until he was asleep. Then Top hat headed over. Barth in one hand the jar with the scorpion in the other.

"Let's go," Top Hat laughed.

Chapter 1

Tifa walked into the pharmacy, Cloud staggered behind.

"Come on!" Tifa shouted to Cloud. Tifa walked into the pharmacy and stepped up to the receptionist's desk.

"Yes?" the receptionist said in a posh voice.

"Hi I'd like to have...," Tifa started but the receptionist cut her off.

"Weight loss fluid?" the receptionist asked rudely.

"What the hell!" Cloud panted catching up. "You better appolgise or I'll hack you into that many pieces that you'll fit into a small packing case!" He yelled angrily.

"No Cloud I'll handle this," Tifa explained calmly. She the picked the receptionist up by the collar and said angrily "Now apoligise or I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks!"

The snob laughed "Top Hat anticipates your every move," she flicked a switch and knock out gas hit Cloud and Tifa. The receptionist put on an orange mask as a man in an overcoat and hat sneaked into the room.

"It's a shame about the customers," the receptionist said. Top Hat tossed her a bundled up roll of gil. "Or maybe I should just stay home and look at this all day,"

Top Hat snapped his fingers and Barth stepped in.

"Yes sir?" he rasped.

"Fire master, you and Materia Man take them to the truck," Top Hat ordered. Coldir walked in and picked up Cloud. While Barth, Fire master as he was now called picked up Tifa.

"Soon our orginization will be complete," Top Hat laughed. On his way he snapped his fingers again and some gaurds walked in and shot the receptionist and the custumers. "No witnesses," he whispered quietly on his way out.


Barret sat back in his comfy chair. He was now Corals trade advisor as well as a shop owner. Because of his trade expertise, Barret had made Coral a richer place. His shop was lined with wooden shelves filled with foreign items. The shop was painted bright blue, under Red's decorating advise. Marlene sat on the floor reading a book, Cosmo Canyon guide to the stars. Barret hadn't a clue why Red gave it to her as a birthday present.

At that moment a messenger walked in.

"Urgent message from a Mr. V Valentine," the kid said handing Barret the message.

Barret opened the note so quickly it almost ripped at the side. He couldn't wait to hear the news from Vincent's neck of the woods.

Vincent, unlike the others hadn't led a peaceful life. He became a proffessional fighter for a Gold Saucer Battle square. Vincent had also trained a young boy to fight.

The note read

Dear Barret Wallace

I have something urgent to tell you. Cloud and Tifa have been taken to a strange island north of Icicle inn. Cid has gathered us together. Me, Red, Yuffie, and Reeve has an important announcment about Cait sith. Meet us at Gold Saucer. Bring Marlene she is not safe had Coral.

From Vincent

Barret took the note and said "Damn Cloud gettin' Tifa into trouble," he muttered. He picked up Marlene and ran out the door.