St.Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies

Test For How To Study The Bible 1

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. Methodical study is ________________________.

2. Inductive study is _______________________ and __________________________.

3. Inductive study demands that a student first examine the _____________________________ of the Scriptures and then make ________________________________ .

4. The _____________ is the basic textbook of Bible students.

5. ______________________ and ________________________ study is the mark of an inductive student.

6. The first step of methodical study is ___________________________.

7. Observation is "the act or faculty of... taking _________________; the act or result of _______________________ or _____________________ attentively.

8. Observation is essentially _________________________.

9. Observation is _____________________ and _______________________ in observation.

10. __________________ is a given word as it is used in a given context.

11. __________________ involves all of the relations and interrelations which bind terms into a literary unit.

12. The vaious structural units are: ______________________, ____________________, ______________________, ______________________, _____________________, __________________________, ______________________, ____________________, and _________________.

13. General ___________________ ____________________ is the type of literature used by an author.

14. ______________________ is the underlying tone or spirit of a passage. It is the ____________ of a passage.

15. The second step of Methodical Bible Study is _______________________.

16. The first aspect of ____________________________ is that of discovering the basic meaning of the ______________________ of a passage.

17. The second aspect is the ___________________________ phase.

18. The third phase is _____________________________.