The Parent Trap

Of course the movie has to be charming and go-lucky, but come on, it's the same creators of Father of the Bride. Starring Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson.


Any baby boomer or child of a baby boomer should know this altruism of a tale where identical twins scheme to bring their divorced parents (neither who have it together) together. I sat in my theater seat expecting what all moviegoers expect for a remake, a dud. But this is a charmer out of the summer films; a true family film brought to us by the people behind Father of the Bride and Father of the Bride Part II.

This time, a cute red-headed actress ( ) in her film debut, stars as the twins Annie and Halley, the English and Californian sisters who meet at camp. At first sight, they are amazed and hateful towards the other, but they realize who they really are and you can guess the story from there...

The parents, Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson, are more romantic than the original pair. The 90s couple has sparks flying and stars in their eyes. Also, the cohorts in the plan, the maid, butler and grandfather lovingly help the girls and the parents. But the salt in the wound is the fiance - who is not convincing, nor is the relationship with Quaid and herself. But the salt "evaporates" and the film stays happy.

For families who seek a family film that they can actually watch, this is one of the few that's very good and enjoyable for everyone.

Christine Chriscaden