The Wild Powers are coming.

One from the land of kings long forgotten;

One from the hearth which still holds the spark;

One from the Day World where two eyes are watching;

One from the twilight to be with one from the dark.

Through it all, Circle Dawn will stay together. It is a group of vampires, shapeshifters, witches, and werewolves. We harbor the beliefs, that the world can unite at the millienium.

"In blue fire, the final darkness is banished.

In blood, the final price is paid."

Created 5-9-98

Updated last on 7-29-98

E-mail Roseclear at
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site owned by Roseclear.
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Circle Dawn logo was made by Raye Willowthorn.

The Night is long;

The moon is falling;

The presence breaks over the ridge of morning;

The Dawn is rising.

The power of the Night is gone;

The ways of the Night are useless;

To those of the Night, beware;

The Dawn is rising.--Anonymous