FoLC Map Web Page

You are FoLC visitor # since December 17, 1996.

Last updated July 8, 1998.

Welcome to the FoLC Map Web Page!

There are a few different ways to find where FoLCs live. You can use a clickable image map of the World. The image map is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 2.0+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0+. If you don't have either of those, there is also a text version available for most of the countries. If you want to visit the web site of a FoLC and its not in your language, try checking out AltaVista's translator!

Have fun, and e-mail me with your name, irc nick, state (and city if you want), and e-mail address or URL if you want to be included! Or, fill out a form on this page and save yourself the email! :) Feel more than free to add a link back here from your own page!

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click above for infomation on the FoLCad!

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