Helloo and Welcome, everyone....Thanks for visiting my home page.....Pardon me as this is my first trial at making a homepage and I am only armed with ten minutes' worth of knowledge about the HTML thinggy....so needless to say, I "looked into " a couple of my fwens' home pages and if u find something terribly familiar...well....=) This page is still under major construction, and so be prepared to see some changes goin' on, made for the better, I hope !!
So, here's a little introduction....My name is Flora Yuan, and if u haven't realised, I'm a GIRL !! I'm born in the year 1982 ( that makes me 15 in the year 1997 ), which is also the year of the Doggie, which partially explains why I love doggies so...actually, I love piggies and hippos too, and wouldn't mind having them around the house =) I study in the "wonderful" school of Raffles Girls' School Secondary , and I'm in the school choir, for which I play the piano. The choir's a nice ECA to be in, but of course it needs to be accompanied by a wonderful group of Fwens and Paws .
So, I love music of all sort, including classical music, but that doesn't mean I am one of those very artistic ones who spends hours in the concert halls, museums, galleries or what have u....in fact, I'm not artistic at all...c'mon, u don't call a person who drew a seashell thought to be a yam, very artistic, do u ?!? During my free time after school, ECAs and piano lessons, I would do things done by a typical Singaporean teenager = yakking on the phone, shopping, movies, eating ice-cream etc. etc. However, I do have ocassional crazes which do not usually last longer than 3 months. Last week it was with doing splits, and having accomplished that, I am now obssessed with pot purri, so now my room smells like a nice-smelling toilet.....
Apart from spending a lot of time in school and other thiggies, I still try to have time for my family, whom I love luff very much...Me have a sister by the name of Samantha, and she's 4 years my junior. To me, me parents are the ones I thought to be the best....of coz.=) Hmmm...nothing much to say about them, so just like to specially dedicate this page to them ( especially to Samantha for helping me single out images and graphics, as well as bearing with me while I hog the PC for hours...) and thank them for providing me with such a wonderful home to go to....
Me fwens also have their own wonderful homepages, so check these out ( not quite alot, though ). Ivy's Home Page is specially dedicated to choral music, while she has another 2, dedicated to Ballet and dunno-what. Meanwhile, also check out Stella's Home Page, which has lotsa flowers in them. To check out a nice picture of a doggie ( which personally I like alot and would like to hug and strangle it ), click on Amy's Page, where u can also learn about her loonnggg history. Another one to recommend is my wonderful fwen, Diana's Home Page. Do not be fooled by her title ( Dianosaur ) though, there's nothing about dinosuars, and SHE'S NOT A DINOSAUR !!! There is also Davina's Page. She luvs music, so music lovers, flock to her page !!I also noe of a fwen, Travis, an Australian who is a young writer, quite established and had a few of his works published....so visit his page and it's happy reading time !!
For those out there who enjoy chats, u might of course noe bout this already, but for those who don't, it's Alamak Chat !! So it's Yakkety Yak !! If u wanna read newspapers, but too lazy to flip through, then go to the Straitstimes, where u can read other newspps as well !!As I had mentioned earlier, I play the piano and also enjoy classical music, so here's a site which personally I like very much. Here u can noe more about what is happening in the music scene, as well as learn about the various composers and performers ( including my favourite Vienna Boys Choir ) from A to Z. There is even a shopping list which u can use to order and buy cassettes and CDs from, but of course, u will have to pay for the postage as well. To know more about the current movies and prebiews, click on Movies Online , and u will be able to find out about the screenings at cinemas all over Singapore. Another wonderful site to go to would be Virtual Presents where u can send your friend on the net almost any present without having to pay a single cent ! Presents range from cards to bath beads, cosmetics to nail polish, clothes, jewellery, even ATM counters, Porsche, Rolls Royce or a Super Concorde !!
Disney fans, here's your site !! Go to DisneyLand and you can find out everything about the Walt Disney, including watch Beauty and the Beast in the theatre. However, not forgetting the Looney Tunes Fans, there's also a Warner Bros. page and noe more bout " whatz up doc " and " I tawt I taw a Puddy Tat ".....Me a big fan as well...=)
So I think that's about all, but please keep dropping in by this page, as construction is still going on, so don't forget your safetly gear !
Flounder sez bye !
For any comments, pls mail me at piggy@rgs.edu.sg.
Last updated : 15th December, 1996
(c) Flora. All Rights Reserved.