Chase the Norwegians! Bring in their Constitution.
(English Translation - Divaina, 27 Feb 2000)
By Dr Susantha Goonatilake

The report into Kumar Rupesinghe's International Alert by a Norwegian Institute termed the type of "conflict resolution" Norway is doing now "a new form of imperialism." And, as Norway interferes, let us first learn about our new imperialist.

The Constitution of Norway says that the "Evangelical-Lutheran religion" is its "official religion" and that "inhabitants professing it are bound to bring up their children in the same". The Executive Power is vested in the King, who must be a member of the official religion and must "uphold and protect the same". The King's Council itself should have a majority of this sect. Senior state officials must speak Norwegian; and an international body can exercise on internal affairs on the country only with a prior "three-fourths majority" of parliament, but will "not" have the "power to alter the Constitution".

If that were Norwegian state theory, let us see her practices.

Norway put the Nazis' theory of selective breeding into practice, and like the Nazis sterilized people as racial policy, these experiments continuing up to 1994. These racist ideas gave rise to Quisling, the Norwegian leader under the Nazis. Even now, minority Lapps - Samis - suffer. Skulls robbed from their graves were used to show Samis as inferior. Young Sami children are encouraged to ignore their heritage and until very recently, were forbidden to learn their language at school. The use of the Sami language in the Church is banned. This year the Norwegian government ordered arbitrary reductions, up to 10% of reindeer herds - the livelihood of the Samis.

Let us now translate this Norwegian theory and practice to Sri Lanka.

Unlike today, Buddhism would be the State religion (now given only "foremost position"); there will be a ban on conversions; Chandrika Kumaratunga will be barred from baptizing her children; state officials must speak Sinhalese; foreign "mediation" will only be allowed after three-fourths of the parliament's approval; and will not be allowed for any discussion to alter the Constitution; Tamil children will not be allowed to pray in Tamil; and cultivation in Jaffna would be reduced this year by 10%.

It is with policies like this that this colonialist steps into our country.

Their present interference was preceded by a prior propaganda assault- PsyOps. Carefully selected, university teachers were paid several times their salary by Norway to brainwash our youth. And those NGO employees who demonstrate against defeating the Tigers have links to Norwegian money.

The colonialist National Peace Council (NPC) is in the trenches with the new imperialists. Its chief organizer Ajit Rupasinghe, Kumar's brother marches with the LTTE in Geneva. When the troops were about to take Jaffna, Kumar Rupasinghe, a key backer of the NPC called on the army to stop. The NPC has propagated in foreign countries the traditional homelands hoax, at times calling for dismantling existing settlements. It's Media Director - read chief propagandist- Jehan Perera, at the time of the Indian incursion threatened Sri Lanka with dire consequences. He has several times questioned the need for our sovereignty and has called for a "shared sovereignty" and for "two near-states". Recently, his organization produced a completely unscientific survey - I saw the questionnaire - that falsely showed that the country wanted negotiations with the Tigers. They continuously brain wash the Sri Lankan public to accept a loss of sovereignty. The Norwegians would never allow any of this in their own country. In December, Jehan Perera was at a seminar organized by the German Cultural Institute on Sri Lankan history where many of his mistruths were implicitly under question. He did not say a single word.

Clear links between foreign funded so-called "Peace Groups" and Tigers and Tiger fronts are easy to establish.

This is not the first time we have been subject to Norwegian lies and interference. The then NORAD representative Arne Piertoff - who later formed Worldview Foundation - said in a Norwegian newspaper that in Sri Lanka three names were well regarded, the Buddha, Marx and himself. Thor Heyerdhal propagated the lie that the Buddha statues found in the Maldives - the heritage of the Sinhalese connection - were statues from the Easter Islands. And I had credible reports that their embassy or NORAD office in Delhi hid leaders of the Vikalpa group who were then waging their own war on behalf of Tamil separatism.

On the other hand, our ambassadors to Norway and Scandinavia have been "colorful" personalities. We had NevilleJayaweera who according to the BBC Listener had seen visions in the night; a condition I would have thought requires urgent psychiatric treatment. Instead he became head of a Christian propaganda unit in London and later our ambassador for Scandinavia. We had Lal Jayawardene in WIDER, Helsinki who left under a deeply tarnished image, after sponsoring that book of partial fiction Buddhism Betrayed of Tambiah and whose wife Kumari Jayawardene was organizing a seminar at WIDER on alleged Sinhala chauvinism. (Source WIDER).

Our government (and opposition) is not like the sophisticated leaders of the Israelis and the Palestinians. In the last negotiations, they allowed the Tiger flag of the Cholas to fly side by side with the national flag. (Norwegians treat their national flag very properly). And when one of Chandrika's negotiating cronies was asked by the BBC of the problems at Elephant Pass, he said that it was no problem, because his "approach was scientific". And the negotiators at the last meeting with the LTTE were Uyangoda who is on written record justifying separatism and Charles Abeysekera whose NGO empires endorsed the fiction of traditional homelands. With negotiators like this, we do not require Tigers as enemies.

From the beginning of the separatist war, Tamil migrants in Norway have pre brainwashed the Norwegians. Their University, Tromso already recognizes Eelam in their research grants. And, according to Tamil Net, which earlier leaked the Tiger agreement with Ranil; under Norwegian plans, ethnically cleansed land in the North will be left in Tigers' hand. Norwegians limit the Sami's use of their land but accept the completely fictional Tamil homelands.

After the Indian "Accord", the American Ambassador to Sri Lanka, James Spain said the Americans "still blame the Japanese, but ironically in Sri Lanka, the people do not blame India" And last week, a South Indian politician Subramaniam Swamy, aghast at our neo colonialism called for a halt to Norwegian interference.

Before coming here, the Norwegian Foreign Minister shook the blood stained hand of Balasingham of the LTTE, who is guilty of two easily provable crimes against humanity. They are the ethnic cleansing of Jaffna and the killing of the 600 policemen who surrendered to them, as well as of all the armed personnel at Mullativu. Instead of suing the Tigers like the Chilean dictator Pinochet, they now collaborate with it, putting on the Quisling mantle once again.

The Norwegian embassy should now make public, all those who got their money for ethnic "conflict resolution". They should announce whether - as being talked about - Norwegians are about to finance a new information technology facility for Kumar Rupasinghe. And, Foreign Ministry officials should also declare whether any NGO, they or their family is involved in, has received any Norwegian aid. This is a standard requirement in other countries to prevent possible conflicts of interest.

LTTE is again signaling with their rain of bombs. The "peace" employees are silent, because their paymasters have not given the order to protest. Truth and justice must now send its own signals. When Tiger bombs next rain on Chandrika or Ranil, we should have no sympathy. Security forces should ponder deeply when their camps are next overrun by the LTTE - aninevitable outcome of Norwegian interference.

And they should remember that the absence from the Independence celebrations - unheard of in any other country- of both their Commander in Chief Chandrika, and her next politician in command Sirima, was not a dereliction of duty. They possibly were thinking of strategies to deal with the new enemy, Norway.