After you made your way thur the "Underwater Cave". My entrace pillars w/skulls greet you as you enter
the graveyard.
The smoke machine and moon back drop is Multi-Techs.
The glowing white sheet paper tombstones are Multi-Techs.
The fake tree cut out is Multi-Techs.
To the left you can see some of the flats painted my Matt and myself of the crypts. The brick layouts were
done in regular white paint with UV paint mortar. Carpet tubes were cut in half and painted black, then sponge
painted in regular white paint by my wife. The city had been cuting tree limbs that week and had a large pile
of branches down the street, we took one and wired it to the wall (left center). It worked very well.
Thats Don of Multi-Tech on the left.
The crypt in the center didnt turn out like I would have liked it. It looked to much like a jail.
Placed inside of the crypt (jail) was a 2 foot Blacklight made by GE. These lights are great. The lamp and
socket are sold as a package and cost about $12.00, I bought about 4 of them this year.
You can really see the UV artwork that went into the graveyard flats done by Matt and myself.
Its a shame that UV paints dont weather very well over time in heat and humidity of Florida without
a sealant over them.
The back 3 stones are mine and the front 2 Multi-Techs. A word of advice about tombstones. If want want
people to read them, place then in an area where people will be hanging out and take their time to do so.
Corner graves in the UV.
Corner graveyard flat painted my Matt and myself. The UV tombstones came out cool.
Multi-Techs moon and tree back drop for the graveyard. The moon looked cool when back lit. It really
gave depth to the area.
Multi-Techs tombstones.......Hummmm that fence looks like something from 1998s haunt.
Multi-Techs tombstones.
The white sheet paper really glowed under the black lights, but a very square pattern on the stones.