Don't Wound His Sensitive Masculine Pride

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Assignment for Lesson #12

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This is Your Assignment Should You Choose to Accept Him

  1. Read chapter 12 "Masculine Pride" in Fascinating Womanhood.

  2. Work on watching your tongue and facial expressions.

  3. Practice what you will say when situations similar to past ones arise.

  4. Take the steps necessary to break down the wall of reserve if your husband has one.

  5. Read chapter 13 - Sympathetic Understanding.

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Study Questions

  1. What is a man proud of?

  2. What are the universal masculine qualities?

  3. What traits does your husband have that he is particularly proud about?

  4. How do wives wound their husband's pride?

  5. What things can you do to build your husband up?

  6. What things can you do to destroy him or cause him to withdraw?

  7. What might a man do if he has wounded pride?

  8. Explain the "wall of reserve".

  9. What causes the wall of reserve?

  10. Name specific things you have done to build this wall. Think of phrases, reactions, complaints, ways you compete, ways you have advanced, etc.

  11. Name the steps you can take to tear down this wall.

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    Victorian Elegance

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    Dynamic Drive