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Ground Beef Monthly Cooking Supplies

Before you begin your ground beef cooking marathon, here is a bit of advice:

  bulletBegin with a clean kitchen. There is nothing so disgruntling as trying to work in a mess. It doesn't have to be spotless, but make it as free of clutter as you can.

  bulletHave all your dishes done and put away; then as you work and wash you have a clean place to put them to dry.

  bulletHave your sink full of hot soapy water. You can substitute the dishwasher, but there really won't be that much to do.

  bulletHave all your ingredients ready. If you substitute one of your own recipes (to use after you make the master mixes or as a master mix), add the ingredients to the master grocery list below.

cow faceTools I Use

large mixing bowl
food processor with steel blade
large kettle or dutch oven
medium saucepan or stockpot
rubber spatula
steel turner
measuring spoons

cow faceMaster Grocery List

I buy ground chuck in family packs. I have found that my local grocery store usually has it marked down first thing in the morning from the night before. Whenever I see it marked down, I buy it. I always have some on hand when I need to cook. Ready? Here goes...

20 pounds ground beef
4 medium onions, minced in food processor (do one at a time as needed)
2 green peppers, chopped in food processor
6 cloves garlics, ground in food processor
8 eggs
1 family-size tomato sauce (this is around a gallon)
4 cups fresh bread crumbs
3 cups oatmeal
1 Tbs. basil
1 Tbs. oregano
3 Tbs. salt
6 tsp. pepper
Italian seasonings as you like for spaghetti - basil, marjoram, oregano, garlic, fennel, etc.

fence bar

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Many thanks to Helena Normark for this entire set of graphics. Visit her site by clicking on the logo below.


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