Un Produit à PowerPoint

le français IV - Un Produit à PowerPoint Preliminaries Step 1 Watch French Commercials on Video for Ideas Step 2 Choose a Product Writing and Editing Step 3 Make Notes, Ideas planning what you want to advertise Step 4 On Powerpoint make your first draft; you must have at least 6-9 slides Step 5 Check your work and share ideas and usage of powerpoint with your classmates. Consult with the teacher about correct grammar. Decide if there are things you would like to change or improve. You may consider: · Organization - does your presentation have a good opening and closing slide? are your slides logical? · Liveliness and creativity - does your presentation sound interesting? · Choice of language - did you use the appropriate words and phrases? · Spelling - did you make the necessary agreements? did you put in the correct accent marks? Step 6 Prepare a final draft saved to your portfolio disk. Step 7 Present your product to the class Step 8 Your goal is to convincingly sell the product to the class

Grading Process = quiz grade Product = test grade Presentation = homework grade

Directions for PowerPoint Pick a Look Wizard On-Screen Presentation Templates - click on MORE Speakers Notes Follow Directions First Slide Follow Directions New Slide - click on Task Bar From Menu Bar Use Insert (to insert clip art, graphics) Use Tools and then Transition (to move the words) Use Insert and then Object (to add music, or sound waves) Accent Marks can be made with the codes for the side keyboard that you were given. To scan pictures in, you will use the scanner.

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