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An Affirmation of the Roman Catholic Church and Her Doctrine:


Dear God,
Please opens the eyes of those who do not understand the Roman Catholic Church, and instead of judging the Roman Catholic Church, they pray for her, and intercede for her, and do 'love one another'. Let them know they do not persecute just people, but the body of Christ. Open their eyes to the pain they cause their brother in Christ.
In the Name of Jesus, Son of Almighty God, AMEN!!

[1John 4:20.23] If any one says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen...

  1. Main Point:

  2. When I began witnessing for the Lord on the Internet, my confidence in the Christian way of the Roman Catholic Church was in doubt. My leanings were more towards the Protestant interpretation of the Way and the Word of the Lord.

  3. As I talked to people, and some on the Internet speak in the words of the devil himself, I was challenged in my faith.

  4. The trials of this life have pushed me ever closer to Jesus. I have found myself, on several occasions, where there was nothing I could do but pray. It has been confirmed to me, Jesus is all I need. And the Lord will provide as I trust in Him.

  5. About the same time, the preacher at the Protestant church I was attending, began to make accusations in his sermons, specifically against the Roman Catholic Church. I found his words to be slanderous and inaccurate. It troubled me deep in my soul to hear these words. And as I looked around me, all I could see, in that church, were the people accepting the words of the preacher - without question. We have to be Bereans (Acts 17:11).

  6. The Holy Spirit moved me to write/right the preacher, and point out the problems with his sermon, and the very wrath of God he was inciting by slandering the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

  7. His response was to send me a document, written by an ex-catholic holding a grudge, which took the catechism out of context and did not bother to look up RCC doctrine in scripture. In other words - it was a document meant to incite negative emotional responses from the reader.

  8. Being respectful of the preacher, I carefully examined the document, and looked up the doctrines (which are extremely easy to find) in the catechism and the Bible. In verse after verse, I found ample proof of:

    1. The gift of intercession given to Mary and all the saints, (John 20:22, 23; Rom 12:6-8; Matthew 22:32; Mark 11:25; James 5:16)
      Family of God
      Mary stuff
      more Mary stuff
      A reply to negative comments about Mary.

      You see, if I deny what is said about Mary, then I feel I deny the Power of God imputed to every believer in Jesus.

    2. Purgatory, (Matthew 18:21-35, Luke 12:47, 48, 1 Cor 3:10-15, Zechariah 13:9)
    3. Indulgences
    4. Evidence of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in the mass,
    5. The necessity of faith proven by works to be accepted by the Lord, (Rom 9:15, 16; Matthew 7:24-27; John 15:12; Matthew 25:31-46; Matthew 19:17)
    6. Oral tradition, (1 Cor 11:2, 2 Thes 2:15)
    7. Baptism of babies, and the remission of sin.
    8. Transubstantiation/Eucharist/The Lord's Supper
    9. ICONS (images)

  9. In other words, the Protestant preacher inspired me to find out for myself. What I found quite concretely confirmed and affirmed the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.

  10. Along with this, I found I had doubt associated with the Trinitarian nature of God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost). When I first began witnessing, I would (I noticed) with hesitation, agree with people about God being singular. The Lord let me know, in different ways, God wants us to affirm His Trinitarian nature. God in three persons, blessed Trinity.

    And so I say, with all the angels and saints:

    Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning, now and ever shall be, World without end, AMEN!!

  11. I have found, as with everyone, we must all personally accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Because, this is the key to it all: An active focused fixation on Christ the King. The Church, life, and everything are meaningless without Jesus. And the Lord wants us to practice our liberty in love and righteous deeds. Faith is the root, works are the fruit.

Dear Anti-Catholic: a letter for you!

All Glory and Honor are yours Almighty One, forever and ever, Amen!