I lay awake at night, thinking of you
I'm going crazy, not knowing what to do
My days are filled with thoughts of you
How I love you, If you only knew.

The time we've gotten to know each other
How I fell for you, I sit and wonder
Your soothing voice, calms my fears
Your tender words, stop the tears.

It amazes me how a friend could care
Like a constant reminder, that someone's there.
You make things better with a simple touch
I never thought I could trust anyone this much.

With you I see the words freely flow
My deepest thoughts I seem to show
To me you're more than just a friend
We've developed a special bond,
I hope will never end.

I often wonder what I did to deserve you
If I ever lost you, I don't know what I'd do
All I know is you mean a lot to me
I feel that is something, that will forever be.

We don't know what the future holds
That is something we are never told
I don't know how long you'll be here
I admit, it's my greatest fear.

But even though my love for you is one so strong
You have someone else, in whom you long
My friend I fell so hard for you
Now I sit here wondering what to do...

- Elisa Napiza

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