FWF World Title Tourney

Monday Sept 15th
World Title Tournament

Hulk Hogan vs Stevie Richards: 
Richards is dancing around like he is at the local dance pub,  but 
Hogan ain't amused. He rocks Richards with a runnig clothesline. 
Richards is down. Hogan hits the ropes and goes for the finish 
already, but Richards moves. He waits on Hogan to get up an dnails 
him with a dropkick. Richards hits the ropes and takes Hogan down 
with a flying forearm blow. Richards with a body slam and he hits a 
leg drop. 1..2.. Hogan kicks out. Richards waits in the corner and 
charges at Hogan, Hogan ducks the Steviekick and catches Richards in 
a belly to back suplex. He lifts Richards up and takes him down with 
a big boot. Richards rolls from the ring. Hogan goes out after him. 
Richards wanted that as he nails Hogan with  kick to the groin and 
whisp him into the ring post. Richards rolls him back in and he 
dances a little and goes up top. Hogan to his feet and he slams 
Richards from the top rope as he took way to long. Leg drop by Hogan. 

Dean Malenko vs Jabroni James:
Malenko locks up and takes James down with a arm drag. He then rides 
it into a short arm leg scissors. James screams out in pain. Malenko 
releases the hold. He waits on James to get back up and he takes him 
down with a drop toe hold. He manuavers around and he has the Texas 
Clover Leaf out of no where. James taps out.
WINNER: DEAN MALENKO in 56 seconds.

Patroit vs Eddie Golden: 
Eddie Golden attacks before the bell rings and nails him with a knee 
to the back. He whips him in and big back drop. Dropkick sends 
Patroit to the outside. Eddie Golden with a sommersault over the top 
rope onto the Patroit. Golden rolls back in and waits. As the Patroit 
comes back through the ropes Golden catches him with a ddt. Golden 
goes up top and connects with a frog splash, but that ain't enough 
for him. He goes back up top and comes off with a sommersault leg 
drop, but Patroit moved. Golden is slow to get up, but so is the 
Patroit. Golden runs in, but the Patroit ducks and catches Golden in 
a japanesse suplex. Right on his head. Cover. 1...2....3!

Brett Hart vs Jeff Hardy:
This should be a good match up. Hardy backs Hart into the corner and 
beil throws him out. Hart favors his back and this time he ask for a 
lock up and he backs Hardy into the corner, Hart attempts a beil, but 
Hardy blocks it. Kicks Hart in the stomach and flips over. He uses 
the confusion of Hart and hip tosses Hart again. Hart is stunned by 
Hardy's quickness. Hardy gets right on him and whips him into the 
corner face fisrt and charges behind him. Springs off the top rope 
and nails Hart with a spin kick to the face. Hart rolls out of the 
ring. Hardy goes up top and comes off with a cross body block, but 
Hart moves and Hadry crashes down on the guard rail. Hart picks him 
up and drops him again on the guard rail. He rolls Hardy in and sends 
him into the rops and nails a big powerslam. He rolls Haryd over and 
locks on the Sharpshooter. Hardy taps out.

Alex Wright vs Bryan Wayne:
Alex Wright comes in dancing, but Wayne isn't impressed and teh 432 
pounder starts a little dance of his own. Alex is ticked off and he 
charges Wayne and is caught in a belly to belly. Wayne waits on him 
to get up and drops the scissor kick down on him. Wayne hoist ip 
Wright and drops him throat first on the top rope. Wyane goes up to 
the second rope and comes off with an elbow drop. Wright moves. He 
rocks Wayne with a series of dropkicks, before putting him down with 
a cross body off the top. Wright covers, but Wayne throw him off way 
up into the air. Wayne catches him with knee. He whips Wright into 
the corner and follows with a cart wheel into a back elbow. Wright 
slumps out. Wayne catches him before he falls and lifts him up for 
the Playboybomb. 1..2...3!

Matt Hardy vs Disco Inferno:
Flash Funk Catches Matt Hardy with a chair shot in teh isle way and 
rolls him into Disco. Disco nails the swing neckbreaker. 1..2..3.!

Owen Hart vs Flash Funk:
Owen comes rushing in and he nails Flash with a spinning leg lariat. 
He knocks Disco out of the ring as he was doing a victory dance. Owen 
whips, no reversal and Owen is caught in a frankensteiner by Funk. 
Funk goes up top, but Davey Boy shakes the ropes. Funk falls off and 
Owen hooks on the Sharpshooter. Funk gives up.

Chris Benoit vs Bristish Bulldog:
Benoit comes in very serious. He backs Davey Boy into the corner and 
chops him. Once, twice, three times. Bulldog winces in pain. Benoit 
scoops him up and places him upside down in the corner and starts 
kicking away at the prone Bulldog. Benoit untagnles the Bulldog and 
goes for a suplex. Blocked by the Bulldog. Bulldog reverses it a hits 
a big vertical suplex. Bulldog lifts up Benoit and sends him for a 
dropkick. Benoit rolls under the ropes. Bulldog grabs him and 
slingshots him into the bottom rope. Bulldog pulls him back to the 
center of the ring and this time slingshots him into the top 
turnbuckle. Benoit is groggy and staggers out right into a powerslam 
position. Bulldog runs, but Benoit slides off and pushes him into the 
corner. Bulldog comes back out right into a kick to the stomach. 
Benoit with a powerbomb. He goes up top and connects with the 
headbutt. 1..2...3!

Hogan vs Malenko
Malenko takes Hogan down with a drop toe hold. He then rubs Hogan's 
face into the mat. Hogan comes up hot, but Malenko uses that and 
dodges a charge and dropkicks Hogan in the back sending himi out of 
the ring. Malenko goes out with him and rams Hogan into the ring 
apron back first. Malenko rolls back in to break the count. Rolls 
back out and smacks Hogan across the back with a chiar. He then slams 
Hogan onto the concrete. Malenko is really aggresive today folks. 
Hogan is rolled back in and Malenko goes up top. He catches Hogan in 
the back with a knee from the top. Malenko goes for the Texas 
Cloverleaf. As he has it applied Alex Wright comes running in and he 
drops a leg down on Hogan. The ref calls for the bell and Malneko 
thinks he has won, but Malenko has been dq'd for outside 
interference. As the ref tells him what happened Malenko charges out 
of the ring towards the back. Wright had better hope he gets out of 
here before Malenko finds him.
WINNER by dq is HULK HOGAN in 4:09

Bret Hart vs Patroit:
This should be a good one also. Hart ties up the Patrit in the ropes. 
Hart actually gives a clean break. Hart backs him up again and again 
a clean break. For a third time Hart backs him in and this time he 
throws a punch, but the Patroit blocks it and the southpaw nails Hart 
with one of his own. The Patroit whips Hart in and nails a shoulder 
tackle. He crosses over Hart. Hart comes up and leapfrogs the 
Patroit. Goes for a another but the Patroit stops and catches him in 
an atomic drop. Follows up wih a clothesline. The Patroit reaches 
down to pick up Hart, but Hart rolls him in a small package and he 
has his feet on the ropes and hand full of tights. 1...2...3.

Disco Inferno vs Playboy Bryan Wayne:
Jeff Hardy comes out and he nails Disco with chair. He then drops a 
rocker droper on him onto the ring steps. He rolls him into 
stablemate Wayne. Playboybomb. Wayne goes up top moonsault. 1..2..3!

Owen Hart vs Chris Benoit:
Owne Hart has not shown up for the match. We are not sure what the 
deal is. Wait lets get a camera backstage. Owen Hart is lying out 
cold. It seems he got into Dean Malenko's way as he went after Alex 
Wright. Oh well Benoit moves on via forfeit.

Hogan vs B Hart:
This is a match we've been wanting to see. Hogan is poked in the eyes 
by Hart. Hart rocks Hogan with a dropkick. Hart lifts Hogan onto is 
shoulders and drops him down with a Samoan drop. He goes up to the 
second rope and drops a fist down onto Hogan's head. He covers but 
that wasn't enough to beat Hogan. Hogan is coming up, but Bret keeps 
pounding on him with fist. Hogan is hulking up and he is just 
ignoring the blows of Hart's. Hart kicks him below the belt. Even 
Hogan couldn't shake that off. Hart with a snap mare and a dropkick 
to the back of the head. He puts Hogan into a front face lock. Hogan 
with all his strength counters with a northen lights suplex. Both men 
come up slow, but Hart is up first and levels Hogan with a 
clothesline. Hart goes back up top again and this time comes off with 
an elbow, but Hogan moves. He gets up this time and nails Hart with a 
clothesline and backs him into the roes. Big Boot. Leg drops. 

Benoit vs Wayne:
Benoit is attacked on the outside by Stevie Richards. This must be 
payback for last week. Richards with the Steviekick. Now a Steviebomb 
on the outside. Bryan Wayne rolls out an dhe grabs Stevie from behnd 
and turmns him around. Stevie kick shim in the groin and ddt's him on 
the floor. He does it again this time on a chair. Both men are out 
and teh ref says they are unfit to continue. He says HOGAN IS THE 

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