Angie's Story/gUMBy aNd pOKEy's pARADISe
This is my story about how Doug and I met and what happened from there. Please check back for updates. Thank You.
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I met Doug on DALnet and EFnet on the 23rd of October, 1998. We were both in the #Seattle chat rooms on both DALnet and EFnet. He was under the nickname gUMBy77. If you've never been on either DALnet or EFnet I will try to explain this to you. On DALnet you can have as many characters in you nick as you want, my nick was liLizZzyy^Kittyy, but on EFnet it only alows nine characters, so it cuts off the rest of your nick, so my nick on EFnet was liLizZzyy. Well mister gUMBy77 decided to comment on this...but the words he chose were: "EFnet doesn't like the kittyy."
Well me being a defensive person took this the wrong way and since I was the only kittyy there, I figured he was just another jerk. I said a few choice words to him defending myself and putting him down, he of course did not understand what was going on. Finally we figured things out and started talking.

Right from the start we really got along great. It didn't take long for me to know that he was the one for me. We talked endlessly everyday for about a week. It was different with Doug from the beginning compared to the other people I have met on the internet. We just 'clicked' from the start. I think after two days of talking to him I e-mailed him one day and told him that I would like to meet him in person. I have NEVER wanted to meet anyone from the internet in person. Although I have met many people in person, this was the first time I ever suggested it. The other times I have met people on the internet I really didn't want to and I felt pressured into it. With Doug I wanted to. I am not sure what the e-mail I sent to Doug said, but something about meeting him, over Thanksgiving when I was home to visit my family. This is the reply e-mail I received from him:

got your cards =:>, i liked the poem...and both cards got a big did ur email, i supose i could stand to be around you for a couple days =:Þ hehe hope to talk to you soon *dougiehugz*

(I have every e-mail he has ever sent me!)

That's Doug always dishing it out. "I suppose I could be around you for a couple of days.." Well now he's going to have to be around me forever!

I knew I was in love with Doug, after only talking to him for a week. I certainly wasn't going to say it so soon though. I couldn't risk scaring him or losing him. On the 4th of November, after only talking for twelve days we were talking on the phone that night, he was at work and I was at home, we were getting off the phone and he quietly said: "I love you."
I was quiet for a few seconds, because I knew what I heard and my heart almost stopped. 'Could this be? The man I am in love with just told me he loves me?' Well it was true, amazing but true. I said back to him: "I love you too."

Everyone told me that it wouldn't last and it would be different after you meet. You won't get along, you'll think he's ugly, some excuse or another. It was like the whole world was jealous.

I went to my mom's house in Cle Elum Washigton on the 25th of November. Doug had left for California and Las Vegas on the 21st of November. He got back from Las Vegas on the night of the 28th and my mom brought me to his house on the morning of the 29th. That was the first time we didn't talk everyday since we had met. I did talk to him once that week for about 40 minutes on the night of Thanksgiving, the 26th.

On the morning I was supposed to go to Kirkland I called him and the phone was busy. I started having doubts.. 'what if he doesn't want to meet me now?' 'what if he hates me?' 'what if I go there and he's not there?' Remember I hadn't talked to him since Thursday night and this was now Sunday morning. Well I finally paged him about three or four times and he called me back at my moms house. I was still very nervous, it was about 7:00am and I hardly slept the night before. I think we talked on the phone (long distance) for about 30-45 minutes when my mom finally said: "Lets go, you're going to see him in a couple hours." So we left.

I had directions to apartment and I made him reassure me that he would open the door when I got there. I also made him promise me that if he hated me that he would tell me. I made a deal with him: "if you don't kiss me within the first 10 minutes I am there, that's how I will know you don't like me." He tried to reassure me that he loved me, but I was scared.

My mom and her husband took me over there. When we got to his apartment I went up and knocked on the door. I felt like I was going to be sick I was so nervous. Doug answered the door as promised, in boxers and a T-shirt. First thing he did was hug me. I told him I would be back and I went to get my stuff. Dennis (my mom's husband) helped me bring up my suitcases and met Doug that day. We went in his room, I sat on his bed and I told him how bervous I was, we talked for a few minutes and I have no idea what about. Then he kissed me. I guess he liked me after all. I stayed with him until Tuesday night and then I had to leave to go home.

I came back a week later for only two days. After that I went to see him the 8th - 17th of January, 12th - 17th of February (Valentines Day), we left for Jamaica the 25th of February and came back the 2nd of March and I stayed in Seattle until the 6th of February. I went again the 8th - 16th of April. I will be going to see him for his birthday which is June 21st.

I will be moving to Seattle the end of September. We are going to live together. I can't wait.

Our relationship is great, except the fact that we live about 1,400 miles from eachother. Not for long!

I have made Doug agree that we must tell eachother everyday that we love eachother, no matter what. We do. Our saying: "I love you forever and 11 days." (It's a long story how the 11 days came about, maybe some other time.)

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Please check back for updates. Thank You!

Check out Doug's Story and see what he has to say!