STEREO THEATER SHOW PROPOSAL, NSA Convention'98 - Richmond, VA, 8/6-10/98

Dear Presenter: Please fill in or put "Y" for "YES" in all  blanks  that
apply  to  your  show!   Your  cooperation in filling out this LONG form
accurately will better enable us to support your show Aug 6-10  '98  and
to schedule your show for the maximum efficiency in setting up equipment
that will minimize the cost and time of contacting you  by  phone,  FAX,
e-mail,  or  mail.   Please  printout this form then use a typewriter or
PRINT clearly when filling it out.  Use more paper if needed.



Running  Show Time in minutes ____
Average time in seconds that each slide is on the screen ____
Time in minutes required to set up projection equipment ____ and for
Introduction ____  (NOTE: If required setup time is more than FIVE minutes,
the show will be scheduled first in the morning, or first after lunch,
or first after a break to give presenter (you) and/or our NSA projectionist
the time needed to set up without keeping the audience waiting.)
I am bringing a cassette ____, reel-to-reel tape ____;   I want to speak
from the projection platform ____ or from the podium ____.  As Kodalith
mask, sandwich or mylar in my slides causes depolarization, the
polarizers must be removed from inside each projector and placed over
the lenses ____.  I want to setup ____, project ____ my show.  Show to
be delivered by me ____ or _________________ to Bill Duggan at the hotel
about (time) ____:____ __.m.  on 8/5/98 or sent via: ______________________


1. Number of slides in "Realist" Format
	(both Left & Right in the same 41 x 101mm mount) _______
My slides are mounted:
a) In glass ____;   b) In RBT mounts ____;   c)  In EMDE Mounts ____;
d) In Stereo Realist Mounts ____;   e) Remounted in cardboard____;
f) In original cardboard mounts used by film processor ____;
g) OTHER ____ Explain/describe how they are mounted: ______________________
h) I have placed a spot and number on each slide in lower left corner as
hand viewed ____;

2.  Number of 3-D pairs of 2" x 2" (50mm x 50mm) slides (Left & Right in
separate 35mm mounts) ____; My slides are mounted:   a) In glass___; b)
Precision remounted in plastic or cardboard____;   c) In original
cardboard or plastic mounts used by film processor ____;   d) In "full
frame" (28, 32, 34, or 36mm wide) masks ____ or in double 18 x 24mm GEPE
#6102 masks ____ so that two slides side-by-side will fill the 21' wide
screen; e) In 24 x 24mm ___or 23 x 24mm___wide masks so that three
slides side-by-side will fill the screen;   f) In separate 18mm masks
____ so that four slides side-by-side fill the screen;   g) In
SUPER-SIZE 36 x 36mm masks ____, or in vertical  full frame masks ____,
in which case I will bring two ____ or four ____ 300mm or 12" projector
lenses with supports needed to prevent my images from spilling off the
screen;   h) In "Panorama" mounts about 17mm high ____ in which case the
NSA projectionist will use 4" (102mm) or 5" (124mm) lenses so my images
will fill the screen;   i) As compressed anamorphic images compressed in
________ratio requiring anamorphic projection lenses, which I will bring
____;   j) OTHER _________________________________________________________,

Explain: __________________________________________________________________
Number of  Kodak Ektagraphic IIIA projectors required for my show: ____;
Number of  Kodak UNIVERSAL 80-slide carousel trays needed for my show____;
Number I will bring _____ with white vertical alignment line at #20,
with RED or ORANGE tape around LEFT tray and GREEN or BLUE tape around
RIGHT Tray, with SUBJECT and my NAME taped on each tray. 

3. Number of View-Master reels ____;  I will bring a View-Master
projector ____.

4. Number of  LARGE FORMAT slides ____ Size ____________;
Equipment required: _______________________________________________________ 
which I will bring ____

5. I will bring a 3-D video show ____ to be projected ____ or shown on TV
monitor ____ in a smaller room ____, or at my table in the trade show _____
as a demonstration, or projected on the 21' wide screen in the main
projection room ____ as a scheduled show.  I will bring all equipment and
any special glasses required ____. (*The TV Theatre room will also have
3D Sound - 3 front channels and a surround channel to work from any Hi-Fi
stereo video tape)

6. I want my show presented:   a) One 3-D image after another with no fade
dissolve ____;   b) One 3-D image after another with fade dissolve ____;
c) Two 3-D images side-by-side filling the screen, both images coming on
simultaneously ____, alternating _____, with no fade dissolve ____, or with
fade dissolve ____;  d) Three images filling the screen simultaneously ____,
cascading (Left, then Center, then Right) ____, with no fade dissolve ____,
or with fade dissolve ____;  e )Four images filling the screen
simultaneously ____, cascading with 1 & 2 together and 3 & 4 together ____,
or cascading separately  (1, then 2, then 3, then 4, etc) ____ 

7. My show requires the following fade/dissolve equipment, which I will
bring ____,  MAKE: _______________________________________________________

MODEL of fade/dissolve: __________________________________________________

8. The audio for my show is to be:
a) Live narration by me from the projection platform ____ or from the
podium up front ____;   b) Background music on a CD ____, mono on a 
cassette ____ or reel-to-reel tape ____, stereo ____ on a cassette ____ or
Reel-to-Reel tape ____, with DOLBY ____, without DOLBY____;
c) Combined narration and music on the same tape track(s) ____, mono ____,
stereo _____, with DOLBY ____, without DOLBY ____, or with DBX ____.
d) Slide sync/change cue signals are recorded on my tape on track 1
____, track 2 ____, track 3 ____, or track 4 ____ by my fade/dissolve
unit ____ or as 1000 HZ beeps ____, as 150 HZ beeps ____, as 50 HZ beeps
____, as voice commands ____ (such as "Next slide" or "Slide number 2"
hopefully with a brief description of the slide) which the projectionist
can hear via headphones, or sync signals are to be added to my tape by
duping my tape on a blank tape which I will bring ____ by NSA
fade/dissolve unit on 8/5 or 8/6 at the convention.  (NOTE: Please use a
standard speed C-60 or C-90 (NOT C-120) cassette tape with recording on
one side (Side A) only, with Side B blank, as NSA tape player reads the
full width of the tape (tracks 1, 2, 3 and 4) in one direction only.)
Speakers and/or headphones can be connected to track 1 only, or  2 only,
or both 1 and 2.  The fade/dissolve unit or headphones are connected to
track 4, or whichever track has the sync/change signals.  Presenter can
also signal slide changes manually by pushing a button which sends a
light or buzz to the projectionist, or if presenter is on the projection
platform, presenter can tap projectionist to signal a change.  *(NOTE:
NSA will have CD, DOLBY, DBX, & reel-to-reel players, as well as stereo
surround sound and the ability to convert mono to stereo on 8/5 & 8/6).

You have a 4 track reel-to-reel ____ or cassette ____. (Stereo music should
be on tracks 1(left) & 2(right), track 3 is for special surround such as
narration or effects, and track 4 is slide control signaling.)

Please describe or explain how the projectionist is to know when to change 
slides: ___________________________________________________________________

9. My show is available for preview by the selection committee ____?
If so, when and where? ____________________________________________________

10. My show has been presented (When? and Where?):
NSA? ______________________________________________________________________
PSA? ______________________________________________________________________
ISU? ______________________________________________________________________
local club/other? _________________________________________________________

11. Please print name, address, phone, FAX, E-Mail of one or two persons who
have seen your show:

12. Other comments, information description, explanation, or questions:

Your signature ____________________________

Your printed full name as you wish it to appear on the program

NAME: _____________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________________ 

State: _____________, ZIP: _____________________

Telephone: (H)______-______-________, (W)______-______-________

FAX: ______-______-________

E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________

Please fill out, sign, and mail form BEFORE 6/30/98 to:<\b>

		William A. DUGGAN, APSA
		Program Coordinator, NSA '98
		P. O. Box 805
		McLean, VA 22101-0805

If you must ship your show, phone or E-Mail William Duggan to arrange best
carrier, address, and date.  For consultation or questions:

		Phone:	703-849-0961

* For more information about our 3D Sound see the convention web site found
through the NSA site:		(
			Convention Info
		3D Sound at NSA Convention'98
		NSA Convention'98 Facilities
		NSA Convention'98 Workshop Proposal Form

	Convention'98 Logo