The Evil Agenda Of The Secret Government: You Must Get This Report
New World Order:
Millenium Special: Get $20 Free, Instantly:
Secret Government Agenda:
Coming Earth Changes:
The Illuminati: Secret Society
The Anunnaki And Nibiru:
Cities of Light: The New Millennium Cities
The Secret Government 's New Virus: Population Control For America
Black Government Cover-Ups: Black Government Secrets
World of Light: Learn Why The Secret Government is Trying To Stop The World of Light



300,000 years ago space beings from a planet call Nibiru known as Anunnaki (Wormwood People) fought a war with benevolent creator gods over ownership of Mother Earth, and the Anunnaki won. Nibiru is the 12th planet of our Solar System.

They landed and took control over Earth and its inhabitants. Over a period of time our DNA was genectically altered by the Anunnaki(who are master genectists) from 12 strand helix to a 2 stand helix; and Adam and Eve were created. The second thing they did was to experience physical sex with humans in order to enter into incarnational cycles by procreating children. The "Holy Bible" relates this event in Genesis 6. The people named the "Nephilim" in Genesis are the Anunnaki. In Hebrew Nephilim means gods who came down to Earth.

Nibiru leaves Earths vicinity every 3600 years and sojourn in outer space. While they are gone, they have put a governing team in place to run things on Earth. This governing team is called the "World Management Team". The groups of people who operate these teams agencies are controlled by the Anunnaki and are instructed to carry out plans that benefit Nibiru and not Earth.

The Secret Government consists of 13 permanent inner members. Recently one defected, which leaves 12 inner members. These members recruit lieutenants for their team agenecies, which control their agendas on this 3rd dimensional Earth plane. They share their power and money with them.

Some of these team agencies are the following: 1) Banks, 2) Schools, 3) World Government,(including Royal Families), 4) Catholic Church(Vatican), 5) Health Care System (Hospitals), (Drug Companies), 6) Secret Societies(See Links), 7) Multi-National Corp's of the world, 8) Communication Systems(TV, Radio, Newspapers)

The "World Management Team" is known today as the "New World Order".

The Anunnaki have underground bases in the Middle East and around the World; where they can carry out their negative agendas which is to create fear and chaos. See Link! The Anunnaki has as its food source; fear, anxiety, chaos, hunger, and despondency. Emotions are a source of food for them.

There are those whose food source is love and the original planners (Creative gods) intend to alter the frequency of Earth to that of love. By year 2002 Earth will be in the frequency of love by entering into the 5th dimension. (Age of Light). Earthlings can assist Earth by becoming system busters. They can conquer fear and allow the cosmic rays coming into Earth to enter their bodies and raise their body frequency to one of love.

Before leaving their property "Earth",the Secret Government will instigate World War Three. They will also try to give all humans a computer bio chip in their bodies (666) and track all humans with their tracking system of low satellites by April 2001.

The humans who take the mark of the beast (666-computer chip) will have sores break out all over their bodies. This will occur because the bio chip will leak radiation into your body and make your blood boil because electro-magnetic low frequency will be used.This in turn will cause sores to appear over all your body.

So Christians and all mankind alike do not be deceived by this chip and do not take it into your bodies. Tell the government there are ways to fix the year 2000 computer problems. Insist on a Debit or Smart Card!

The following is an explanation of how Adam & Eve were created.

The Anunnaki took ape-man (homo erectus) and implanted on him their own image and likeness (genectic material) and created Adam. Later on Eve was created in the same manner.

Man is the product of evolution (homo erectus); but modern man (homo sapiens) is the product of the gods (Anunnaki).

Recommended reading on this subject is the book "Twelfth Planet" by Zecharia Sitchin.

Secret Government Update!

The Secret Govrnment is using mind control techniques over the T.V. airways. They are sending subliminal messages thru our T.V. sets suggesting that humans should not read and messages of violence and other negative messages. These messages come thru even if the T.V. is closed. The only safe TV's are the tube sets made before 1955.It's a good idea to keep one television in a household and cut down on usage.

The Secret Government has taken over all Shadow Governments and all of organized crime. In about one years time, the Secret Government will be completely exposed. The twelve inner members will have to leave planet Earth by year 2002, because Earth will enter into the 5th dimension. By then the energies will not be compatible for them anymore.

There is now an alliance in place between the Pleiadians and Sirians (Sirius) that a whole new order will be occuring in the near future, that will supercede the New World Order of the Anunnaki.


Until the Pleiadians/Siriuis alliance comes to fruition on Earth with a new world order, humans can do the following things to help empower themselves against the Secret Government:

1)Get to know your neighbor; have a block party.

2)Love your neighbor regardless of color or creed.

3)Do not use illegal drugs; keep your body, mind and spirit strong.

4)Keep your soul frequency to one of love and you will remain on Earth when the Shift of Conciousness (5th dimension) comes to Earth in the very near future. If you can't raise your soul energy to one of love, you will be taken off the Planet Earth.

5)Keep an open mind in regard to the existence of benovelent extraterrestrials like the Pleiadians, Arcturians and Sirians. The Secret Government does'nt want you to meet and know them, because you will like them.

6)When you look at TV and see violence or war, send both sides love. The power of thought and prayer is tremendous.

7)Try to eliminate or drastically curtail TV viewing. The Secret Government is sending negative subliminal messages over the TV airways. TV is their primary tool to manipulate your conciousness. Read good books as opposed to TV viewing.If you don't want their negative subliminal messages to affect you, pull the TV plug out of the wall.

8)Keep in touch with your feelings and emotions. Humans can learn discernment through feelings. Human emotions constitutes one of your greatest powers that you have. With free will, humans can change the frequency of chaos, fear and violence being generated by the Secret Government on Earth to a frequency of love.

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