your swanky destinations

music: music for the masses... or not.
shopping: thrift shops and other cool places to browse
cool areas: one-stop fun places!
food: good vegan, vegetarian, and just plain awesome resturants
cool links: there are some good places on the net!
about me!: why do ya want to know!!!

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there are monkeys who've visited my home.

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Magic 21

Magic 21 -
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la la la have fun on my page i hope you do what are you doing today i hope it is fun do you like to read theory i do but i'm a dork but i like dorks so it's all okay have fun bye bye

okay check out this site... lesbian avengers !!!! hey yeah and also look at chicago metro-area gay youth coallition ummmm yeah... when is kevin shields going to get his shit together and make a new album... the trannies stance for the michigan fest is really horrible... if you go, don't support it... talk about how you don't agree with it with EVERYONE!!!!

welcome to the indie-queer guide to chicago!

why do guides on the internet never list the important stuff??? any guide to chicago will tell you where the sears tower and the art institute is... soooo why would i??? i still suggest picking up one of the normal guides though, because some of the "touristy" stuff is still fun... but this guide is different! this will help any cool person realize that chicago is hella lot bigger than the loop.... soooo sit back, you have many things to explore in indie-queer chicago!!!

here is a short list of what else you need to get to explore the city:
  1. a reader- this is a free paper that comes out every thursday... it is definately the most well written paper around and gives good coverage on all the entertainment happening in the city..
  2. go get yourself a cta map if you are taking buses or trains, unless you know what you're doing...

alrighty! go and enjoy yerself!

what's happening in chicago!

okay, i've been kinda lazy in updating this... i've been rather busy and now i don't have a computer anymore... but here are some things coming up!

  • Three Dollar Bill, for info and upcoming shows: email Three Dollar Bill!
  • lesbian avengers meetings are every tuesday at horizons: 961 w montana a block away from the fullerton el stop...
  • dyke march is coming up! full details coming!!!!
  • as always there is the riot grrrl midwest listserv! to join email janet to get on the list and find out about the riot grrrl scene in the midwest! midwest represent!
  • more will be added when i find out about stuff... also email me if you want to tell the community about anything... i'll have it up in at most a week!

talk to heather!


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