Welcome to my Artist of the month desktop wallpaer...Each monh i hope to be able to add a new artist to this page...
Mr. Jenkins and his wife Kathwren have been my favorite artists for sometime... They have a program on tv., on the OPB station and i never fail to watch them when i can catch them..I have bought several of thier videos and I just love thier work..
You will find a picture of them below (I stole it from thier home page *S* )and click on the picture and it will take you to thier home on the net...I hope you enjoy these desktops as much as i have enjoyed making them...
~Carol aka Angel Keeper~

~*Please take time to sign the guestbook...*~

The Picture will take you to the Jenkin's home site and workshop ....

This link will take you to my Websets...I think you will enjoy looking at them too...