COMMON NAME:african house gecko. SCIENTIFIC NAME:Hemidactylus Mabouia MAX.SIZE 4-5 inches NATURAL RANGE:most of the middle east but has been introduced into hawaii and florida. HABITAT:humid tropics and sub-tropics
HOUSING:this method should be used:for every 3 gallons there should be one gecko so for a ten gallon cage you could have up to three geckos. DIET:moths,crickets,small grashoppers,aphids,house flies,fruit flys,and salmon flies. DECOR:live or plastic plants do fine but you should have plenty of hiding places. peices of corkbark leaned up against the glass also make good visual barriers for the geckos. BEDDING:lizzard litter's jungle mix is a good bedding or repti- bark is good,pretty much you just want a bedding that retains moisture. HEATING:under tank heating or a heat lamp. HUMIDITY: 50 to 80% TEMPERATURE:around 70 degrees (night)75 to 85 (day) LIGHTING:flourescent light made for reptiles
House geckos are skittish lizard and they dont appreciate being picked up. How geckos get their water is licking dew of the leaves so you should spray the tank once a day. In the nighttime the males may call making a "bleep" "bleep" during either mating calls or during a territorial problem. Geckos are nocturnal so you should feed them after you turn out the lights. You should calcium coat the crickets twice a week for adults every other day for young geckos.
4113 oak drive
United States